
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

الحمدلله تام الناجح من اختبار الهيئه

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • المختبر=المختبر
    الله يوفقك
    وعقبال لي الاسبوع الجاي ان شاء الله
    وللجميع اللي ماختبروا

    اترك تعليق:

  • فهد2
    الله يوفقك يارب

    اترك تعليق:

  • ياسس
    مبروك ياغالي وعقبال الوظيفة وادعلولي في اختباري عسى اللة ان يفرج همنا من الاختبار :sm199:

    اترك تعليق:

  • فهد2
    الله يبارك فيكم وعقبال الى مانجح
    Potassium 351

    اترك تعليق:

  • سعودي 2000
    The unit of measuring PO2 in blood is

    a. Mg/dl.
    b. Gm/dl.
    c. Ml/min.
    d. mmHg e. Mmol/l

    80. Haemophilus influenza grow well in
    a. Chocolate agar b. MacConky
    c. Blood agar
    d. Manitol salt agar

    90. An elevated sodium level is known as
    a. Hypernatraemia b. Hyponatraemia
    c. Hypercholestremia
    d. Hyperkalaemia

    101. Immunoglobin consists of five parts of Antibodies (Pentamoric).
    a. IgG
    b. IgM c. IgD
    d. IgA
    e. IgE

    127. ANA test in the lab. Diagnosis by
    a. PCR
    b. Spectrophotometer
    c. Flam photometer
    d. ELISA
    137. Which the following catheters collect urine specimen in prolonged period
    a. Hard
    b. Soft
    c. Italian
    d. Foley
    154. Immunoglobulin produced by
    a. Fat cell
    b. Mast cell
    c. Plasma cell
    157. Which of the following can't donate blood
    a. Person have Hb>13 mg/dl
    b. Woman is pregnant c. Person free from syphilis
    d. ALL

    168. The cause of chaga's disease:
    a. Trypanosoma gambiense
    b. Trypansoma rhodesiense
    c. Trypansoma cruzi d. Leishmania braziliense

    180. Eosinphil raised in the following except?
    a. Allergic
    b. Parasitic disease
    c. Hodgkin disease
    d. Bacterial disease
    نفس السؤال 180 بس ماجاب الاختيار الرابع

    186. Infectious mononucleosis is caused by:
    a. Echo virus
    b. Coxsaki virus
    c. Epstein Barr virus EBV d. Cytomegalo virus

    191. Biochemistry test used sample except
    a. Urine.
    b. Whole blood
    c. Serum
    d. Stool
    e. Bone marrow aspiration

    199. Urine samples culture in
    a. CLED ager and Blood agar.
    b. CLED agar c. MacConky agar
    d. XLD

    216. XLD media
    a. Selective=اختياري يعني
    b. Diferentiat c. Basic
    d. Enriched

    218. HbA1C for
    a. 1-2 Weeks
    b. 2-4 Weeks
    c. 4-6 Weeks
    d. 6- 8 Weeks 219. One test in the following can diagnose anemia :
    a. CBC
    b. PT
    c. PTT
    d. Platelets
    e. Leukocyte

    226. If blood clot occur that is called
    a. Heamolysis
    b. Blood coagulation c. Thrombosis
    d. Purification

    230. Number of bonds in Antibodies
    a. 1
    b. 2 c. 3
    d. 4
    e. 5

    234. Which one of the following is not an anticoagulant?
    a. Heparin
    b. Citrate
    c. Phosphate d. EDITA
    e. Floride
    240. Glucose-6-phosphate enzymes are present in
    a. W.B.Cs
    b. rythrocyte c. Plasma
    d. Platelets

    258. ANA is:
    a. Allergy
    b. Sideroblastic anemia
    c. Graft-rejection
    d. Autoimmune disease
    285. Hormone replication of RBCs:
    a. Erythropoietin b. Creatin kinas
    c. Amylase
    d. Progesterone

    290. All the following estimation can be done on plasma EDTA blood except:
    a. Glucose
    b. Cholesterol
    c. Urea
    d. Calcium
    294. Storage temperature of platelets
    a. 37 C
    b. 35 – 40
    c. 22 – 27 d. -4

