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المساعدة يااخوان في حل هذه الاسئلة

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • المساعدة يااخوان في حل هذه الاسئلة

    Q1: The colonies of Salmonella Typhi appeared on the plate:

    A) Colorless with black centre
    B) --------------------------------
    C) -------------------------------
    Q2: One of these is Oxidase Positive:

    A) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    B) ------------------------------
    C) ------------------------------
    Q3: Neisseria meningitis is:

    A) Gram –ve Cocci
    B) -------------------
    C) ------------------
    Q4: To differentiate between Staphylococcus and Streptococcus use:

    A) Catalyze
    B) ----------
    C) ----------
    Q5: Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus):

    A) Inhibited by bacitracin
    B) Against antibody A
    C) --------------------------
    Q6: Error of Gram stain is:

    A) Crystal violet more than 1min
    B) Safranin 3min
    C) Over decolorizing
    Q7: MacConkey agar added crystal violet act as:

    A) Indicator
    B) Growth factor
    C) Inhibit Enterococcus Sp
    Q8: Indian Ink used to stain:

    A) M. tuberculosis
    B) ------------------
    C) -----------------
    Q9: Measles (rubeola) is:

    A) Koplik's spots marker
    B) Caused by paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus
    C) Characteristic maculopapular, erythematous
    D) Laboratory diagnosis Positive measles IgM
    E) Children salivary measles specific IgA
    F) Hyperplastic lymph nodes (Warthin-Finkeldey cell,)
    G) All othem are correct
    Q10: Gram +ve with branch:

    A) M. tuberculosis
    B) Actinomysis israli
    C) ----------------------
    Q11: Skin affected with Pus:

    A) M. tuberculosis
    B) M. leprosy
    C) ------------------

    Q12: Small RNA virus is:

    A) Adenovirus
    B) Retinavirus
    C) -------------
    Q13: Latex virus:

    A) Affinity of latex for viral antibody
    B) Antigen antibody complex
    C) --------------------------------------
    D) -------------------------------------
    Q14: Gram +ve Cocci in cluster will be use median sensitive (inhibited):

    A) Penicillin G
    B) Erythromycin
    C) Vancomycin
    D) Methicillin
    E) Oxacillin
    F) ---------------
    نرجو المساااااااااااااااااااعدة يااخوان

  • #2
    S.typhi is non lactose ferment(NLF) So in Mackonekey,DCAand EMB agar give color less.Small amount of H2s(blacking)appear in DCA media

    in case of culuture in XLD media once itis NLF it appera pink with blacking center

    Mor over in case of TSI itis reaction is K/A H2S
    without gas production while other sallmonella product gas
    K: alkline reaction(Red color) A: acid reaction (Yellow

