
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

تعال وحط اسئلة اختبارك هنا ،، ليستفيد غيرك

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مشاركات جديدة

  • #76
    شكرآ جزيلآ JEDO

    ... و آلله يجزآك كل خييير ~


    • #77
      الف الف شكر اخت هيبا على الاسئلة الله يجعلها في موازين حسناتك
      ياليت احد يحلها لنا نكون له من الشاكرين
      والف مليون ترليون لك اخوي جيدوه واتمنى من الجميع الاستفادة منها
      اتمنى من الاعضاء الاستمرار على هذا الابداع كل من اختبر حط اسئلته
      احب الكلام الى الله
      سبحان الله والحمدلله ولا اله الا الله والله اكبر


      • #78
        اسئلة مايكرو جدييدة ولو في واحد امتحن ياريت ينزل لينا امتحانو ومشكوريييين

        191- Acid Fast Bacteria
        a- Salmonella
        b- Shigella
        c- M. Tuberculosis
        d- E – Coli
        192- Spherical or avoid cells occurring in chains
        a- Staphylococci
        b- Streptococci
        c- Lactobacillus
        d- Spiro chaeta

        193- ……………… carries the genetic information
        a- the envelope
        b- the capsid
        c- the nucleic acid
        d- the prion

        194- …………………… may be seen under light microscope
        a- rota virus
        b- influenza virus
        c- herps virus
        d- pox virus

        195- viruses may be:
        a- monomorphic
        b- pleomorphic
        c- dimorphic
        d- all of the above

        196- viral capside is formed of:
        a- protein
        b- glycogen
        c- lipoprotein bilayer
        d- glycoprotein

        197- class III in Baltimor classification is:
        a- double stranded DNA viruses
        b- single stranded DNA viruses
        c- double stranded RNA viruses
        d- single stranded RNA viruses

        198- Hierarchial virus classification system use the following characters except:
        a- nature of nucleic acid
        b- capside symmetry
        c- diameter of viron & capside
        d- virus molecular weight
        199- in viral replication which is true:
        a- penetration is the 1st step
        b- assembly is the last step
        c- relaease is the last step
        d- all of the above

        200- viron:
        a- may be extracellular phase of virus
        b- may be intracellular phase of virus
        c- can grow and replicate
        d- means “ virus – like “

        201- pleomorphic viruses means :
        a- virus which have constant shape
        b- virus that may appear in 2 forms
        c- virus that have not a constant morphology
        d- virus that have spherical shape

        202- vapor of gold is used in :
        a- shadow casting technique
        b- negative staining technique
        c- positive staining technique
        d- non of the above

        203- direct diagnosis of virus :
        a- ELISA Antibody
        b- CFT
        c- IFT
        d- PCR virus

        204- all of the following are required in cell culture except:
        a- neutral PH
        b- presence of buffer salts
        c- presence of antibiotics
        d- incubation at 20 C (( 30-37 C))

        205- all of the following are diagnostic molecular biological technique except:
        a- PCR
        b- ELISA
        c- nucleic acid hyperdization
        d- DNA finger printing
        206- PCR require all of the following except:
        a- extracted DNA template
        b- 2 specific primers
        c- reation buffer
        d- RNA polymerase

        207- bacteriophage is :
        a- virus that can be killed by antibiotic
        b- virus that act like a bacteria
        c- bacteria that act like a virus
        d- virus that infect bacteria

        208- all of the following viruses are transmitted by blood except:
        a- HIV
        b- HBV
        c- HCV
        d- herps virus

        209-all of the following are RNA viruses except:
        a- corona viridase
        b- reoviridase
        c- picorona viridase
        d- pox viridase

        210- penetration of naked virus is by :
        a- fusion
        b- endocytosis
        c- translocation
        d- all of the above

        211- amniotic cavity inoculation is one type of virus culture in:
        a- tissue wall
        b- lab animals
        c- embryonated egg
        d- non of the above

        212- …………….. is an invitro method amplification of a short sequence of target DNA
        a- PCR
        b- hyberdization
        c- finger printing
        d- all of the above

        213- nucleic acid hyberdization means:
        a- probe anneling or binding with it’s complementary
        segment of NA
        b- fragmentation of nucleic acid
        c- amplification of nucleic acid
        d- non of the above

        214- DNA hyberdization is performed by:
        a- primers
        b- DNA labeled probe
        c- restriction endonuclease
        d- non of the above

        215-PCR starts with :
        a- annealing
        b- denaturation of DNA
        c-extension of primers
        d- non of the above

        216- ……………….. is a piece of DNA fragment of a particular gene that can bind specially with it’s complementary piece of DNA:
        a- codon
        b- probe
        c- LCR
        d- code

        217- how many primers are used in PCR :
        a- non
        b- one
        c- two
        d- three

        304-Lowenstein-Jensen media is used for the isolation for:
        a- neisseria gonorrhea
        b- mycobacterium tuberculosis
        c- haemophilus influenza
        d- staphylococcus aureus

        305- Hekton-Enteric agar is the selective media for:
        a- salmonella
        b- streptococcus
        c- staphylococcus
        d- all of the above

        306- the selective media for isolation of fungi is:
        a- S-S agar
        b- XLD agar
        c- sabouraud glucose agar
        d- Hekton-Enteric agar

        307- gram positive rods with Chinese letter appearance:
        a- mycobacterium tuberculosis
        b- corynebacteria diphtheria
        c- clostridium tetani
        d- staphylococcus pneumonia

        308- E lek test is done to diagnose :
        a- streptococcus
        b- staphylococcus aureus
        c- clostridium tetani
        d- corynebacteria diphtheria

        309- all are lactose fermenter except:
        a- E-COLI
        b- proteus
        c- klebsiella
        d- enterobacter

        310- produce pale colonies on MacConkey’s agar and have tendency to swarm on blood agar:
        a- salmonella
        b- shigella
        c- klebsiella
        d- proteus

        311- lactose frementer gram negative bacilli with mucoid growth:
        a- salmonella
        b- shigella
        c- klebsiella
        d- proteus

        312-non lactose fermenter gram negative bacilli produce H2S :
        a- salmonella
        b- shigella
        c- klebsiella
        d- proteus

        313- Widal test is done for diagnosis of :
        a- salmonella
        b- shigella
        c- E-coli
        d- klebsiella

        314- the causative agent of enteric fever:
        a- salmonella
        b- shigella
        c- klebsiella
        d- proteus

        315- the most common cause of urinary tract infection :
        a- E-coli
        b- salmonella
        c- shigella
        d- streptococcus

        316- an important cause of diarrhea in infant:
        a- staphylococcus
        b- E-coli
        c- salmonella
        d- shigella

        317- the most common causative agent for peptic ulcer :
        a- campylobacter
        b- H-pylori
        c- V-cholera
        d- all of the above
        318- TCBS is the selective media for isolation of:
        a- H-pylori
        b- V-cholera
        c- E-coli
        d- H influenza

        319- gram negative bacilli strict aerobes grows on simple media producing a characteristic greenish pigment:
        a- campylobacter
        b- pseudomonas
        c- pasterulla
        d- bordetella

        320- the bacteria which cause scarlet fever:
        a- staphylococcus
        b- streptococcus
        c- salmonella
        d- shigella

        321- antistreptolysin O titer (ASO) is done for the diagnosis of:
        a- group A streptococcus
        b- group B streptococcus
        c- staphylococcus aureus
        d- staphylococcus albus

        323- Loffler’s serum is used for isolation of:
        a- anthrax
        b- clostridium
        c- diphtheria
        d- T.B

        324- gas gangrene is caused by:
        a- clostridium tetani
        b- clostridium botulinum
        c- clostridium welchii
        d- non of the above (( clostridium perfinges ))

        325- Bacillary dysentery is caused by:
        a- salmonella
        b- shigella
        c- cholera
        d- all of the above

        326- the cause of plague:
        a- Y-enterocolitica
        b- Y-pestis
        c- Y pseudotuberculsois
        d- non of the above

        327- treponema palladium is the cause of :
        a- T.B
        b- gonorrhea
        c- syphilis
        d- AIDS

        328- the venereal disease research laboratory test (VDRL) is done for diagnosis of:
        a- T.B
        b- gonorrhea
        c- syphilis
        d- AIDS

        329- Trachoma is caused by:
        a- mycoplasma
        b- chlamydiae
        d- mycobacteria

        391- M-tuberculsis bacilli stain with :
        a- gram stain
        b- Zheil Nelson stain
        c- Gimesa stain
        d- all of the above

        392- AIDS is transmitted through :
        a- food
        b- blood
        c- semen
        d- (b) & (c)
        393- bacteria which cause syphilis:
        a- Neisseria gonorrhea
        b- Viencent angina
        c- Treponema palladium
        d- Yersinia pestis

        394- to diagnose syphilis:
        a- RPR
        b- VDRL
        c- Wasserman
        d- all of the above

        395- streptococci secret:
        a- streptolysin O
        b- streptolysin S
        c- streptokinase
        d- all of the above

        396- disease caused by streptococci:
        a- scarlet fever
        b- purperal sepsis
        c- rheumatic fever
        d- all of the above

        397- staphylococci secrets:
        a- coagulase enzyme
        b- fibrinolysin
        c- hyaluronidase
        d- all of the above

        398- gram positive bacilli:
        a- Klebsilla
        b- Salmonella
        c- Proteus
        d- C-diphtheria

        399- meningeococcal meningitis is transmitted by :
        a- food
        b- droplet
        c- touch
        d- all of the above

        400- dark field microscopy is used to diagnose :
        a- T.B.
        b- syphilis
        c- gonorrhea
        d- AIDS

        401- it cause food poisining with flacid paralysis:
        a- clostridium tetani
        b- clostridium welchii
        c- clostridium botulinium
        d- all of the above

        402- the infective stage of plasmodium vivax :
        b- sporozoites
        c- schizont
        d- trophozoite

        403- Pirenella conica snail is the intermediate host of:
        a- schistosoma haematobium
        b- fasciola hiptica
        c- heterphyes heterophyes
        d- diphyllobothrium latum

        404- Bulinus truncates snail is the intermediate host of :
        a- fasciola hepatica
        b- fasciola gigantica
        c- schistosoma haematobium
        d- schistosoma mansonii

        405- to isolate meningiococci we have to culture the sample on:
        a- Bordet Gengou
        b- modified Thayer martin media
        c- Lowenstein Jensen media
        d- all of the above

        406- to isolate fungi :
        a- Brain-Heart infusion media
        b- tissue culture
        c- Lowenstein –Jensen media
        d- chocolate agar