    310. In AML we see:-
    a. Blast cell more 20% b. No blast cells
    c. More increase in WBCs
    d. ALL

    312. Hot air oven temp.
    a. 121 C° for 15 min
    b. 180 C° for 30 min
    c. 160 C° for 30 min d. ALL

    331. The triple granule, which is the most aboundent in leucocyte, is:
    a. Netrophil b. Eosinophil
    c. Basophil
    d. Lymphocyte

    351. Blood plasma consists of
    a. 90 % Water and 10 % other component b. 10 % Water and 90 % other component
    c. 50 % Water and 50 % other component
    d. 99% water and 1 % other component
    344. Eye swab cultur in
    a. MaCconky
    b. CLED
    c. Chocolate d. XLD
    d. A and B

    349. Heprenized syringe use to collect __________ sample
    a. Synovial
    b. CSF
    c. Venous =الوريد d. Arterial

    351. One of these test effected by slight hemolytic
    a. Potassium b. Blood glucose
    c. Triglyceride
    d. Cholesterol

    395. CPDA anticoagulant to store blood for :
    a. 45
    b. 21
    c. 10
    d. 35
    406. Autoclave sterilize in.
    a. 121c-20 min b. 125-35 min
    c. 115-35 min
    d. 160c-45-60 min

    -Media use fo differentiate between L.F and N.L.F?
    a. MacConkey agar b. Chocolate
    c. Blood agar
    d. XLD
    e. TCBS

    موفقين يارب وما استغني عن دعوتكم:sm182:

    اترك تعليق:

  • سعودي 2000
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة omar999 مشاهدة المشاركة
    عقبال الوضيفه لكن نبي الحلول حقتها عشان نتاكد خاصة السوال

    351. One of these test effected by slight hemolytic
    a. Potassium
    b. Blood glucose
    c. Triglyceride
    d. Cholestero
    اهلين اخوي عمر

    الله ييسر امورك وتبشرنا بنجاحك

    بالنسبه لسؤالك

    الجواب POTASSIUM

    يقلك بالسؤال ما هي الاختبارات اللي تتأثر بتكسير الدم

    طبعا مثل ما قلت البوتاسيوم

    يعني الشخص عنده تكر بالدم ما نقدر نعمل له اختبار POTASSIUM

    موفق ان شاء الله

    اترك تعليق:

  • سعودي 2000
    الف الف مبروك اخوي فهد

    عقبال الوظيفه يارب

    اترك تعليق:

  • omar999
    عقبال الوضيفه لكن نبي الحلول حقتها عشان نتاكد خاصة السوال

    351. One of these test effected by slight hemolytic
    a. Potassium
    b. Blood glucose
    c. Triglyceride
    d. Cholestero

    اترك تعليق:

  • الحمدلله تام الناجح من اختبار الهيئه

    الحمدلله والفاضل لله ثم للا اخت قطره مطره ثم للااخ شادي تم اجتياز اختبار الهيئه في يوم الاربعاء الموافق 18/1/2012 وذلك بنسبت 49 % وذلك بعد عنا طويل تم8شهور وياشباب مافيه شي مستحيل مع الله ومع مختبرات العرب والله يوفق الجميع ويالكم الاسلئه :

    1. The unit of measuring PO2 in blood is

    a. Mg/dl.
    b. Gm/dl.
    c. Ml/min.
    d. mmHg
    e. Mmol/l

    80. Haemophilus influenza grow well in
    a. Chocolate agar
    b. MacConky
    c. Blood agar
    d. Manitol salt agar

    90. An elevated sodium level is known as
    a. Hypernatraemia
    b. Hyponatraemia
    c. Hypercholestremia
    d. Hyperkalaemia

    101. Immunoglobin consists of five parts of Antibodies (Pentamoric).
    a. IgG
    b. IgM
    c. IgD
    d. IgA
    e. IgE

    127. ANA test in the lab. Diagnosis by
    a. PCR
    b. Spectrophotometer
    c. Flam photometer
    d. ELISA

    137. Which the following catheters collect urine specimen in prolonged period
    a. Hard
    b. Soft
    c. Italian
    d. Foley

