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    klebsiella species

  • #2
    أخي الفوار تصفح هذا الموقع لعله يفيدك


    • #3
      klebsiella Penumeiae


      • #4
        klebsiella من مجموعة قرام نقتف enterobacterace --
        oxidase negative-
        تعمل فورمنتيشن لللاكتوز lactose fermintion
        تعطي شكل مخاطي على الكلد mycoid form on CLED media


        • #5
          طيب ماذا نعنين بـــklebsilla penumonea ESBL postive ؟
          ومن يتهيب صعود الجبال يعــــــش

          ابد الدهر بين الحــــــفر


          • #6
            مافي اجابة 000!
            ومن يتهيب صعود الجبال يعــــــش

            ابد الدهر بين الحــــــفر


            • #7
              K.pneumoniae ESBL=extended spectrum beta lactamase
              this mean klebsiella with resistance for second generation of cephalosporines


              • #8

                الملفات المرفقة


                • #9
                  I am sorry but I have to say that .I think u will find the answer if u just type it in google or if u pick any Microbiology/or bacterial book from the library.This is a famous bacteria and u will find alot about it


                  • #10
                    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة pure heart مشاهدة المشاركة
                    I am sorry but I have to say that .I think u will find the answer if u just type it in google or if u pick any Microbiology/or bacterial book from the library.This is a famous bacteria and u will find alot about it
                    الاخ كما هو موضح من معلوماته طالب هندسة وبالتالي ليس لدية معلومات بالبته

                    ومن السؤال يتضح انه بحاجة فكرة عامه عن الميكروب قد يكون واجهه اثناء نتيجة مخبرية

                    و عليه لاتوجد اي اشكاليه من طرح الموضوع...كما تفضلتِ

                    والشباب ردو عليه وماقصروا

                    ننتظر ابداعاتك.!!
                    اللهم اني اعوذ بك ان اُشرك بك شيئاً اعلمه

                    واستغفرك فيما لا اعلمه


                    • #11
                      This is a general information about klebsiella and I hope they are helpful if u are interested in a particullar point such as disease,diagnosis or structure please tell us and we will try to help
                      Klebsiella pneumoniae is a Gram-negative, non-motile, encapsulated, lactose fermenting, facultative anaerobic, rod shaped bacterium found in the normal flora of the mouth, skin, and intestines. It is clinically the most important member of the Klebsiella genus of Enterobacteriaceae; it is closely related to K. oxytoca from which it is distinguished by being indole-negative and by its ability to grow on both melezitose and 3-hydroxybutyrate. It naturally occurs in the soil and about 30% of strains can fix nitrogen in anaerobic condition. As a free-living diazotroph, its nitrogen fixation system has been much studied.
                      Members of the Klebsiella genus typically express 2 types of antigens on their cell surface. The first, O antigen, is a lipopolysaccharide of which 9 varieties exist. The second is K antigen, a capsular polysaccharide with more than 80 varieties. Both contribute to pathogenicity and form the basis for subtyping.

                      Clinical significance
                      It can cause Klebsiella pneumonia.
                      As a general rule, Klebsiella infections tend to occur in people with a weakened immune system from improper diet (alcoholics and diabetics). Many of these infections are obtained when a person is in the hospital for some other reason (a nosocomial infection). The most common infection caused by Klebsiella bacteria outside the hospital is pneumonia.
                      New antibiotic resistant strains of K. pneumoniae are appearing, and it is increasingly found as a nosocomial infection.[6]
                      Klebsiella ranks second to E. coli for urinary tract infections in older persons. It is also an opportunistic pathogen for patients with chronic pulmonary disease, enteric pathogenicity, nasal mucosa atrophy, and rhinoscleroma. Feces are the most significant source of patient infection, followed by contact with contaminated instruments.