        407- to isolate H- influenza:
        a- blood agar
        b- chocolate agar
        c- mac Conkey media
        d- all of the above

        408- the bacteria which cause pseudomembrainous conjunctivitis :
        a- N.gonorrhea
        b- C. diphtheria
        c- staphylococcus
        d- Chlamydia

        409- the best sample to diagnose meningitis :
        a- blood
        b- sputum
        c- CSF
        d- urine

        410- used to stain Chlamydia
        a- gram stain
        b- giemsa stain
        c- wright stain
        d- all of the above
        411-……….. is used as transport medium for sample in which cholera is suspected
        a- Cary-Blair media
        b- Stuart media
        c- Alkaline peptone water
        d- glycerol

        412- the color of XLD medium:
        a- green
        b- red
        c- yellow
        d- blue

        413- CIN medium is used to isolate:
        a- E.coli
        b- Vibrio cholera
        c- yersinia
        d- salmonella

        414- to make wet mount preparation:
        a- 10 % KOH
        b- 10 % Na OH
        c- 10 % Na CO3
        d- 10% Na Cl

        415- we do wet mount preparation for vaginal smear To diagnose:
        a- T.vaginalis
        b- N.gonorrhea
        c- streptococci
        d- staphylococci

        416- to isolate viruses:
        a- Loeffler media
        b- tissue culture
        c- Bordet –Gengou media
        d- Brain- Heart infusion

        417- to diagnose whooping cough :
        a- Bordet –Gengou media
        b- Lowenstein –Jensen media
        c- modified Thayer martin media
        d- New York city agar

        418- to diagnose systemic infection we do :
        a- urine culture
        b- CSF culture
        c- blood culture
        d- sputum culture

        419- we give no growth for blood culture after:
        a- 1 week
        b- 8 weeks
        c- 6 weeks
        d- 3 weeks

        420- to dissolve mucous in sputum sample :
        a- 10% NaOH
        b- 30 % NaOH
        c- 10 % KOH
        d- 10% NaCl

        421- mutualism means:
        a- one partener benefits , other unaffected
        b- both partner benefit
        c- one partner benefit , other damaged
        d- living together

        422- Commensalisms means:
        a- living together
        b- one partner benefit , other damaged
        c- both partner benefit
        d- one partner benefits , other unaffected

        423- Balantidium coli moves by:
        a- flagella
        b- cilia
        d- pseudopod
        d- all of the above

        424- Mouth inhabitant:
        a- Trichomonas hominis
        b- Trichomonas tenax
        c- Trichomonas vaginalis
        d- giardia lamblia

        425- Transmitted by sexual intercourse:
        a- toxoplasma
        b- giardia lamblia
        c- Trichomonas vaginalis
        d- all of the above

        465- citrate utilization test is done to assist identification of:
        a- gram +ve bacteria
        b- gram –ve bacteria
        c- entrobacteria
        d- enterococcus

        466- the Kovac's reagent used in the following biochemical tests:
        a- catalase
        b- coagulase
        c- indole
        d- methyl red

        467- positive results for H2S production appear as …. Colour:
        a- black
        c- yellow
        c- red
        d- green

        468-………. Give positive coagulase test:
        a- streptococci
        b- staphylococcus aureus
        c- staphylococcus saprophyticus
        d- Escherichia coli

        469- methyl red test is performed with:
        a- Erlich reagent
        b- Kovac's reagent
        c- Voges proskaur
        d- non of the above

        470- ………… give positive result with urease test:
        a- salmonella
        b- shigella
        c- Y. enterocolitica
        d- all of the above

        471-…………. test is used to differentiate between bacteroides & brucella:
        a- indole
        b- methyl red
        c- H2S production
        d- nitrate reduction

        472- DNAase test is positive with:
        a- streptococcus pneumonia
        b- E.coli
        c- staphylococcus aureus
        d- staphylococcus epidermis

        473- ………… solution used in the gram stain technique acts as a mordant:
        a- crystal violet
        b- safranine
        c- iodine
        d- alcohol

        474- the counter stain in Ziehl- Neelson stain is :
        a- malachite green
        b- methylene blue
        c- iodine
        d- (a) & (b)

        475- bile solubility test is positive with :
        a- streptococcus viridans
        b- streptococcus pneumonia
        c- streptococcus agalectiae
        d- streptococcus pyrogenes
        During replication of DNA, copying errors may occur and this is called
        a- Conjugation
        b- Transduction
        c- Transformation
        d- Mutation

        132- Obligatory Anaerobic bacteria
        a- grow only in presence of oxygen
        b- grow only in absence of oxygen
        c- grow either in presence or absence of oxygen
        d- grow in presence of oxygen traces and 5 – 10% CO2

        133- Neutrophilic bacteria grow well at
        a- pH 8.5 – 9.0
        b- pH 7.2 – 7.4
        c- pH 5.0 – 5.5
        d- pH 2.5 – 3.0

        134- The rate of cell death increase and bacterial growth stopped, this is
        a- Adaptation phase
        b- Exponential phase .
        c- Stationary phase.
        d- Decline Phase

        135- Beta-hemolytic
        a- Cause complete hemolysis of RBC’s
        b- Cause chemical change of Hemoglobin in RBC’s
        c- Do not cause hemolysis
        d- None of them

        146- Mesophilic bacteria grow at:
        a- 37°C
        b- 14°C
        c- 60°C
        d- 120°C

        137- Circulation of Bacteria and its toxins in blood
        a- Pyaemia
        b- Toxemia
        c.- Bacteremia - without toxins
        d- Septicemia

        138- Disinfections that applied on living or injured tissues:
        a- Sterilization
        b- Antiseptic
        c- Sanitation
        d- Decontamination

        139- Hot air oven is used for sterilization of
        a- Glass
        b- Rubber Gloves
        c.- Plastic Syringes
        d- Catheters

        140- Disinfectant for superficial fungal infection
        a- Phenol
        b- Potassium permanganate
        c- Chlorine
        d- Hypochlorite compounds

        141- Rifampin
        a- inhibit cell wall synthesis
        b- inhibit protein synthesis
        c- inhibit folic acid pathway
        d- inhibit mRNA synthesis

        142- Transacetylase inactivate
        a- aminoglycosides
        b- chloramphenicol
        c- penicillin
        d- cephalosporins

        143- The color of gram positive bacteria is
        a- Yellow
        b- Black.
        c- Pink
        d- Violet

        144- Selective media for fungi
        a- blood agar
        b- Mac Conkey agar
        c- Nutrient agar
        d- Sabourand’s dextrose agar

        145- Histoplasma is a :
        a- Systemic mycosis
        b- Sub – Cutaneous mycosis
        c- Cutaneous mycosis
        d- Superficial mycosis

        146- All are asexual spores produced by mould except
        a- Conidio – spores
        b- Sporangio – spores
        c- Endospores
        d- Arthro – spores

        147- They reproduce only by Asexual reproduction
        a- Blastomycosis
        b- Deutromycosis
        c- Ascomycetes
        d- Zygomycetes

        148- The functions of cell wall is all of the following except:
        a- Giving the shape to the bacteria
        b- Carrying somatic antigen
        c-Selective permeability& transport of solutes = plasma membrane
        d- Protect the bacteria from plasmolysis

        149- Atrichous Bacteria are:
        a- Bacteria contain one flagellum
        b- Bacteria contain 2 flagella
        c- Bacteria without flagella
        d- Bacteria with a tuft of flagella

        150-__________ are essential for host cell attachment:
        a- Flagella
        b- Fimbria
        c- Spores
        d- Capsules

        151- Irregular clusters of spherical cells:
        a- Streptococcus
        b- Staphylococcus
        c- Lactobacillus
        d- Escherichia

        152- Clostridium Botulinum is:
        a- Obligatory Aerobic Bacteria
        b- Facultative Anaerobic Bacteria
        c- Obligatory Anaerobic Bacteria
        d- Micro- aerophilic Bacteria

        153- Basophilic Bacteria grow well at:
        a- pH 8.5 – 9.0
        b- pH 7.2 – 7.4
        c- pH 5.0 – 5.5
        d- None of the above

        154- Cells are divided at high & constant rate:
        a- Decline Phase
        b- Stationary Phase
        c- Log Exponential Phase
        d- Adaptation Phase

        155- The dominant bacterial species in dental plaque are:
        a- Coagulase Negative Staphylococci
        b- Lactobacillus
        c- Bacteroides
        d- Streptococcus Sanguis

        156- The spread of Pyogenic Bacteria in blood stream to different organs & produce multiple abscess is:
        a- Septicemia
        b- Bacteremia
        d- Pyaemia
        157- Inhibit the growth of micro organisms
        a- Bacteriostatic
        b- Bactericidal
        c- Fungicidal
        d- Germicidal

        158- To sterilize fluid damaged by heat:
        a- Gaseous Sterilization
        b- Heat Sterilization
        c- Filtration
        d- Ionizing Radiation

        159- For water disinfection we use:
        a- Hydrogen peroxide
        b- Formaldehyde
        c- Chlorine
        d- Hypochlorite compounds

        160- Mechanism of action of penicillin:
        a- Block peptidoglycan synthesis
        b- Inhibit peptidyglycan cross – linking
        c- inhibit folic acid pathway
        d- inhibit protein synthesis

        161- Sulfonamides:
        a- inhibit cell wall synthesis
        b- inhibit protein synthesis
        c- inhibit DNA synthesis
        d- inhibit folic acid pathway

        162- Acetylase inactivates:
        a- B – Lactam antibiotics
        b- Aminoglycosides
        c- Cloramphenicol
        d- All of the above

        163- Ringworm disease is caused by
        a- Zygomycetes
        b- Ascomycetes
        c- Blastomycosis
        d- None of the above

        164- For wet – mount technique we add:
        a- NaoH
        b- K oH
        c- H2 O2
        d- All of the above

        165- They are transmitted by arthropods
        a- Chlamydia
        b- Spirochetes
        c- Mycoplasma
        d- All of the above

        166- In the past they were listed as large viruses
        a- Richettsia
        b- Mycoplasma
        c- Chlamydia
        d- None of the above

        167- Bacteria multiply by:
        a- Replication cycle
        b- Simple binary fission
        c- Sexual reproduction
        d- All of the above

        168- It protects bacteria from antibiotics
        a- Capsule
        b- Cell membrane
        c- Flagella
        d- Fimbria

        169- Vibro cholera is:
        a- Mono –trichous bacteria
        b- Atrichous bacteria
        c- Lopho-trichous bacteria
        d- Peri-trichous bacteria

