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كيف اكتب تقرير Post Coital Test

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  • كيف اكتب تقرير Post Coital Test

    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته:
    أرجو مساعدتي في طريقة كتابة تقرير اختبار ما بعد الجماع Post Coital Test ، اختصاراً PCT ، ما هي عناصر هذا التقرير، و ما المعلومات المطلوب وجودها فيه.
    أفيدونا أفادكم الله

  • #2
    والله وانا كمان مع حضرتك نفسي أعرفه


    • #3
      وانا كمان معرفش التحليل ده ياريت حد يفيدنا فى الموضوع ده


      • #4
        الحمد لله، جهلي بهذا التحليل كان سيسبب لي عقدة نفسية، و لكن بوجود أسئلة أخرى عنه، و انعدام المجيبين حتى الآن فهذا دليل أنه ليس معروفاً بشكل جيد لكثير من الزملاء....
        بانتظار أن يزكي أحد العارفين عن علمه.
        شكراً لكما أختاي لمؤازرتي في سؤالي.


        • #5
          جزهكم الله كل خير والله انا حاير مثلكم حول هذا التحليل وياليت احد من الكرماء ان يكرمنا بمعرفة هذا التحليل .


          • #6
            جزاكم الله كل خير والله انا حاير مثلكم حول هذا التحليل وياليت احد من الكرماء ان يكرمنا بمعرفة هذا التحليل .


            • #7
              اخواني الاعزاء بعد انت حصلت على المعلومات الخاص بهذا الفحص احببت ان اطلعكم عليه لعله يفيدكم ان شاء الله :

              Post-Coital Test
              After Intercourse Test

              What is a post-coital test?
              A post-coital test looks at the quality and type of your cervical mucus around ovulation time
              (the middle of your menstrual cycle). It also looks for sperm in the mucus and whether they are
              moving or not.

              The timing of your post-coital test is crucial as there is such a short time in which it can be
              successfully performed. This information has been written to explain about the test and the
              timing for having it performed.

              What is cervical mucus?
              Before you have the test, it may be useful for you to understand a little more about cervical
              mucus. It is a jelly-like substance produced in the cervical canal, which has a number of
              It helps to prevent bacteria entering inside the body.
              It changes during the menstrual cycle so that sperm can go through it easily around
              ovulation time (when pregnancy is possible), but not at others. This is why the timing of
              the post-coital test is crucial.

              Understanding the development of cervical mucus throughout your menstrual cycle
              At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, there is not much cervical mucus.

              Up until just before ovulation (as the amount of oestrogen produced by the developing ovarian
              follicle increases), the amount of mucus increases and becomes more watery.

              Just before ovulation occurs, the mucus can be described as looking like “raw egg white” in
              consistency. Once ovulation has occurred, the mucus becomes thicker and stickier, and sperm
              can no longer get through.

              What is involved in having a post-coital test?
              The post-coital test involves you having intercourse and not having a bath afterwards. Then,
              within the next 3 - 10 hours you should come to the Fertility Unit to have the test.

              In the Fertility Unit, a small amount of mucus will be removed from the cervical canal (in a similar
              way to having a smear). The procedure is painless and only takes about 5 - 10 minutes.

              We then look through a microscope at the quality and type of mucus. We also look for sperm in
              the mucus and whether they are moving or not. The result will be given to you straight after the
              test is performed.
              What do the results of the post-coital test mean?
              A normal result means that the sperm are able to penetrate the cervical mucus, in order to enter
              he uterus.
              A negative result is often due to performing the test at the wrong time - either too early or too
              ate in the cycle. In such cases, a repeat test may be asked for.
              A negative result may be due to an abnormality of the cervix for example, scarring from pervious
              surgery, but this is rare.
              A negative result also sometimes suggests that your mucus could be hostile to the sperm, or
              hat there are antibodies present, which prevent sperm getting through.
              The results of your test will be fully discussed with you. Please do not hesitate to raise any
              questions you may have.


              • #8
                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة msclab مشاهدة المشاركة
                اخواني الاعزاء بعد انت حصلت على المعلومات الخاص بهذا الفحص احببت ان اطلعكم عليه لعله يفيدكم ان شاء الله :
                جزاك الله خيرًا
                و لكن يبدو أن المعلومات موجهة إلى النساء اللواتي سيجرين الفحص، و رغم أن المعلومات جيدة، و لكن يبقى التساؤل قائمًا حول شكل التقرير، بنوده، و المجال الطبيعي الذي سيكتب، فمثلاً عندما أجد في الساحة المجهرية بتكبير 400 نطفتان فقط تتحركان بشكل سريع، و 10 لا تتحرك، فما معنى هذه النتيجة، و كم يجب أن يكون عدد المتحركات حتى أعتبره طبيعيًا؟ أي ما هو المجال الطبيعي الذي سأكتبه في التقرير؟
                أنا أسأل عن الشكل العلمي النظامي، و لكن أطمئن زملائي بأن يكتبوا كما يحلو لهم فما طالب الفحص بأعلم من الفاحص في هذا الاختبار بالذات
                . :sm170:


                • #9
                  الاخ العزيز اليك هذه المعلومات الوافية حول الموضوع واتوقع انها سوف تفيدك وخاصة بكتابة التقرير مع تحياتي وارجو الدعاء .

