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أسئلة الهيئه

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  • أسئلة الهيئه

    مساااااء الخييييييييييييير
    طبعااا هذااا اووول موووضوووع لي وأرجووو أنه يعجبكم طبعااا هذه يعض من أسئلة الهيئه
    لخريجي الكليات الصحيه بس ماا أدري أختبار الهيئه لابد منه ولا مااراااح يشمل الخريجين من الكليه
    المهم هذة بعض من الأسئله أكيد مااعندي الجوااب بس اللي يجاااوب عليهاا لاااينسااانااا

    1- Vitamin K antagonist :
    a- warfarin
    b- Heparin
    c- Protein C
    d- Antithrombin III
    2- One of the intrinsic pathway
    a- factor XI
    b- factor XIII
    c- factor I
    d- factor VII
    3- Para hemophilia is the deficiency of
    a- factor VIII
    b- factor IX
    c- factor V
    d- factor VII
    4- Eosinophilia is seen in :
    a- food sensitivity
    b- Drug sensitivity
    c- Atopic dermatitis
    d- all of the above
    5-Multiple myeloma is a neoplastic proliferation of:
    a- lymphocytes
    b- Granulocytes
    c- Plasma cells
    6- Test for intrinsic pathway:
    a- bleeding time
    b- Thrombin time
    c- Prothrombin time
    d- Partial thromboplastin time
    7- Paul-Bunnel test is done to diagnose:
    a- multiple myeloma
    b- Hodgkin’s disease
    c- Infectious mononucleosis
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    d- all of the above
    8- increased platelet count is :
    a- thrombocytopenia
    b- thrombopoietin
    c- thrombocytosis
    d- all of the above
    9- Decreased platelet count is:
    a- thrombocytopenia
    b- Thrombopoietin
    c- Thrombocytosis
    d- all of the above
    10- All these are causes of thrombocytopenia except:
    a- cytotoxic drugs
    b- Aplastic anemia
    c- Hemorrhage
    d- Radiotherapy
    11- Prothrombin time is done to test:
    a- Intrinsic pathway only
    b- Extrinsic pathway only
    c- Extrinsic and common pathways
    d- Intrinsic and common pathways
    12- Normal bleeding time by Duke’s method:
    a- 2-7 minutes
    b- 2-7 seconds
    c- 2-4 minutes
    d- 2-4 seconds
    13- Normal partial thromboplastin time (PPT) is :
    a- 3-4 minutes
    b- 30-45 seconds
    c- 12-15 seconds
    d- 12-15 minutes
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    14- Hemophilia A is the deficiency of :
    a- factor V
    b- factor VIII
    c- factor IX
    d- all of the above
    15-the most common form of leukemia in children is:
    a- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    b- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    c- Acute myeloid leukemia
    d- Chronic myeloid leukemia
    16- Bence-Jones protein is present in cases of:
    a- chronic myeloid myeloma
    b-acute myeloid myeloma
    c- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
    d- multiple myeloma
    17- Reed-Sternberg cells are found in cases of :
    a- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    b- Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
    c- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
    d- Multiple myeloma
    18- Normal platelet count is :
    a- 150,000 to 450,000/min3
    b- 400,000 to 800,000/min3
    c- 4,000 to 11,000 /min3
    d- 50,000 to 100,000/min3
    19- Antithrombin III inhibits:
    a- factor Va
    b- factor VIIIa
    c- factor Xa
    d- all of the above
    20- Heparin potentiate the action of :
    a- protein C
    b- protein S
    c- antithrombin III
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    d- warfarin
    21- Factor II of blood clotting is:
    a- Christmas factor
    b- Fibrinogen
    c- Prothrombin
    d- Thromboplastin
    22- One of fibrinogen group is :
    a- II
    c- VII
    d- IX
    23- Fibrinogen is converted to soluble fibrin by:
    a- prothrombin
    b- Thromboplastin
    c- Thrombin
    d- all of the above
    24- Thrombopoitin control the formation of:
    a- red blood cells
    b-White blood cells
    c- platelets
    d- non of the above
    25- Normal prothrombin time (PT) is:
    a- 30-45 seconds
    b- 30-45 minutes
    c- 12-15 seconds
    d- 12-15 minutes
    26- Parasitic disease is associated with:
    a- monocytosis
    b- Lymphocytosis
    c- Basophilia
    d- Eosinophilia
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    27- Philadelphia chromosome is diagnostic for:
    a- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    b- Acute myeloid leukemia
    c- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    d- chronic myeloid leukemia
    28- Normal fibrinogen level:
    a- 150-400 gm%
    b- 150-400 mg%
    c- 15-40 mg%
    d- 15-40 gm%
    29-infectious mononucleosis is caused by:
    a- echo virus
    b- coxsaki virus
    c- Epstein Barr virus
    d- Cytomegalo virus
    30- Atypical lymphocytosis is seen in cases of:
    a- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
    b-Multiple myeloma
    c- Infectious mononucleosis
    d- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    31-monospot test is done to diagnose:
    a- Acute myeloid leukemia
    b- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    c- Infectious mononucleosis
    d- Infectious lymphocytosis
    32- The test which depend on blood platelets & capillary fragility is:
    a- prothrombin time
    b- Thrombin time
    c- Bleeding time
    d- Clotting time
    33- Fibrin is broken to fibrin degradation products by the action of:
    a- Prothrombin
    b- Thrombin
    c- Plasminogen
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    d- Plasmin
    34- Acute myeloid leukemia is characterized by:
    a- low neutrophil alkaline phosphatase
    b-Myeloblast with Auer rods
    c- Neutrophil with Pleger-Huet anomaly
    d- all of the above
    35- Plasminogen is converted to plasmin by :
    a- Heparin
    c- Urokinase
    d- Serotonin
    36- Increase D-dimers and fibrin degradation products are seen in cases of:
    a- Hemophilia A
    b- Vitamin K deficiency