        170- Short rods, motile by peritrichous flagella
        a- Spirochaeta
        b- Lactobacillus
        c- Escherichia coli
        d- Vibrio
        171- To take up soluble DNA fragments derived from other, closely related species is:
        a. Mutation
        b. Transformation
        c. Transduction
        d. Conjugation

        172- Tuberculosis are
        a- micro-airophilic
        b- Facultative anaerobic
        c- Obligatory anaerobic
        d- Obligatory aerobic

        173- According to pH, Lactobacillus is
        a- Neutrophlic bacteria
        b- Acidophilic bacteria
        c- Basophilic bacteria
        d- None of the above

        174- Bacteria without cell Wall
        a- Chlamydia
        b- Rickettsia
        c- Mycoplasma
        d.- Spirochetes

        175- Brucella Melitensis is
        a- Obligatory aerobic bacteria
        b- Obligatory anaerobic bacteria
        c- Facultative anaerobic bacteria
        d- Micro-aerophilic bacteria

        176- Pseudomonas aeroginosa is
        a- Peri-trichous bacteria
        b- Lopho-trichous bacteria
        c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
        d- Monotrichous bacteria

        177- Genetic information of bacteria is carried on
        a- Messenger RNA
        b- Transfer RN|A
        c- Tran****** RNA
        d- Double – Stranded DNA
        178- Thermophilic bacteria grow at
        a- 60 – 80 °C
        b- 0 - 20°C
        c-. 37°C
        d- 100 - 120°C

        179- Acidophilic bacteria grow at
        a- pH 7.2 – 7.4
        b- pH 5.0 – 5.5
        c- pH 8.5 – 9.0
        d- None of the above

        180- Mycoplasma is
        a- Neutrophilic bacteria
        b- Acidophilic bacteria
        c- Basophilic bacteria
        d- All of the above

        181- It is the adaptation of bacteria to the fresh medium
        a- Lag phase
        b- Decline phase
        c- Logarithmic Phase
        d- Stationary phase

        182- Bacteria which do not cause hemolysis is
        a- Beta-Hemolytic
        b- Alpha-Hemolytic
        c- Gama Hemolytic
        d- None of the above

        183- Normal flora of Lower intestine are all of the following except:
        a- Staphylococci
        b- Diphtheroids
        c- Shigella
        d- Lactobacillus

        184- Opportunistic pathogens are all of the following except:
        a- Cause a disease when the host defense are suppressed.
        b- Are normal flora of healthy body
        c- Are greatly harmful
        d- Do not invade the body or tissue.
        185- For disinfection of mattresses :
        a- Hot air oven
        b- Autoclave
        c- Ethylene Oxide
        d- Hydrogen Peroxide

        186- Pyschrophilic bacteria grow at:
        a- 10٠°C
        b- 6٠°C
        c- 14°C
        d- 37°C

        187- Bacteria which contain chlorophyll
        a- Heterotrophic bacteria
        b- Autotrophic bacteria
        c- Photosynthetic bacteria
        d- All of the above

        188- Tricophyton is one of
        a- Yeast
        b- Moulds
        c- Dermatophyte
        d- Dimorphic Fungi

        189- Plastomyces is one of
        a- Dermatophytes
        b- Dimorphic Fungi
        c- Yeast
        d- Moulds

        190- Color of gram negative bacteria is
        a- Violet
        b- Green
        c- Red
        d- Black

        118- All are Prokaryotic cells except:
        a- Fungi
        b- Bacteria
        c - Chlamydia
        d- Mycoplasma

        119- Viruses:
        a- Contain only DNA or RNA
        b - They Contain ribosome
        c- Did not affected by antibiotics
        d- a+c

        120- All of these are essential structure except:
        a- Nuclear body
        b- Spores
        c- Cell wall
        d- Plasma Membrane

        121- ________ is giving the shape to the bacteria
        a.- Cytoplasmic Membrane
        b- Capsule
        c- Cell Wall
        d- All of the above

        122- One of its functions is selective permeability
        a- Cell wall
        b- Plasma membrane
        c- Capsule
        d- Spores

        123- They are responsible for Haemagglutination Phenomenon
        a- Flagella
        b- Fimbria
        c- Capsule
        d- Cell wall

        124- Clostridium Tetani is:
        a- Atrichous bacteria
        b- Mono-trichous bacteria
        c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
        d- Peri-trichous bacteria

        125- Short curved or straight rods, motile by single polar flagellum
        a- spirochaeta
        b- Vibrio
        c- Escherichia
        d- Lactobacillus

        126- Small gram negative cocci, occur in pairs
        a- staphylococcus
        b- streptococcus
        c- neisseria
        d- non of the above

        127- Transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another by
        bacteriophages is:
        a. Transformation
        b. Tansduction
        c. Conjugation
        d. Mutation

        128- Salmonella are:
        a- Obligatory Aerobic bacteria
        b.- Obligatory Anaerobic bacteria
        c- Facultative Anaerobic bacteria
        d- Micro-aerophilic bacteria

        129- According to pH, vibrio cholera is
        a- Osmophilic bacteria
        b- Basophilic bacteria
        c- Acidophilic bacteria
        d- Neutrophilic bacteria

        130- Staphylococci are:
        a- Atrichous bacteria
        b- Mono-trichous bacteria
        c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
        d- Peri-trichous bacteria


        • #79
          191- Acid Fast Bacteria
          a- Salmonella
          b- Shigella
          c- M. Tuberculosis
          d- E – Coli
          192- Spherical or avoid cells occurring in chains
          a- Staphylococci
          b- Streptococci
          c- Lactobacillus
          d- Spiro chaeta

          193- ……………… carries the genetic information
          a- the envelope
          b- the capsid
          c- the nucleic acid
          d- the prion

          194- …………………… may be seen under light microscope
          a- rota virus
          b- influenza virus
          c- herps virus
          d- pox virus

          195- viruses may be:
          a- monomorphic
          b- pleomorphic
          c- dimorphic
          d- all of the above

          196- viral capside is formed of:
          a- protein
          b- glycogen
          c- lipoprotein bilayer
          d- glycoprotein

          197- class III in Baltimor classification is:
          a- double stranded DNA viruses
          b- single stranded DNA viruses
          c- double stranded RNA viruses
          d- single stranded RNA viruses

          198- Hierarchial virus classification system use the following characters except:
          a- nature of nucleic acid
          b- capside symmetry
          c- diameter of viron & capside
          d- virus molecular weight
          199- in viral replication which is true:
          a- penetration is the 1st step
          b- assembly is the last step
          c- relaease is the last step
          d- all of the above

          200- viron:
          a- may be extracellular phase of virus
          b- may be intracellular phase of virus
          c- can grow and replicate
          d- means “ virus – like “

          201- pleomorphic viruses means :
          a- virus which have constant shape
          b- virus that may appear in 2 forms
          c- virus that have not a constant morphology
          d- virus that have spherical shape

          202- vapor of gold is used in :
          a- shadow casting technique
          b- negative staining technique
          c- positive staining technique
          d- non of the above

          203- direct diagnosis of virus :
          a- ELISA Antibody
          b- CFT
          c- IFT
          d- PCR virus

          204- all of the following are required in cell culture except:
          a- neutral PH
          b- presence of buffer salts
          c- presence of antibiotics
          d- incubation at 20 C (( 30-37 C))

          205- all of the following are diagnostic molecular biological technique except:
          a- PCR
          b- ELISA
          c- nucleic acid hyperdization
          d- DNA finger printing
          206- PCR require all of the following except:
          a- extracted DNA template
          b- 2 specific primers
          c- reation buffer
          d- RNA polymerase

          207- bacteriophage is :
          a- virus that can be killed by antibiotic
          b- virus that act like a bacteria
          c- bacteria that act like a virus
          d- virus that infect bacteria

          208- all of the following viruses are transmitted by blood except:
          a- HIV
          b- HBV
          c- HCV
          d- herps virus

          209-all of the following are RNA viruses except:
          a- corona viridase
          b- reoviridase
          c- picorona viridase
          d- pox viridase

          210- penetration of naked virus is by :
          a- fusion
          b- endocytosis
          c- translocation
          d- all of the above

          211- amniotic cavity inoculation is one type of virus culture in:
          a- tissue wall
          b- lab animals
          c- embryonated egg
          d- non of the above

          212- …………….. is an invitro method amplification of a short sequence of target DNA
          a- PCR
          b- hyberdization
          c- finger printing
          d- all of the above

          213- nucleic acid hyberdization means:
          a- probe anneling or binding with it’s complementary
          segment of NA
          b- fragmentation of nucleic acid
          c- amplification of nucleic acid
          d- non of the above

          214- DNA hyberdization is performed by:
          a- primers
          b- DNA labeled probe
          c- restriction endonuclease
          d- non of the above

          215-PCR starts with :
          a- annealing
          b- denaturation of DNA
          c-extension of primers
          d- non of the above

          216- ……………….. is a piece of DNA fragment of a particular gene that can bind specially with it’s complementary piece of DNA:
          a- codon
          b- probe
          c- LCR
          d- code

          217- how many primers are used in PCR :
          a- non
          b- one
          c- two
          d- three

          304-Lowenstein-Jensen media is used for the isolation for:
          a- neisseria gonorrhea
          b- mycobacterium tuberculosis
          c- haemophilus influenza
          d- staphylococcus aureus

          305- Hekton-Enteric agar is the selective media for:
          a- salmonella
          b- streptococcus
          c- staphylococcus
          d- all of the above

          306- the selective media for isolation of fungi is:
          a- S-S agar
          b- XLD agar
          c- sabouraud glucose agar
          d- Hekton-Enteric agar

          307- gram positive rods with Chinese letter appearance:
          a- mycobacterium tuberculosis
          b- corynebacteria diphtheria
          c- clostridium tetani
          d- staphylococcus pneumonia

          308- E lek test is done to diagnose :
          a- streptococcus
          b- staphylococcus aureus
          c- clostridium tetani
          d- corynebacteria diphtheria

          309- all are lactose fermenter except:
          a- E-COLI
          b- proteus
          c- klebsiella
          d- enterobacter

          310- produce pale colonies on MacConkey’s agar and have tendency to swarm on blood agar:
          a- salmonella
          b- shigella
          c- klebsiella
          d- proteus

          311- lactose frementer gram negative bacilli with mucoid growth:
          a- salmonella
          b- shigella
          c- klebsiella
          d- proteus

          312-non lactose fermenter gram negative bacilli produce H2S :
          a- salmonella
          b- shigella
          c- klebsiella
          d- proteus

          313- Widal test is done for diagnosis of :
          a- salmonella
          b- shigella
          c- E-coli
          d- klebsiella

          314- the causative agent of enteric fever:
          a- salmonella
          b- shigella
          c- klebsiella
          d- proteus

