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Sesmex Ne-800

  • تصفية - فلترة
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Sesmex Ne-800

    [align=center]Sesmex Ne-800[/align]

    [align=left]The automated haematology analyser Sysmex NE-8000 was compared with the Technicon H-1, the automated analyser routinely used in our laboratory, and with manual cell differentiation results. One hundred and seventy samples from the daily routine workload, comprising specimens from healthy adults and patients with various ailments, were analysed on the Sysmex NE-8000 and the Technicon H-1. A manual-400 leukocyte differential count was performed on each specimen. Comparison of the results from the two blood cell counters showed good correlation (r greater than 0.9) for the white blood cell count, haemoglobin, haematocrit and platelet count. For the red blood cell count and mean cellular volume, the correlation coefficients were greater than 0.8. In the leukocyte differential count, Sysmex NE-8000 and Technicon H-1 showed good correlations for the neutrophil (r = 0.953), lymphocyte (r = 0.763), and eosinophil counts (r = 0.904). Correlation coefficients were very low for monocyte (r = 0.130) and basophil counts (r = 0.006). Correlation between the manual-400 method and the electronic leukocyte differential count showed similar results. Two hundred and twenty six normal and abnormal samples were compared with respect to morphology flagging with the two analysers, using the manual differentiation as the reference method. The abnormal specimens were representative of the range of leukocyte abnormalities seen in our laboratory. Sensitivity for detecting blasts was equal for both analysers. Sysmex NE-8000 was much more sensitive for detecting immature granulocytes than Technicon H-1. Low ranges of atypical lymphocytes were missed by Sysmex NE-8000. Left shift was also frequently missed[/align]


  • #2
    هلا والله اخوي...

    سيسمكس اسمع عنه ايام الدراسه انه يستخدموه ودرسنا شويه عنه وعن الاجهزه الثانيه بس ماشوفه في المستشفيات مادري ليه شكله مو شي

    شكرا لك على موضوعك وجهازك الحلو..


    • #3
      [align=center]أنا شفته بأحد المستشفات المركزية :sm188:

      جهاز جيد وعلى العموم هذه الشركة معروفة جداً في مجال علم الدم [/align]


      • #4
        هذا الجهاز يقوم بكل اختبارات cbc&differential
        مع تحياتي
        ابوبدر الهاشمي


        • #5
          شكرا للموضوع الجميل
          اجازة 10ايام وراجع للغربه الله يعين

          انا احبكم


          • #6
            هذا الجهاز يقوم بكل اختبارات cbc&differential
            بالطبع اخي يعمله ...
            ولكن في الدفرنشيال من الممكن ان لايعتمد عليه...
            لان اشوف اكثر المستشفيات يعملو سلايد وبعملوا لها دفرنشيال...
            بعض المستشفيات اي عينه مطلوب لها بلود فيلم او دفرنشيال يعملوا لها سلايد ...
            وبعض المستشفيات عندها Rules فاذا كان عدد WBCs مرتفع كثير او نازل كثير او ان هناك اختلاف في احجام RBCs يعملوا لها سلايد..وهكذا...



            • #7
              مش فاهم


              • #8
                we have in our lab the smaller sysmex XS - 800 with 5 bars of differential i depend on it but if the count is more than 20000 or if there is a flag with immature cells , normoblasts , or blasts . low platelet count less than 100,000 , haemoglobin less than 8 ...differential count must be done


                • #9
                  the problem with sysmex company they are still new as a separate company from the mother company Roche and the dealing with them is still not taht easy as with Roche company


                  • #10
                    مشكور أخي علي الموضوع القيم بدنا إمتحاناتلو حد عندوا عشان نتفاعل أكتر .


                    • #11
                      صراحه جهاز ممتاز بس نبغى شرح تفصيلي عن الجهاز لأن عندنا في المستشفى جهاز واحد فقط ومايخلوا اي واحد يشتغل عليه ونادراً نلاقيه في المختبرات