    c- Diffuse intravascular coagulation
    d- Von Willebrand disease
    37- Activated protein C degrades:
    a- factor IXa
    b- Factor VIIIa
    c- Factor Xa
    d- Factor Xia
    38- Heparin is found in
    a- Neutrophil
    b- Basophil
    c- Acidophil
    d- all of the above
    39- In hemophilia A the test which will be prolonged is
    a- PT
    b- PTT
    c- Bleeding time
    d- all of the above
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    40- Bleeding due to overdose of heparin is managed by giving:
    a- Vit K
    b- Vit C
    c- Vit A
    d- Protamin sulphate
    41- Streptokinase and staphylokinase convert:
    a- Prothrombin to thrombin
    b- Fibrinogen to fibrin
    c- Soluble fibrin to insoluble fibrin
    d- Plasminogen to plasmin
    42- Test for platelet function:
    a- Clot retraction
    b- Platelet aggregation
    c- Platelet adhesion
    d- all of the above
    43- Prolonged PT occurs in cases of deficiency of:
    a- Factor III
    b- Factor IV
    c- FactorV
    d- all of the above
    44- normal thrombin time (TT):
    a- 30-45 sec
    b- 2-4 min
    c- 3-9 min
    d- 10-20 sec
    45- cause of vitamin K deficiency:
    a- Obstructive jaundice
    b- Prolonged use of antibiotics
    c- Inadequate intake
    d- all of the above
    46- Cause of Hyper- Coagulable state:
    a- Aplastic anemia
    b- Cytotxic drugs
    c- Polcythemia
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    d- Radiotherapy
    47-Physiological cause of neutrophilia:
    a- New born
    b- Radiotherapy
    c- Cytotoxic drugs
    d- Prolonged use of antibiotics
    48- Leucocytosis characterized by the presence of immature cells and high
    neutrophil alkaline phosphatase:
    a- chronic myeloid leukemia
    b- Acute myeloid leukemia
    c- Leukaemid reaction
    d- non of the above
    49- Normal coagulation time (CT):
    a- 3-9 min
    b- 3-9 sec
    c- 30-40 sec
    d- 30-40 min
    50- The test which measures the clotting time of citrated plasma accelerated
    by the addition of a clotting factor activator (kaolin) , phospholipids and
    a- coagulation time
    b- Prothrombin time
    c- Partial thromboplastin time
    d- Thrombin time
    51- The test which measures the clotting time of citrated plasma to which
    thromboplastin and calcium has been added:
    a- thrombin time
    b- Prothrombin time
    c- Coagulation time
    d- Partial thromboplastin time
    52- The test which is widely used as a control and follow up test to control
    anticoagulant treatment:
    a- APTT
    b- PTT
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    c- PT
    d- TT
    53- A disease characterized by progressive neoplastic proliferation of
    immature white cell precursor:
    a- acute leukemia
    b- Chronic leukemia
    c- Lymphoma
    d-Multiple myeloma
    54- The absolute lymphocyte count may be up to 300,000 or more between 70
    and 90%of white cells in the blood film appear as small lymphocytes . THE
    CASE IS:
    a- Acute myeloid leukemia
    b- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    c- Chronic myeloid leukemia
    d- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    55- Variation in red cells size:
    a- Poikilcytosis
    b- Anisocytosis
    c- Reticulocytosis
    d- Leukocytosis
    56- Dark red cells with no area of central pallor:
    a- Stomatocyte
    b- Sherocyte
    c- Acathocyte
    d- Schistocyte
    57-Microcytic hypochromic anemia
    a- hereditary spherocytosis
    b- Sickle cell anemia
    c- Iron deficiency anemia
    d- Vit B12 deficiency anemia
    58- Target cells are seen in cases of:
    a- folic acid deficiency
    b- Iron deficiency anemia
    c- Vit B12 deficiency anemia
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    d- Thalassemia
    59- Red cells with elongated area of central pallor:
    a- spherocyte
    b- Schistocyte
    c- Stomatocyte
    d- Elliptocutes
    60- ……………….. Symmetric, short , sharp projection from the red cells and
    seen in iron deficiency anemia:
    a- echinocyte
    b- Acanthocyte
    c- Elliptocyte
    d- Ovalocyte
    61- ………………is a condition in which the absorption of vit B12 is greatly
    impaired due to failure or marked reduction of intrinsic factor secretion:
    a- fauvism
    b- fanconi’s anemia
    c-sickle cell anemia
    d- thalassemia
    62- Hyperchromic cells are seen in:
    a- iron deficiency anemia
    b- Thalassemia
    c- Hereditary spherocytosis
    d- Sickle cell anemia
    63- A prolonged low rate of bleeding results in:
    a- normochromic anemia
    b- Hypochromic anemia
    c- Hyperchromic anemia
    d- non of the above
    64- Schilling test is done in diagnosis of:
    a- iron deficiency anemia
    b- Pernicious anemia
    c- Aplastic anemia
    d- folic acid deficiency
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    65- Defective synthesis of either alpha or beta chains of normal hemoglobin
    a- sickle cell anemia
    b- Aplastic anemia
    c- Pernicious anemia
    d- Thalassemia
    66- Neutrophils represent……………of circulating leukocyte:
    a- 2-8%
    b- 0-1%
    c- 50-70 %
    d- 2-4%
    67- …………. are non nucleated, biconcave shaped cells:
    a- platelet
    b- Leukocyte
    c- Erythrocyte
    d- Macrophages
    68- …………….. represent 50-70%of total leukocytes
    a- lymphocytes
    b- Neutrophils
    c- Monocytes
    d- Eosinophilis
    69- ……………have a characteristic biffed nucleus and their cytoplasm is
    filled with large refractile granules that stain red in blood smear
    a- neutrophils
    b- Eosinophilis
    c- Basophiles
    d- Lymphocytes
    70- The cell which is responsible for antibody production is:
    a- moncytes
    b- T-lymphocytes
    c- B-lymphocytes
    d- Neutrophils
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  • #2
    الله يعطيك العافيه
    لو كانت الأجوبة معها يكون أحسن عشان الكل يستفيد