          315- the most common cause of urinary tract infection :
          a- E-coli
          b- salmonella
          c- shigella
          d- streptococcus

          316- an important cause of diarrhea in infant:
          a- staphylococcus
          b- E-coli
          c- salmonella
          d- shigella

          317- the most common causative agent for peptic ulcer :
          a- campylobacter
          b- H-pylori
          c- V-cholera
          d- all of the above
          318- TCBS is the selective media for isolation of:
          a- H-pylori
          b- V-cholera
          c- E-coli
          d- H influenza

          319- gram negative bacilli strict aerobes grows on simple media producing a characteristic greenish pigment:
          a- campylobacter
          b- pseudomonas
          c- pasterulla
          d- bordetella

          320- the bacteria which cause scarlet fever:
          a- staphylococcus
          b- streptococcus
          c- salmonella
          d- shigella

          321- antistreptolysin O titer (ASO) is done for the diagnosis of:
          a- group A streptococcus
          b- group B streptococcus
          c- staphylococcus aureus
          d- staphylococcus albus

          323- Loffler’s serum is used for isolation of:
          a- anthrax
          b- clostridium
          c- diphtheria
          d- T.B

          324- gas gangrene is caused by:
          a- clostridium tetani
          b- clostridium botulinum
          c- clostridium welchii
          d- non of the above (( clostridium perfinges ))

          325- Bacillary dysentery is caused by:
          a- salmonella
          b- shigella
          c- cholera
          d- all of the above

          326- the cause of plague:
          a- Y-enterocolitica
          b- Y-pestis
          c- Y pseudotuberculsois
          d- non of the above

          327- treponema palladium is the cause of :
          a- T.B
          b- gonorrhea
          c- syphilis
          d- AIDS

          328- the venereal disease research laboratory test (VDRL) is done for diagnosis of:
          a- T.B
          b- gonorrhea
          c- syphilis
          d- AIDS

          329- Trachoma is caused by:
          a- mycoplasma
          b- chlamydiae
          d- mycobacteria

          391- M-tuberculsis bacilli stain with :
          a- gram stain
          b- Zheil Nelson stain
          c- Gimesa stain
          d- all of the above

          392- AIDS is transmitted through :
          a- food
          b- blood
          c- semen
          d- (b) & (c)
          393- bacteria which cause syphilis:
          a- Neisseria gonorrhea
          b- Viencent angina
          c- Treponema palladium
          d- Yersinia pestis

          394- to diagnose syphilis:
          a- RPR
          b- VDRL
          c- Wasserman
          d- all of the above

          395- streptococci secret:
          a- streptolysin O
          b- streptolysin S
          c- streptokinase
          d- all of the above

          396- disease caused by streptococci:
          a- scarlet fever
          b- purperal sepsis
          c- rheumatic fever
          d- all of the above

          397- staphylococci secrets:
          a- coagulase enzyme
          b- fibrinolysin
          c- hyaluronidase
          d- all of the above

          398- gram positive bacilli:
          a- Klebsilla
          b- Salmonella
          c- Proteus
          d- C-diphtheria

          399- meningeococcal meningitis is transmitted by :
          a- food
          b- droplet
          c- touch
          d- all of the above

          400- dark field microscopy is used to diagnose :
          a- T.B.
          b- syphilis
          c- gonorrhea
          d- AIDS

          401- it cause food poisining with flacid paralysis:
          a- clostridium tetani
          b- clostridium welchii
          c- clostridium botulinium
          d- all of the above

          402- the infective stage of plasmodium vivax :
          b- sporozoites
          c- schizont
          d- trophozoite

          403- Pirenella conica snail is the intermediate host of:
          a- schistosoma haematobium
          b- fasciola hiptica
          c- heterphyes heterophyes
          d- diphyllobothrium latum

          404- Bulinus truncates snail is the intermediate host of :
          a- fasciola hepatica
          b- fasciola gigantica
          c- schistosoma haematobium
          d- schistosoma mansonii

          405- to isolate meningiococci we have to culture the sample on:
          a- Bordet Gengou
          b- modified Thayer martin media
          c- Lowenstein Jensen media
          d- all of the above

          406- to isolate fungi :
          a- Brain-Heart infusion media
          b- tissue culture
          c- Lowenstein –Jensen media
          d- chocolate agar

          407- to isolate H- influenza:
          a- blood agar
          b- chocolate agar
          c- mac Conkey media
          d- all of the above

          408- the bacteria which cause pseudomembrainous conjunctivitis :
          a- N.gonorrhea
          b- C. diphtheria
          c- staphylococcus
          d- Chlamydia

          409- the best sample to diagnose meningitis :
          a- blood
          b- sputum
          c- CSF
          d- urine

          410- used to stain Chlamydia
          a- gram stain
          b- giemsa stain
          c- wright stain
          d- all of the above
          411-……….. is used as transport medium for sample in which cholera is suspected
          a- Cary-Blair media
          b- Stuart media
          c- Alkaline peptone water
          d- glycerol

          412- the color of XLD medium:
          a- green
          b- red
          c- yellow
          d- blue

          413- CIN medium is used to isolate:
          a- E.coli
          b- Vibrio cholera
          c- yersinia
          d- salmonella

          414- to make wet mount preparation:
          a- 10 % KOH
          b- 10 % Na OH
          c- 10 % Na CO3
          d- 10% Na Cl

          415- we do wet mount preparation for vaginal smear To diagnose:
          a- T.vaginalis
          b- N.gonorrhea
          c- streptococci
          d- staphylococci

          416- to isolate viruses:
          a- Loeffler media
          b- tissue culture
          c- Bordet –Gengou media
          d- Brain- Heart infusion

          417- to diagnose whooping cough :
          a- Bordet –Gengou media
          b- Lowenstein –Jensen media
          c- modified Thayer martin media
          d- New York city agar

          418- to diagnose systemic infection we do :
          a- urine culture
          b- CSF culture
          c- blood culture
          d- sputum culture

          419- we give no growth for blood culture after:
          a- 1 week
          b- 8 weeks
          c- 6 weeks
          d- 3 weeks

          420- to dissolve mucous in sputum sample :
          a- 10% NaOH
          b- 30 % NaOH
          c- 10 % KOH
          d- 10% NaCl

          421- mutualism means:
          a- one partener benefits , other unaffected
          b- both partner benefit
          c- one partner benefit , other damaged
          d- living together

          422- Commensalisms means:
          a- living together
          b- one partner benefit , other damaged
          c- both partner benefit
          d- one partner benefits , other unaffected

          423- Balantidium coli moves by:
          a- flagella
          b- cilia
          d- pseudopod
          d- all of the above

          424- Mouth inhabitant:
          a- Trichomonas hominis
          b- Trichomonas tenax
          c- Trichomonas vaginalis
          d- giardia lamblia

          425- Transmitted by sexual intercourse:
          a- toxoplasma
          b- giardia lamblia
          c- Trichomonas vaginalis
          d- all of the above

          465- citrate utilization test is done to assist identification of:
          a- gram +ve bacteria
          b- gram –ve bacteria
          c- entrobacteria
          d- enterococcus

          466- the Kovac's reagent used in the following biochemical tests:
          a- catalase
          b- coagulase
          c- indole
          d- methyl red

          467- positive results for H2S production appear as …. Colour:
          a- black
          c- yellow
          c- red
          d- green

          468-………. Give positive coagulase test:
          a- streptococci
          b- staphylococcus aureus
          c- staphylococcus saprophyticus
          d- Escherichia coli

          469- methyl red test is performed with:
          a- Erlich reagent
          b- Kovac's reagent
          c- Voges proskaur
          d- non of the above

          470- ………… give positive result with urease test:
          a- salmonella
          b- shigella
          c- Y. enterocolitica
          d- all of the above

          471-…………. test is used to differentiate between bacteroides & brucella:
          a- indole
          b- methyl red
          c- H2S production
          d- nitrate reduction

          472- DNAase test is positive with:
          a- streptococcus pneumonia
          b- E.coli
          c- staphylococcus aureus
          d- staphylococcus epidermis

          473- ………… solution used in the gram stain technique acts as a mordant:
          a- crystal violet
          b- safranine
          c- iodine
          d- alcohol

          474- the counter stain in Ziehl- Neelson stain is :
          a- malachite green
          b- methylene blue
          c- iodine
          d- (a) & (b)

          475- bile solubility test is positive with :
          a- streptococcus viridans
          b- streptococcus pneumonia
          c- streptococcus agalectiae
          d- streptococcus pyrogenes
          During replication of DNA, copying errors may occur and this is called
          a- Conjugation
          b- Transduction
          c- Transformation
          d- Mutation

          132- Obligatory Anaerobic bacteria
          a- grow only in presence of oxygen
          b- grow only in absence of oxygen
          c- grow either in presence or absence of oxygen
          d- grow in presence of oxygen traces and 5 – 10% CO2

          133- Neutrophilic bacteria grow well at
          a- pH 8.5 – 9.0
          b- pH 7.2 – 7.4
          c- pH 5.0 – 5.5
          d- pH 2.5 – 3.0

          134- The rate of cell death increase and bacterial growth stopped, this is
          a- Adaptation phase
          b- Exponential phase .
          c- Stationary phase.
          d- Decline Phase

          135- Beta-hemolytic
          a- Cause complete hemolysis of RBC’s
          b- Cause chemical change of Hemoglobin in RBC’s
          c- Do not cause hemolysis
          d- None of them

          146- Mesophilic bacteria grow at:
          a- 37°C
          b- 14°C
          c- 60°C
          d- 120°C

          137- Circulation of Bacteria and its toxins in blood
          a- Pyaemia
          b- Toxemia
          c.- Bacteremia - without toxins
          d- Septicemia

          138- Disinfections that applied on living or injured tissues:
          a- Sterilization
          b- Antiseptic
          c- Sanitation
          d- Decontamination

          139- Hot air oven is used for sterilization of
          a- Glass
          b- Rubber Gloves
          c.- Plastic Syringes
          d- Catheters

          140- Disinfectant for superficial fungal infection
          a- Phenol
          b- Potassium permanganate
          c- Chlorine
          d- Hypochlorite compounds

          141- Rifampin
          a- inhibit cell wall synthesis
          b- inhibit protein synthesis
          c- inhibit folic acid pathway
          d- inhibit mRNA synthesis

          142- Transacetylase inactivate
          a- aminoglycosides
          b- chloramphenicol
          c- penicillin
          d- cephalosporins

          143- The color of gram positive bacteria is
          a- Yellow
          b- Black.
          c- Pink
          d- Violet

