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oil immersion objective

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • oil immersion objective

    ما أهمية استخدام oil immersion objective ? بالأصح ما أهمية ال oil ؟

  • #2
    Because the Light passing out of the slide, into the air, toward the objective lens is refracted, due to the different in refractive index between air and glass. While the bending cause by this difference is not important at 100X and 400X, at 1000X this refraction is problematic, causing blurring of the image and significant loss of light. Immersion oil has a refractive index very similar to that of glass. Placement of a drop of oil between the objective lens and the slide prevents the bending of light rays and clarifies the image. The blue dashed line represents a potential light ray if immersion oil is not present. The red dashed line represents a light ray if immersion oil is present.


    • #3
      شكرا للاخ antivirus على المعلومه الجميله


      • #4
        thanks antivirus

        وما من كاتـب إلا سيفنى * ويبقي الدهر ما كتبت يداه

        فلا تكتب بكفك غير شيءٍ * يسرك في القيامة أن تـراه


        • #5
          antivirus بارك الله فيك وزادك الله علما ع علمك


          • #6
            شكرا كتييير معلومة حلوة ما كنا نعرفها
            Life is different than a teacher, A teacher teaches u a lesson & then keeps the exam..
            But the LIFE keeps the exam first & then teachs u the lesson



            • #7
              جزاك الله خيرا اخى وجعله الله فى ميزان حسناتك

