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Laboratory rules for microbiology

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مشاركات جديدة

  • Laboratory rules for microbiology

    Laboratory rules for microbiology
    Personal conduct
    1- No eating, drinking or smoking in the lab. No food or drinks are allowed in the lab.
    2- Proper attire ملابس is required. There will be open flames, so do not wear loose clothing. Chemicals which can leave indelible stains on clothing will be used .you must obtain a disposable alb coat from the bookstore, which you must wear at all times in the lab. Your coat lab coat must remain in the lab when you leave at the end of the day and will be disposed of at the of the semester.
    3- The only personal items you may put on the lab bench are your lab textbook and pens / pencils. Keep all other personal gear off the bench and out of the aisle ممشى بين الكراسي between the benches.
    4- Maintain lab. Decorum ذوق. There is no loud noise or boisterous activity allowed, as these can compromise personal safety.
    5- Inform the instruction of any pertinent health conditions.
    6- You cannot remove any material, animate or inanimate, from the lab. Unless authorized to do so.
    Fire and other emergencies
    7- Learn the locations of fire extinguishers and emergency exits. Learn the proper evacuation procedures.
    8- Lab. Burners must be turned off immediately when not in use. We work in close quarters, so be alert for the hazards of your neighbor's مجاور, flames as well as your own.
    9- Long hair must be tied back.
    Microbiological procedures
    10 –Lab. Benches must be scrubbed يفرك ينظف with disinfectant مطهر at the start and end of lab session.
    11-Every microorganism must be considered a potential pathogen .use aseptic technique at all times .no mouth pipeting is allowed. Every chemical reagent must be considered potentially hazardous. Avoid skin contact by careful manipulation and the use of forceps when practical.
    12-keep pens, pencils, fingers, etc. out of your mouth and off your face.
    13- Wash your hands thoroughly at the start and end of each lab session.
    14 –label all cultures with your name, the date, and the microorganism present.
    15 – Dispose of all biohazard us waste in the autoclave bags provided for each type of waste.
    16 – Avoid producing aerosols دخان of microorganisms: keep liquid cultures under control during transfer and mixing.

    Accidents :
    17 – All biological spills should be immediately covered with paper towels and thoroughly شامل saturated with disinfectant, notify the instructor immediately. Notify the instructor of any broken glass – don’t clean it up your self.
    18 - Notify the instructor immediately of any accidents: cuts, burns, etc.

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