          144- Selective media for fungi
          a- blood agar
          b- Mac Conkey agar
          c- Nutrient agar
          d- Sabourand’s dextrose agar

          145- Histoplasma is a :
          a- Systemic mycosis
          b- Sub – Cutaneous mycosis
          c- Cutaneous mycosis
          d- Superficial mycosis

          146- All are asexual spores produced by mould except
          a- Conidio – spores
          b- Sporangio – spores
          c- Endospores
          d- Arthro – spores

          147- They reproduce only by Asexual reproduction
          a- Blastomycosis
          b- Deutromycosis
          c- Ascomycetes
          d- Zygomycetes

          148- The functions of cell wall is all of the following except:
          a- Giving the shape to the bacteria
          b- Carrying somatic antigen
          c-Selective permeability& transport of solutes = plasma membrane
          d- Protect the bacteria from plasmolysis

          149- Atrichous Bacteria are:
          a- Bacteria contain one flagellum
          b- Bacteria contain 2 flagella
          c- Bacteria without flagella
          d- Bacteria with a tuft of flagella

          150-__________ are essential for host cell attachment:
          a- Flagella
          b- Fimbria
          c- Spores
          d- Capsules

          151- Irregular clusters of spherical cells:
          a- Streptococcus
          b- Staphylococcus
          c- Lactobacillus
          d- Escherichia

          152- Clostridium Botulinum is:
          a- Obligatory Aerobic Bacteria
          b- Facultative Anaerobic Bacteria
          c- Obligatory Anaerobic Bacteria
          d- Micro- aerophilic Bacteria

          153- Basophilic Bacteria grow well at:
          a- pH 8.5 – 9.0
          b- pH 7.2 – 7.4
          c- pH 5.0 – 5.5
          d- None of the above

          154- Cells are divided at high & constant rate:
          a- Decline Phase
          b- Stationary Phase
          c- Log Exponential Phase
          d- Adaptation Phase

          155- The dominant bacterial species in dental plaque are:
          a- Coagulase Negative Staphylococci
          b- Lactobacillus
          c- Bacteroides
          d- Streptococcus Sanguis

          156- The spread of Pyogenic Bacteria in blood stream to different organs & produce multiple abscess is:
          a- Septicemia
          b- Bacteremia
          d- Pyaemia
          157- Inhibit the growth of micro organisms
          a- Bacteriostatic
          b- Bactericidal
          c- Fungicidal
          d- Germicidal

          158- To sterilize fluid damaged by heat:
          a- Gaseous Sterilization
          b- Heat Sterilization
          c- Filtration
          d- Ionizing Radiation

          159- For water disinfection we use:
          a- Hydrogen peroxide
          b- Formaldehyde
          c- Chlorine
          d- Hypochlorite compounds

          160- Mechanism of action of penicillin:
          a- Block peptidoglycan synthesis
          b- Inhibit peptidyglycan cross – linking
          c- inhibit folic acid pathway
          d- inhibit protein synthesis

          161- Sulfonamides:
          a- inhibit cell wall synthesis
          b- inhibit protein synthesis
          c- inhibit DNA synthesis
          d- inhibit folic acid pathway

          162- Acetylase inactivates:
          a- B – Lactam antibiotics
          b- Aminoglycosides
          c- Cloramphenicol
          d- All of the above

          163- Ringworm disease is caused by
          a- Zygomycetes
          b- Ascomycetes
          c- Blastomycosis
          d- None of the above

          164- For wet – mount technique we add:
          a- NaoH
          b- K oH
          c- H2 O2
          d- All of the above

          165- They are transmitted by arthropods
          a- Chlamydia
          b- Spirochetes
          c- Mycoplasma
          d- All of the above

          166- In the past they were listed as large viruses
          a- Richettsia
          b- Mycoplasma
          c- Chlamydia
          d- None of the above

          167- Bacteria multiply by:
          a- Replication cycle
          b- Simple binary fission
          c- Sexual reproduction
          d- All of the above

          168- It protects bacteria from antibiotics
          a- Capsule
          b- Cell membrane
          c- Flagella
          d- Fimbria

          169- Vibro cholera is:
          a- Mono –trichous bacteria
          b- Atrichous bacteria
          c- Lopho-trichous bacteria
          d- Peri-trichous bacteria

          170- Short rods, motile by peritrichous flagella
          a- Spirochaeta
          b- Lactobacillus
          c- Escherichia coli
          d- Vibrio
          171- To take up soluble DNA fragments derived from other, closely related species is:
          a. Mutation
          b. Transformation
          c. Transduction
          d. Conjugation

          172- Tuberculosis are
          a- micro-airophilic
          b- Facultative anaerobic
          c- Obligatory anaerobic
          d- Obligatory aerobic

          173- According to pH, Lactobacillus is
          a- Neutrophlic bacteria
          b- Acidophilic bacteria
          c- Basophilic bacteria
          d- None of the above

          174- Bacteria without cell Wall
          a- Chlamydia
          b- Rickettsia
          c- Mycoplasma
          d.- Spirochetes

          175- Brucella Melitensis is
          a- Obligatory aerobic bacteria
          b- Obligatory anaerobic bacteria
          c- Facultative anaerobic bacteria
          d- Micro-aerophilic bacteria

          176- Pseudomonas aeroginosa is
          a- Peri-trichous bacteria
          b- Lopho-trichous bacteria
          c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
          d- Monotrichous bacteria

          177- Genetic information of bacteria is carried on
          a- Messenger RNA
          b- Transfer RN|A
          c- Tran****** RNA
          d- Double – Stranded DNA
          178- Thermophilic bacteria grow at
          a- 60 – 80 °C
          b- 0 - 20°C
          c-. 37°C
          d- 100 - 120°C

          179- Acidophilic bacteria grow at
          a- pH 7.2 – 7.4
          b- pH 5.0 – 5.5
          c- pH 8.5 – 9.0
          d- None of the above

          180- Mycoplasma is
          a- Neutrophilic bacteria
          b- Acidophilic bacteria
          c- Basophilic bacteria
          d- All of the above

          181- It is the adaptation of bacteria to the fresh medium
          a- Lag phase
          b- Decline phase
          c- Logarithmic Phase
          d- Stationary phase

          182- Bacteria which do not cause hemolysis is
          a- Beta-Hemolytic
          b- Alpha-Hemolytic
          c- Gama Hemolytic
          d- None of the above

          183- Normal flora of Lower intestine are all of the following except:
          a- Staphylococci
          b- Diphtheroids
          c- Shigella
          d- Lactobacillus

          184- Opportunistic pathogens are all of the following except:
          a- Cause a disease when the host defense are suppressed.
          b- Are normal flora of healthy body
          c- Are greatly harmful
          d- Do not invade the body or tissue.
          185- For disinfection of mattresses :
          a- Hot air oven
          b- Autoclave
          c- Ethylene Oxide
          d- Hydrogen Peroxide

          186- Pyschrophilic bacteria grow at:
          a- 10٠°C
          b- 6٠°C
          c- 14°C
          d- 37°C

          187- Bacteria which contain chlorophyll
          a- Heterotrophic bacteria
          b- Autotrophic bacteria
          c- Photosynthetic bacteria
          d- All of the above

          188- Tricophyton is one of
          a- Yeast
          b- Moulds
          c- Dermatophyte
          d- Dimorphic Fungi

          189- Plastomyces is one of
          a- Dermatophytes
          b- Dimorphic Fungi
          c- Yeast
          d- Moulds

          190- Color of gram negative bacteria is
          a- Violet
          b- Green
          c- Red
          d- Black

          118- All are Prokaryotic cells except:
          a- Fungi
          b- Bacteria
          c - Chlamydia
          d- Mycoplasma

          119- Viruses:
          a- Contain only DNA or RNA
          b - They Contain ribosome
          c- Did not affected by antibiotics
          d- a+c

          120- All of these are essential structure except:
          a- Nuclear body
          b- Spores
          c- Cell wall
          d- Plasma Membrane

          121- ________ is giving the shape to the bacteria
          a.- Cytoplasmic Membrane
          b- Capsule
          c- Cell Wall
          d- All of the above

          122- One of its functions is selective permeability
          a- Cell wall
          b- Plasma membrane
          c- Capsule
          d- Spores

          123- They are responsible for Haemagglutination Phenomenon
          a- Flagella
          b- Fimbria
          c- Capsule
          d- Cell wall

          124- Clostridium Tetani is:
          a- Atrichous bacteria
          b- Mono-trichous bacteria
          c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
          d- Peri-trichous bacteria

          125- Short curved or straight rods, motile by single polar flagellum
          a- spirochaeta
          b- Vibrio
          c- Escherichia
          d- Lactobacillus

          126- Small gram negative cocci, occur in pairs
          a- staphylococcus
          b- streptococcus
          c- neisseria
          d- non of the above

          127- Transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another by
          bacteriophages is:
          a. Transformation
          b. Tansduction
          c. Conjugation
          d. Mutation

          128- Salmonella are:
          a- Obligatory Aerobic bacteria
          b.- Obligatory Anaerobic bacteria
          c- Facultative Anaerobic bacteria
          d- Micro-aerophilic bacteria

          129- According to pH, vibrio cholera is
          a- Osmophilic bacteria
          b- Basophilic bacteria
          c- Acidophilic bacteria
          d- Neutrophilic bacteria

          130- Staphylococci are:
          a- Atrichous bacteria
          b- Mono-trichous bacteria
          c- Amphi-trichous bacteria
          d- Peri-trichous bacteria