    • #3
      مشكور ويعطيك العافيه على الاسئله وانا عندي اختبار وخايف منه ودعلنا بالتوفيق وانت الله يوفقك


      • #4
        السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته كيف الحال اخوي طيب ان شاء الله
        اولا هذي الاسئله ياغاليه من مذكره [ نسرين ] تمام وكلها اسئله [ في علم الدم] فهمت ياغالي . وانا بانزل الان الاجابات الي موجوده في مذكره نسرين
        ماعليه ع الحوسه بالترتيب لاني ناسخ الاجابات
        . الاجابه الاولى a

        ٣٧ B
        ٢ A
        ٣٨ B
        ٣ C
        ٣٩ B
        ٤ D هنا اجابه رقم اربعه-------٤٠ D هنا اجابه رقم اربعين . وهكذا على باقي الارقام
        ٥ C ٤١ D
        ٦ D ٤٢ D
        ٧ C ٤٣ C
        ٨ C ٤٤ D
        ٩ A ٤٥ D
        ١٠ C ٤٦ C
        ١١ C ٤٧ A
        ١٢ C ٤٨ C
        ١٣ B ٤٩ A
        ١٤ B ٥٠ C
        ١٥ A ٥١ B
        ١٦ D ٥٢ C
        ١٧ C ٥٣ A
        ١٨ A ٥٤ D
        ١٩ C ٥٥ B
        ٢٠ C ٥٦ B
        ٢١ C ٥٧ C
        ٢٢ B ٥٨ C
        ٢٣ C ٥٩ C
        ٢٤ C ٦٠ A
        ٢٥ C ٦١ D
        ٢٦ D ٦٢ C
        ٢٧ D ٦٣ B
        ٢٨ B ٦٤ B
        ٢٩ C ٦٥ D
        ٣٠ C ٦٦ C
        ٣١ C ٦٧ C
        ٣٢ C ٦٨ B
        ٣٣ D ٦٩ B
        ٣٤ D ٧٠ C
        ٣٥ C
        لو استعيد بواقعي ذكرياتي

        احيا واموت في الثانية

        ألف مـره



        Exceptional man


        • #5
          [QUOTE=فني مختبررات;147324]السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته كيف الحال اخوي طيب ان شاء الله
          اولا هذي الاسئله ياغاليه من مذكره [ نسرين ] تمام وكلها اسئله [ في علم الدم] فهمت ياغالي . وانا بانزل الان الاجابات الي موجوده في مذكره نسرين

          هذااا اللي وصل لي يالغلا ويالليت تقولي من وين أحصل أسئلة الخمس سنوات الأخيره
          وشكرااا على المرووور


          • #6
            مشكورين ع الاسئله

            وان شاء الله احلها لكم


            • #7
              هذا يفيدك ان شاء الله الرابط ..
              لو استعيد بواقعي ذكرياتي

              احيا واموت في الثانية

              ألف مـره



              Exceptional man