                  Test Overview
                  A postcoital test checks a woman's cervical mucus after sex to see whether sperm are present and moving normally. This test may be used if a woman is not able to become pregnant (infertility) and other tests have not found a cause.
                  The test is done 1 to 2 days before ovulation when the cervical mucus is thin and stretchy and sperm can easily move through it into the uterus. Within 2 to 8 hours after you have sex, your doctor collects and looks at a cervical mucus sample.
                  Many doctors question the value of the postcoital test to check for infertility. It is not done very often.
                  Why It Is Done
                  The postcoital test may be done if you are not able to become pregnant and:
                   You are ovulating, your fallopian tubes are not blocked, and your partner's sperm are normal. A problem with your cervical mucus may be causing infertility.
                   Immune system problems, such as sperm antibodies, may be a cause of infertility.
                   Your male partner does not want to be tested.
                  How To Prepare
                  The postcoital test must be done within 1 to 2 days of ovulation. Follow your doctor's instructions for checking your basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. When you check your LH level, do the urine test in the mid- to late morning, and do not drink any fluids that morning until you have done the test. If your test shows that you are ovulating, call for a doctor's visit for the next day.
                  Have sex about 2 to 8 hours before your visit. Do not use lubricants during sex. Do not douche or take a bath after sex, but you may take a shower.
                  Talk to your doctor about any concerns you have regarding the need for the test, its risks, how it will be done, or what the results will mean. To help you understand the importance of this test, fill out the medical test information form (What is a PDF document?) .
                  How It Is Done
                  A postcoital test is done in your doctor's office.
                  You will take off your clothes below the waist. You will have a gown to drape around your waist. You will then lie on your back on an examination table with your feet raised and supported by stirrups. This is similar to having a pelvic examination or Pap test.
                  Your doctor will put an instrument with curved blades (speculum) into your vagina. The speculum gently spreads apart the vaginal walls, allowing your doctor to see the inside of the vagina and the cervix. See a picture of the vaginal speculum examination.
                  How It Feels
                  You may feel some discomfort when the speculum is put in.
                  A pelvic examination to collect a cervical mucus sample does not cause problems.
                  A postcoital test checks a woman's cervical mucus after sex to see whether sperm are present and moving normally. Results of the postcoital test may be shared with you right after the test.
                  Postcoital test results
                  Normal:  Normal amounts of sperm are seen in the sample.
                   Sperm are moving forward through the cervical mucus.
                   The mucus stretches at least 2 in. (5 cm).
                   The mucus dries in a fernlike pattern.
                  Abnormal:  Mucus does not stretch 2 in. (5 cm).
                   Mucus does not dry in a fernlike pattern.
                   No sperm or a large number of dead sperm are seen in the sample.
                   Sperm are clumped together and not moving normally.
                  What Affects the Test
                  A postcoital test may not be normal if you do not know the exact day of ovulation. If the test is done at another time in your cycle, the sperm cannot move through your cervical mucus.
                  What To Think About
                   Clumped or dead sperm may mean that the cervical mucus has problems that affect the sperm or that you or your partner has developed antibodies against the sperm (immunologic infertility). For more information, see the medical test Antisperm Antibody Test.
                   If a postcoital test is abnormal, a sperm penetration test may be done. For more information, see the medical test Sperm Penetration Tests.
                   Many couples find it hard to have sex "on demand," especially when an examination must be done soon after having sex.
                   For more information on infertility testing, see the medical test Infertility Testing.
                   This test is not done very often because experts feel the results do not always correctly indicate infertility.


                  • #10
                    شكرا جزيلا 0000000:sm188:


                    • #11
                      جزاكم الله خير


                      • #12
                        اي خدمه



                        • #13
                          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة msclab مشاهدة المشاركة
                          الاخ العزيز اليك هذه المعلومات الوافية حول الموضوع واتوقع انها سوف تفيدك وخاصة بكتابة التقرير مع تحياتي وارجو الدعاء .

                          جزاك الله خيرًا أخي الكريم
                          مقالة مفيدة جدًا و هي الأكثر تفصيلاً في هذا الموضوع .
                          شكرَ الله لك.

                          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة M.A مشاهدة المشاركة
                          شكرا جزيلا 0000000:sm188:
                          أهلاً بك، و شكرًا لمرورك.

                          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة الكتالوني مشاهدة المشاركة
                          جزاكم الله خير

                          و جزاكم خيرًا مثله، أهلاً بك.

                          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة x_ampl1 مشاهدة المشاركة

                          جزاك الله خيرًا و بارك فيك
                          ما قصرت، أثابك الله.
                          الآن بموضوع الدكتور msclab و بملفك، تكون الصورة قد اكتملت.
                          لا عدمنا فضلك، و تقبل احترامي.


                          • #14
                            جزاك الله عنا خير الجزاء:1


                            • #15
                              تفضل أخي سوف أطلعك على تقرير لعله يفيدك

                              Post-Coital Test

                              Spinnbarkeit Test : ...................... CM
                              Active Sperm :.................... / HPF
                              Sluggish Sperm :.................... / HPF
                              Non Motile Sperm :.................... / HPF
                              WBCs :.................... / HPF
                              RBCs :.................... / HPF
                              Others :.................... / HPF

                              أسأل الله أن يفيدك ولو يسير

                              دعواتكم لأهل غزة الصامدة في وجه الإحتلال الصهيوني
                              الا الحبيــــــــــب يا عبـــــاد الصليـــــب

                              اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه ومن تبعه باحسان الى يوم الدين.

                              قال ( ص ) :- كلمتان خفيفتان على اللسان ... ثقيلتان في الميزان ... حبيبتان الى الرحمن ...

                              " سبحان الله وبحمده ... سبحان الله العظيم "