          • #80
            والله استفدت كثير منكم .. الف شكر لكم


            • #81
              اتمنى كل من اختبر يضع اسئلته هنا


              • #82
                الف الف شكر


                • #83
                  راح انزل اسئلتي قريب ان شاء الله


                  • #84
                    1- Neutrophils count in normal patient
                    a. 40 – 75 %
                    b. 21- 40 %
                    c. 1-6%
                    d. 0 -1 %.
                    2- Raised reticulocyte counts found when there is
                    a. Hemolytic anemia
                    b. Diabetius mellitus
                    c. Pancretic disease
                    d. Stomach ulcer
                    3- Patient comes to the lab. After take meal since two hours the normal level of his glucose is
                    a. 100 – 150 mg/dl.
                    b. 70 – 110 mg/dl.
                    c. 50 – 90 mg/dl.
                    d. 100 – 150 gm/l.
                    4- which stain most commonly used in microbiology
                    a. Leishman stain
                    b. Romanosky stain
                    c. Gram stain
                    d. Gimsa stain
                    e. ALL.
                    5- Immunoglobin consists of five parts of Antibodies (Pentamoric).
                    a. IgG
                    b. IgM
                    c. IgD
                    d. IgA
                    e. IgE
                    6- A good complement fixing antibodies
                    a. IgG
                    b. IgM
                    c. IgD
                    d. IgE
                    7- Cells not contain nucleus.
                    a. Erythrocyte
                    b. Leukocyte
                    c. Platelets
                    d. blast cell
                    8- Which of the following immunoglobulins is present normally in plasma at the highest concentration?
                    a. IgG
                    b. IgM
                    c. IgA
                    d. IgD
                    e. IgE
                    9- Which immunoglobulin is the principal one found in secretions such as milk?
                    a. IgG
                    b. IgM
                    c. IgA
                    d. IgD
                    e. IgE
                    10- In potential diabetic patient, the confirming test used is
                    a. Random blood sugar
                    b. Fasting blood sugar
                    c. Oral blood sugar tolerance
                    d. All of the above
                    11- Which of following organs participate in billrubin?
                    a. Heart
                    b. Kidney
                    c. Pancrease
                    d. Liver
                    12- In emergency case which of the following test do for glucose
                    a. Fast blood sugar
                    b. Random blood sugar
                    c. Oral blood sugar tolerance
                    d. Post prandial blood sugar
                    13- Deficiency in folate & vitamin B12 cause
                    a. Megaloblastic Anemia
                    b. Liver cirrhosis
                    c. Kidney failure
                    d. Kala azar
                    14- Which of the following immunoglubin have four molecules?
                    a. IgG
                    b. IgE
                    c. IgA
                    d. IgM + 4
                    15- Which of the following transmitted through blood transfusion
                    a. Malaria
                    b. Aids
                    c. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
                    d. All of the above
                    16- Red blood cell synthesis in bone marrow from
                    a. Fate cell
                    b. Cord cell
                    c. Myeloid cell
                    d. Stem cells
                    17- Which of the following happen in prolonged fast
                    a. Kenton in urine
                    b. Hyperglycemia
                    c. Hypocholestremia

                    18- _______ Can growth in aeorobic and anaeorobic except
                    a. Clostridium
                    b. Salmonella
                    c. Shigella
                    d. E.col
                    e. Haemophillus
                    19- We can diagnose W.bancrofti by investigate
                    a. Blood smear
                    b. Urine Exam.
                    c. A and B
                    d. Stool smear
                    20- The all ABO group true except:
                    a. AB group transfusion only to person AB
                    b. A group transfusion to group A and O group
                    c. O group can transfusion into person have A and B and O group
                    d. O group the contain both Antigen A and B
                    21- The gram stains use for:
                    a. Mycobacteruim
                    b. Borrela
                    c. Dipheteria
                    d. E.coli

                    22- ESR measured
                    a. Millimeters
                    b. Centimeter
                    c. Milligram
                    d. Dl.

                    23- Wuchereria Bancrofti diagnose:
                    a. Microscopic examination of blood smears = اخترت هذي
                    b. Microscopic examination of concentrated urine
                    c. Microscopic examination of stool smear
                    d. Microscopic examination of blood or urine smears
                    24- In the formol-ether technique the parasite found in:
                    a. ether layer
                    b. formol layer
                    c. sediment
                    d. Fecal deprise
                    25- Normocytic Normochromic anemia found in
                    a. Pernicious anemia
                    b. Megaloplastic anemia
                    c. a plastic anemia
                    d. iron deficiency
                    26- The dimeric Antibodies is
                    a. IgG
                    b. IgM
                    c. IgE
                    d. IgD
                    e. IgA
                    27- Which of the following of immunoglobulin inflexible:
                    a. IgG
                    b. Ig M
                    c. IgE
                    28- Yellow brown egg
                    a. Ascaris lumbrcoid
                    b. Schistosoma mansoni
                    c. Giardia lamblia
                    d. Entamoeba histolytica

                    29- Pathogen should do:-
                    a. Infect-transmitted-Reproduce
                    b. Reproduce- Infect-Tans
                    c. transmitted – Infect – Reproduce
                    d. ALL
                    e. Non above

                    30- The Ag in ABO system:-
                    a. A.B.C
                    b. A.B.O
                    c. A.B.H

                    31- Reticulocyte stain with super vital to show:-
                    a. RNA
                    b. Organs
                    c. Network
                    d. Nucleus

                    32- In chemistry lab use:-
                    a. Green tube
                    b. Red tube
                    c. Blue tube
                    d. Lavender

                    33- In stool conce. Method should not use with:-
                    a. S.mansoni
                    b. Fascioloa egg
                    c. H.nana
                    d. A & C
                    e. Ascaris

                    34- Give double zone in blood agar:-
                    a. α-hemolytic streptococci
                    b. β-hemolytic streptococci
                    c. ALL
                    d. Non

                    35- In AML we see:-
                    a. Blast cell more 20%
                    b. No blast cells
                    c. More increase in WBCs
                    d. ALL
                    36- EDITA tube has a color:-
                    a. Purple
                    b. Green
                    c. Blue
                    d. Yellow

                    37- Hot air oven temp.
                    a. 121 C° for 15 min
                    b. 180 C° for 30 min
                    c. 160 C° for 30 min
                    d. ALL

                    38- Chinese litter sees in:-
                    a. C. diphtheria
                    b. S.pyogenes
                    c. Staph aureus
                    d. E.coli

                    39- Detection of hepatitis- C by:-
                    a. Anti-B
                    b. Anti-A
                    c. Anti-C
                    d. Anti-D

                    40- We done the following exam for donor except:-
                    a. HIV
                    b. HCV
                    c. H BV
                    d. H AV

                    41- Lipid and clot factor remove to obtain:-
                    a. Plasma
                    b. Plasma protein
                    c. Serum
                    d. Non above
                    42- In blood group use:-
                    a. Known cell with unknown serum
                    b. Unknown cell with known serum
                    c. Know cell with unknown cell
                    d. Unknown cell with unknown serum

                    دعوااتكم لنا بالتوفيق


                    • #85
                      مشكوووور اخوي زيزو على الاسئلة واتمنى لك التوفيق
                      عندي ملاحظة على كم سؤال

                      Wuchereria Bancrofti diagnose:
                      a. Microscopic examination of blood smears = اخترت هذي
                      b. Microscopic examination of concentrated urine
                      c. Microscopic examination of stool smear
                      d. Microscopic examination of blood or urine smears

                      40- We done the following exam for donor except:-
                      هذا الاديز اهم يختبار يعمل a. HIV
                      b. HCV
                      c. H BV
                      d. H AV

                      13- Deficiency in folate & vitamin B12 cause
                      a. Megaloblastic Anemia
                      b. Liver cirrhosis
                      c. Kidney failure
                      d. Kala azar

                      اذا مخطي اتمنى احد يصححني
                      اتمنى لكم التوفيق ولاخويا زيزو
                      احب الكلام الى الله
                      سبحان الله والحمدلله ولا اله الا الله والله اكبر


                      • #86
                        مشكووور اخ زيزو

                        يعطيك العافيه


                        • #87
                          السلام عليكم ورحمته الله وبركاتوا
                          ابشركم يااحلي اعضاء بافضل منتدي واللي استفدت منه كتيرررر اني اختبررت هيئه يوم امس 7 مارس2011 والحمدلله توفقت ونجحت والاسئله اللي داكرتها ماهي محددة انا بالنسبه داكرت مايقرب شهر من خلال مدكرات ابو راشد وكدلك من خلال موقعنا الغالي والحمدلله توفقت وحبيت ادكر شي جاني بالاختبار
                          ملاحظه الاجابه باللون الاحمر

                          جاني سوال يقول الغدة الدرقيه تسمي الام وسوال يقول الشاقيله غير متحركه وسوال يقول صبغه جرام تصبغ e.coli
                          وسوال يقول الاميباء تصيغ بجمساء ولا جرام ولا ليشمانيا ماعرفته بس اتوقع جرام
                          وسوال يقول الانتي اللي يخترق المشيمه طبعا اي جي جي anti human globaum test do wash of rbc because all serum contain
                          leukocyte responsible for celluar lmunity
                          retculocyte immatuer cell of
                          hormone replication of RBC
                          the Chider Rh positive and Mother Rh negative
                          Anti -D Immune
                          Variation in RBC size
                          Aniso cytosis
                          prolonged fast cause
                          Keten in urine
                          The (U) unit used
                          Enzymatic activity
                          Stimulate on serum calcium level
                          prolonged application of touriquet on arm
                          Urine culture media
                          CLED Ager
                          Confirmotry test Streptoccus pneumonia
                          Bile solubility
                          Pseudomonas aurogenase and Neisseria
                          Rice Watery Stool
                          Vibro cholera
                          Sterilization in hot air oven
                          160c for 45- 60 min
                          Bactera form chain
                          Alkalin skin burn neutralized by
                          Boric acid powder
                          measuring the osmtic strength
                          Transmitted through blood transfusion
                          Malaria -Aids - Cytomegalovirus - All of the above
                          Flask shape parasite
                          Giardia lambilia
                          ESR measured
                          Non motile bactera
                          ABO system
                          A.B.H هداماادكرة مما جاتني بس نصحيه لاتعتمد ع الحفظ افهم السوال زين
                          مع امنياتي لكم بالتوفيق


                          • #88
                            الحمدلله اختبرت يوم الاربعاء9-3-2011 ةنجحت هادي الاسئله اللي افتكرتها
                            هادي الاسئله اللي افتكرتها وكتبتها اول ماخرجت طبعا صيغه السوال مو نفسها بس الاجابة وحده عشان كدا لازم تركزو في السوال
                            Fixed tissue macrophages are
                            دا السوال جا انو كل الخيارات التاليه خطا عن
                            المونو سيت ماعدا اللي هي وظيفه الابتلاع
                            a. Basophilesهنا جا سؤال عنها انها اقل عددا
                            b. Monocyts
                            c. Lymphocytes
                            d. Neutrophils
                            e. Eosinophils.
                            A guideline reference range for MCHC in health patient
                            a. 80-98 fl.
                            b. 27-32 pg
                            c. 31.5-36 g/dl.
                            d. 15.18 mg/dl.
                            e. 13.5-18 g/dl.
                            The best anticoagulant used for determination of erythrocytes sedimentation rate is:
                            • Na citrate
                            • EDTA
                            • Heparin
                            • None of the above
                            In DIC all the following is increased except
                            a. PT
                            b. APTT
                            c. TT
                            d. Platelets
                            None of the above
                            HAV transmission
                            a. Blood
                            b. Body fluid
                            c. Sexual contact
                            d. Fecal oral
                            Enterococci are typically arranged in pairs and can not be or difficult differentiated from
                            a. Streptococci
                            b. Staphylococci
                            c. Spirochete
                            d. Meningococci
                            Patient comes to the lab. After take meal since two hours the normal level of his glucose is
                            a. 100 – 150 mg/dl.
                            b. 70 – 110 mg/dl.
                            c. 50 – 90 mg/dl.
                            100 – 150 gm/
                            Which is most abundant (prevalence)?
                            a. Plasmodium falciparum.جا سوال عنوبلازموديوم ينتج ماء اسود انا اخترت دا
                            b. P.ovali.
                            c. P.malari.