    154. Immunoglobulin produced by
    a. Fat cell
    b. Mast cell
    c. Plasma cell

    157. Which of the following can't donate blood
    a. Person have Hb>13 mg/dl
    b. Woman is pregnant
    c. Person free from syphilis
    d. ALL

    168. The cause of chaga's disease:
    a. Trypanosoma gambiense
    b. Trypansoma rhodesiense
    c. Trypansoma cruzi
    d. Leishmania braziliense

    180. Eosinphil raised in the following except?
    a. Allergic
    b. Parasitic disease
    c. Hodgkin disease
    d. Bacterial disease
    نفس السؤال 180 بس ماجاب الاختيار الرابع

    186. Infectious mononucleosis is caused by:
    a. Echo virus
    b. Coxsaki virus
    c. Epstein Barr virus EBV
    d. Cytomegalo virus

    191. Biochemistry test used sample except
    a. Urine.
    b. Whole blood
    c. Serum
    d. Stool
    e. Bone marrow aspiration

    199. Urine samples culture in
    a. CLED ager and Blood agar.
    b. CLED agar
    c. MacConky agar
    d. XLD

    216. XLD media
    a. Selective=اختياري يعني
    b. Diferentiat
    c. Basic
    d. Enriched

    218. HbA1C for
    a. 1-2 Weeks
    b. 2-4 Weeks
    c. 4-6 Weeks
    d. 6- 8 Weeks
    219. One test in the following can diagnose anemia :
    a. CBC
    b. PT
    c. PTT
    d. Platelets
    e. Leukocyte

    226. If blood clot occur that is called
    a. Heamolysis
    b. Blood coagulation
    c. Thrombosis
    d. Purification

    230. Number of bonds in Antibodies
    a. 1
    b. 2
    c. 3
    d. 4
    e. 5

    234. Which one of the following is not an anticoagulant?
    a. Heparin
    b. Citrate
    c. Phosphate
    d. EDITA
    e. Floride
    240. Glucose-6-phosphate enzymes are present in
    a. W.B.Cs
    b. rythrocyte
    c. Plasma
    d. Platelets

    258. ANA is:
    a. Allergy
    b. Sideroblastic anemia
    c. Graft-rejection
    d. Autoimmune disease

    285. Hormone replication of RBCs:
    a. Erythropoietin
    b. Creatin kinas
    c. Amylase
    d. Progesterone

    290. All the following estimation can be done on plasma EDTA blood except:
    a. Glucose
    b. Cholesterol
    c. Urea
    d. Calcium

    294. Storage temperature of platelets
    a. 37 C
    b. 35 – 40
    c. 22 – 27
    d. -4

    310. In AML we see:-
    a. Blast cell more 20%
    b. No blast cells
    c. More increase in WBCs
    d. ALL

    312. Hot air oven temp.
    a. 121 C° for 15 min
    b. 180 C° for 30 min
    c. 160 C° for 30 min
    d. ALL

    331. The triple granule, which is the most aboundent in leucocyte, is:
    a. Netrophil
    b. Eosinophil
    c. Basophil
    d. Lymphocyte

    351. Blood plasma consists of
    a. 90 % Water and 10 % other component
    b. 10 % Water and 90 % other component
    c. 50 % Water and 50 % other component
    d. 99% water and 1 % other component
    344. Eye swab cultur in
    a. MaCconky
    b. CLED
    c. Chocolate
    d. XLD
    d. A and B

    349. Heprenized syringe use to collect __________ sample
    a. Synovial
    b. CSF
    c. Venous =الوريد
    d. Arterial

    351. One of these test effected by slight hemolytic
    a. Potassium
    b. Blood glucose
    c. Triglyceride
    d. Cholesterol

    395. CPDA anticoagulant to store blood for :
    a. 45
    b. 21
    c. 10
    d. 35

    406. Autoclave sterilize in.
    a. 121c-20 min
    b. 125-35 min
    c. 115-35 min
    d. 160c-45-60 min

    -Media use fo differentiate between L.F and N.L.F?
    a. MacConkey agar
    b. Chocolate
    c. Blood agar
    d. XLD
    e. TCBS
    انا اسف على اتاخير وهذا الاسلئه الى التذكره وبتوفيق للجميع