                            Blood grouping antibodies are
                            a. IgG
                            b. IgM جا سؤالين عنو ايت واحد حق التحليل او الاصابه الحديثه برايمري اميونو
                            c. IgE
                            d. IgD
                            e. IgA
                            A good complement fixing antibodies
                            a. IgG
                            b. IgM
                            c. IgD

                            Antibodies associated in Rh
                            a. IgGجا سؤال عنو التحليل او الاصابه القديمه اللي هو السكندري اميونو
                            b. IgM
                            c. IgE
                            d. IgD
                            e. IgA
                            Congenital Parasites infected human
                            a. Entamoeba histolytica
                            b. Giardia lamblia
                            c. Trypanosoma sp.
                            d. Plasmodium malaria
                            e. Toxoplasma gondii السوال جا انو هذا الكائن يشخص في السرولوجي
                            The first aid you do in swallowing of an acid or alkali chemical or poisons.
                            a. Wash immediately in running water
                            b. Seek medical attention
                            c. Trans to other place
                            d. Call the physician
                            e. Immediately rinse the mouth well with water.
                            A case conjunctivitis has been suspected to be trachoma . wich of the following organisms is MOST likely to be the causative agent :جا زي ماهو بالنص بالزببببط
                            • Ricketsia species
                            • Boreerlia vincenti
                            • Clamydia species
                            • Treponema pallidum
                            • Borrelia duttoni
                            The biochemical test differentiate S.pneumonia from other streptococci
                            a. Catalase
                            b. Coagulase
                            c. Citrate
                            d. Bile solubility
                            Bacillary dysentery caused by
                            a. Shigella جا لها سوالين دا السوال والتاني ان كل الخيارات صحيحه للشجيلا ماعدا انها تخمر الالكتوز(طبعا هي ماتخمر الاكتوز)
                            b. Cambylobacter
                            c. Chylamidia
                            d. Salmonella
                            A carbon dioxide enriched atmosphere is required for the culture of : جا دا السوال بالنص بس ماكان في All the bove
                            • Bacillus anthracisانا اخترت دي ومدري صح ولالا
                            • Heamophilus influnzae
                            • Brodetella pertussis
                            • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
                            • Yersinia pestis
                            • All the bove
                            Hormones from cortex
                            a. Thyroxin
                            b. Oxytocin
                            c. Prolactin
                            d. Cortesol
                            Philadelphia chromosome is a specific chromosomal abnormality that is associated with.
                            a. ALL
                            b. AML
                            c. CML
                            d. None.
                            Cells not contain nucleus.
                            a. Erythrocyte
                            b. Leukocyte
                            c. Platelets
                            d. blast cell
                            T. cell maturation in
                            a. Bon marrow
                            b. Thymus
                            c. Spleen
                            d. Liver
                            Which of the following organism oxidase positive
                            a. Psedomonas only
                            b. Nessieria only
                            c. E.coli
                            d. Psedomonas & nessieria
                            Which of the following is true?
                            a. RH-ve person safely donate for person RH+ve person
                            b. RH+ve person safely donate for person RH-ve person
                            c. A blood group person donate for B group person
                            d. All of the above
                            In Pregnancy test we measure
                            a. LDH
                            b. Estrogen
                            c. α HCG
                            d. βHCG
                            Normal range of uric acid?
                            a. 2-5 mg/dl.
                            b. 3-7
                            c. 5-10
                            d. 70 -110 mg/dl
                            Cause Kala- azar:
                            a. leishmania tropica
                            b. leishmania braziliense
                            c. leishmania donovani
                            d. leishmania Mexicana

                            All of the following test use in myocardial except
                            a. Creatinin
                            b. Creatinin clearance
                            c. sGPT
                            d. sGOT
                            Adrenal gland upside of?
                            a. Liver
                            b. Kidney
                            c. Brain
                            d. Heart
                            Eosinphil raised in the following except?
                            a. Allergic
                            b. Parasitic disease
                            c. Hodgkin disease
                            d. Bacterial disease
                            Test for Intrinsic pathway:
                            a. Bleeding time
                            b. Thrombin time
                            c. Prothrombin time
                            d. Partial thromboplastin time PTT
                            The contamination of lens of microscope which cause eye infection?
                            a. B. anthrax
                            b. S.pyogenes
                            c. Staph.aureus
                            d. Clostredium tetani
                            Pathogens can enter the body through?
                            a. Dry skin
                            b. Wet skin
                            c. Unbroken skin
                            d. Scratch skin
                            More abundant leukocyteجاس وال مرره طويل وماافتكرو بس كان دا الجواب والمهم كان من ضمن السوال انها توجد بكميه كبيره
                            a. Basophile
                            b. Monocyte
                            c. Lymphocyte
                            d. Neutrophils
                            e. Eosinoph
                            One test in the following can diagnose anemia :
                            a. CBC
                            b. PT
                            c. PTT
                            d. Platelets
                            e. Leukocyte
                            Substance can not trans and absorbed without a factor
                            a. Iron
                            b. Vitamin B12
                            c. Folic acid
                            d. Vitamin A
                            chronic carrier state may occur in
                            a. HBV
                            b. AIDS
                            c. E.coli
                            d. Mumps
                            e. Rubella
                            The total leukocytes count less than 4,000/cmm is found in
                            a. Typhoid infection
                            b. Leukopenia
                            a. S.Pyogenes
                            c. A and B

                            Lenses near the slide in light microscope:
                            a. Objective
                            b. Stage
                            c. Eye lenses
                            Storage temperature of platelets
                            a. 37 C
                            b. 35 – 40
                            c. 22 – 27
                            d. -4
                            Hb range in adult:-
                            a. 13.5 - 17.5 gm/dl.
                            b. 12 -16 gm/dl
                            c. 13.5 - 17.5 mg/dl.
                            d. 11 – 15 gm/dl.
                            The following parasite will not take the gimsa stain:
                            a. leishmanai.
                            b. Trypanosoma
                            c. Schistosoma
                            d. Malaria
                            e. Filaria
                            The antibody of blood group is AB:
                            a. Anti A and B
                            b. Anti A and C
                            c. Anti A and O
                            d. Non All of the above
                            All of the following bacteria cell components except
                            a. Cell wall
                            b. Cell membrane
                            c. Nucleus
                            d. Cytoplasm
                            e. Pili
                            Heprenized syringe use to collect __________ sample
                            a. Synovial
                            b. CSF
                            c. Venous
                            d. Arterial
                            Streptococci are
                            a. α-hemolytic
                            b. β-hemolytic
                            c. γ-hemolytic
                            d. ALL
                            Serum is plasma without
                            a. Lipid
                            b. Cholesterol
                            c. Fibrinogen
                            d. Fibrin
                            CPDA anticoagulant to store blood for :
                            a. 45
                            b. 21
                            c. 10
                            d. 35
                            Zile-Neelsen stain for stainingماجاني دا الكائن جا واحد تاني اسمو غريب واخترتو انتو دورو ايت كائن يصبغ بهادي الصبغه
                            a. Mycobacteria
                            b. E.coli
                            c. Corynebacterium diphteria
                            d. Salmonella
                            During reaction of 2 chemical substances , the color produced asses by :
                            a. Spectrophotometer
                            b. Flame photometer
                            c. ELISA
                            Flourometry use (S) _________ as source of light .
                            • Deuterium lamp
                            • Mercury-arc lamps
                            • Halogen lamp
                            • Hallow high energy cathode lamp ( HCL )
                            • Tungsten lamp
                            Thromobocytosis is a common finding in which of the following diseases :
                            • Von willebrand disease
                            • Immune thromobocytosis purpura
                            • Iron deficiency anemia
                            • Sickle cell anemia )
                            • Glanzmann's thrombasthenia
                            All of the following are classified as streptococci EXCEPT :
                            • S. Agalactiae
                            • S. pyogenes
                            • S. mutants
                            • S. Aureus
                            Normal value of Lymphocyte
                            a. 55%
                            b. 25%
                            c. 70%
                            Infective stage of hook worms
                            a. Larva
                            b. Egg
                            c. Cyst
                            d. Metacercaria
                            Coombs test used for
                            a. Auto antibodies on surfase RBCs
                            b. Antigene RBCs
                            c. Antibodies in serum
                            d. Antigene on Cells
                            A heamocytometer cannot be used for the counting which of the following :
                            • Red blood cells
                            • Sperm
                            • Total white blood cells
                            • Lymphocytes
                            • Platelets
                            -جا سؤال عن جهاز الكروماتوجرافي يستخدم لماذا انا جاوبت اللون
                            الطور المعدي للدوده الدبوسيه ال EGG
                            Test differentiate staphylococci from streptococci
                            a. Catalase
                            b. Coagulase
                            c. Citrate
                            d. Bile solubility

                            بكتريا الهليوبكترمميزاتها؟؟+ve coccobacilli
                            كل الخيارات تستخدم في الفرن الجاف ماعدا؟gloves
                            بكترياc.botulism تسبب botulism
                            جرام بوزتيف كابسول؟؟ كان الخيارات ستاف وستربتو و meningococci
                            BHS increase??sickle cell anemia


                            • #89
                              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة هدى عسيري مشاهدة المشاركة
                              الحمدلله اختبرت يوم الاربعاء9-3-2011 ةنجحت هادي الاسئله اللي افتكرتها
                              هادي الاسئله اللي افتكرتها وكتبتها اول ماخرجت طبعا صيغه السوال مو نفسها بس الاجابة وحده عشان كدا لازم تركزو في السوال
                              Fixed tissue macrophages are
                              دا السوال جا انو كل الخيارات التاليه خطا عن
                              المونو سيت ماعدا اللي هي وظيفه الابتلاع
                              a. Basophilesهنا جا سؤال عنها انها اقل عددا
                              b. Monocyts
                              c. Lymphocytes
                              d. Neutrophils
                              e. Eosinophils.
                              A guideline reference range for MCHC in health patient
                              a. 80-98 fl.
                              b. 27-32 pg
                              c. 31.5-36 g/dl.
                              d. 15.18 mg/dl.
                              e. 13.5-18 g/dl.
                              The best anticoagulant used for determination of erythrocytes sedimentation rate is:
                              • Na citrate
                              • EDTA
                              • Heparin
                              • None of the above
                              In DIC all the following is increased except
                              a. PT
                              b. APTT
                              c. TT
                              d. Platelets
                              None of the above
                              HAV transmission
                              a. Blood
                              b. Body fluid
                              c. Sexual contact
                              d. Fecal oral
                              Enterococci are typically arranged in pairs and can not be or difficult differentiated from
                              a. Streptococci
                              b. Staphylococci
                              c. Spirochete
                              d. Meningococci
                              Patient comes to the lab. After take meal since two hours the normal level of his glucose is
                              a. 100 – 150 mg/dl.
                              b. 70 – 110 mg/dl.
                              c. 50 – 90 mg/dl.
                              100 – 150 gm/
                              Which is most abundant (prevalence)?
                              a. Plasmodium falciparum.جا سوال عنوبلازموديوم ينتج ماء اسود انا اخترت دا
                              b. P.ovali.
                              c. P.malari.

                              Blood grouping antibodies are
                              a. IgG
                              b. IgM جا سؤالين عنو ايت واحد حق التحليل او الاصابه الحديثه برايمري اميونو
                              c. IgE
                              d. IgD
                              e. IgA
                              A good complement fixing antibodies
                              a. IgG
                              b. IgM
                              c. IgD

                              Antibodies associated in Rh
                              a. IgGجا سؤال عنو التحليل او الاصابه القديمه اللي هو السكندري اميونو
                              b. IgM
                              c. IgE
                              d. IgD
                              e. IgA
                              Congenital Parasites infected human
                              a. Entamoeba histolytica
                              b. Giardia lamblia
                              c. Trypanosoma sp.
                              d. Plasmodium malaria
                              e. Toxoplasma gondii السوال جا انو هذا الكائن يشخص في السرولوجي
                              The first aid you do in swallowing of an acid or alkali chemical or poisons.
                              a. Wash immediately in running water
                              b. Seek medical attention
                              c. Trans to other place
                              d. Call the physician
                              e. Immediately rinse the mouth well with water.
                              A case conjunctivitis has been suspected to be trachoma . wich of the following organisms is MOST likely to be the causative agent :جا زي ماهو بالنص بالزببببط
                              • Ricketsia species
                              • Boreerlia vincenti
                              • Clamydia species
                              • Treponema pallidum
                              • Borrelia duttoni
                              The biochemical test differentiate S.pneumonia from other streptococci
                              a. Catalase
                              b. Coagulase
                              c. Citrate
                              d. Bile solubility
                              Bacillary dysentery caused by
                              a. Shigella جا لها سوالين دا السوال والتاني ان كل الخيارات صحيحه للشجيلا ماعدا انها تخمر الالكتوز(طبعا هي ماتخمر الاكتوز)
                              b. Cambylobacter
                              c. Chylamidia
                              d. Salmonella
                              A carbon dioxide enriched atmosphere is required for the culture of : جا دا السوال بالنص بس ماكان في All the bove
                              • Bacillus anthracisانا اخترت دي ومدري صح ولالا
                              • Heamophilus influnzae
                              • Brodetella pertussis
                              • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
                              • Yersinia pestis
                              • انا متاكد مها باذن الله All the bove
                              Hormones from cortex
                              a. Thyroxin
                              b. Oxytocin
                              c. Prolactin
                              d. Cortesol
                              Philadelphia chromosome is a specific chromosomal abnormality that is associated with.
                              a. ALL
                              b. AML
                              c. CML
                              d. None.
                              Cells not contain nucleus.
                              a. Erythrocyte
                              b. Leukocyte
                              c. Platelets
                              d. blast cell
                              T. cell maturation in
                              a. Bon marrow
                              b. Thymus
                              c. Spleen
                              d. Liver
                              Which of the following organism oxidase positive
                              a. Psedomonas only
                              b. Nessieria only
                              c. E.coli
                              d. Psedomonas & nessieria
                              Which of the following is true?
                              a. RH-ve person safely donate for person RH+ve person
                              b. RH+ve person safely donate for person RH-ve person
                              c. A blood group person donate for B group person
                              d. All of the above
                              In Pregnancy test we measure
                              a. LDH
                              b. Estrogen
                              c. α HCG
                              d. βHCG
                              Normal range of uric acid?
                              a. 2-5 mg/dl.
                              b. 3-7
                              c. 5-10
                              d. 70 -110 mg/dl
                              Cause Kala- azar:
                              a. leishmania tropica
                              b. leishmania braziliense
                              c. leishmania donovani
                              d. leishmania Mexicana

                              All of the following test use in myocardial except
                              a. Creatinin
                              b. Creatinin clearance
                              c. sGPT
                              d. sGOT
                              Adrenal gland upside of?
                              a. Liver
                              b. Kidney
                              c. Brain
                              d. Heart
                              Eosinphil raised in the following except?
                              a. Allergic
                              b. Parasitic disease
                              c. Hodgkin disease
                              d. Bacterial disease
                              Test for Intrinsic pathway:
                              a. Bleeding time
                              b. Thrombin time
                              c. Prothrombin time
                              d. Partial thromboplastin time PTT
                              The contamination of lens of microscope which cause eye infection?
                              a. B. anthrax
                              b. S.pyogenes
                              c. Staph.aureus
                              d. Clostredium tetani
                              Pathogens can enter the body through?
                              a. Dry skin
                              b. Wet skin
                              c. Unbroken skin
                              d. Scratch skin
                              More abundant leukocyteجاس وال مرره طويل وماافتكرو بس كان دا الجواب والمهم كان من ضمن السوال انها توجد بكميه كبيره
                              a. Basophile
                              b. Monocyte
                              c. Lymphocyte
                              d. Neutrophils
                              e. Eosinoph
                              One test in the following can diagnose anemia :
                              a. CBC
                              b. PT
                              c. PTT
                              d. Platelets
                              e. Leukocyte
                              Substance can not trans and absorbed without a factor
                              a. Iron
                              b. Vitamin B12
                              c. Folic acid
                              d. Vitamin A
                              chronic carrier state may occur in
                              a. HBV
                              b. AIDS
                              c. E.coli
                              d. Mumps
                              e. Rubella
                              The total leukocytes count less than 4,000/cmm is found in
                              a. Typhoid infection
                              b. Leukopenia
                              a. S.Pyogenes
                              c. A and B

                              Lenses near the slide in light microscope:
                              a. Objective
                              b. Stage
                              c. Eye lenses
                              Storage temperature of platelets
                              a. 37 C
                              b. 35 – 40
                              c. 22 – 27
                              d. -4
                              Hb range in adult:-
                              a. 13.5 - 17.5 gm/dl.
                              b. 12 -16 gm/dl
                              c. 13.5 - 17.5 mg/dl.
                              d. 11 – 15 gm/dl.
                              The following parasite will not take the gimsa stain:
                              a. leishmanai.
                              b. Trypanosoma
                              c. Schistosoma
                              d. Malaria
                              e. Filaria
                              The antibody of blood group is AB:
                              a. Anti A and B
                              b. Anti A and C
                              c. Anti A and O
                              d. Non All of the above
                              All of the following bacteria cell components except
                              a. Cell wall
                              b. Cell membrane
                              c. Nucleus
                              d. Cytoplasm
                              e. Pili
                              Heprenized syringe use to collect __________ sample
                              a. Synovial
                              b. CSF
                              c. Venous
                              d. Arterial
                              Streptococci are
                              a. α-hemolytic
                              b. β-hemolytic
                              c. γ-hemolytic
                              d. ALL
                              Serum is plasma without
                              a. Lipid
                              b. Cholesterol
                              c. Fibrinogen
                              d. Fibrin
                              CPDA anticoagulant to store blood for :
                              a. 45
                              b. 21
                              c. 10
                              d. 35
                              Zile-Neelsen stain for stainingماجاني دا الكائن جا واحد تاني اسمو غريب واخترتو انتو دورو ايت كائن يصبغ بهادي الصبغه
                              a. Mycobacteria
                              b. E.coli
                              c. Corynebacterium diphteria
                              d. Salmonella
                              During reaction of 2 chemical substances , the color produced asses by :
                              a. Spectrophotometer
                              b. Flame photometer
                              c. ELISA
                              Flourometry use (S) _________ as source of light .
                              • Deuterium lamp
                              • Mercury-arc lamps
                              • Halogen lamp
                              • Hallow high energy cathode lamp ( HCL )
                              • Tungsten lamp
                              Thromobocytosis is a common finding in which of the following diseases :
                              • Von willebrand disease
                              • Immune thromobocytosis purpura
                              • Iron deficiency anemia
                              • Sickle cell anemia )
                              • Glanzmann's thrombasthenia
                              All of the following are classified as streptococci EXCEPT :
                              • S. Agalactiae
                              • S. pyogenes
                              • S. mutants
                              • S. Aureus
                              Normal value of Lymphocyte
                              a. 55%
                              b. 25%
                              c. 70%
                              Infective stage of hook worms
                              a. Larva
                              b. Egg
                              c. Cyst
                              d. Metacercaria
                              Coombs test used for
                              a. Auto antibodies on surfase RBCs
                              b. Antigene RBCs
                              c. Antibodies in serum
                              d. Antigene on Cells
                              A heamocytometer cannot be used for the counting which of the following :
                              • Red blood cells
                              • Sperm
                              • Total white blood cells
                              • Lymphocytes
                              • Platelets
                              -جا سؤال عن جهاز الكروماتوجرافي يستخدم لماذا انا جاوبت اللون
                              الطور المعدي للدوده الدبوسيه ال EGG
                              Test differentiate staphylococci from streptococci
                              a. Catalase
                              b. Coagulase
                              c. Citrate
                              d. Bile solubility

                              بكتريا الهليوبكترمميزاتها؟؟+ve coccobacilli
                              كل الخيارات تستخدم في الفرن الجاف ماعدا؟gloves
                              بكترياc.botulism تسبب botulism
                              جرام بوزتيف كابسول؟؟ كان الخيارات ستاف وستربتو و meningococci
                              BHS increase??sickle cell anemia

                              هذه الاجابات اللي عرفتها
                              الف الف شكر اخت هدى على الاسئلة وماشاء الله جدا سهلة وواضحة
                              اتنمى لك التوفيق
                              تقبلي مروري
                              احب الكلام الى الله
                              سبحان الله والحمدلله ولا اله الا الله والله اكبر


                              • #90
                                الف الف مبرووك للناجحييييين

                                وعقباال البااقيين يارب

                                الاسئلة حلوة

                                بالتوفيق للجميع

