
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

اسئلة 2012

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • اسئلة 2012

    السلام عليكم ........... الحمد لله عديت الاختبار............ واليكم الاسئلة لعلها تفيديكم

    13. HAV transmission
    a. Blood
    b. Body fluid
    c. Sexual contact
    d. Fecal oral

    14. Patient comes to the lab. After take meal since two hours the normal level of his glucose is
    a. 100 – 150 mg/dl.
    b. 70 – 110 mg/dl.
    c. 50 – 90 mg/dl.
    d. 100 – 150 gm/l.

    47. Test differentiate staphylococci from streptococci
    a. Catalase
    b. Coagulase
    c. Citrate
    d. Bile solubility

    48. Hydrogene peroxide used in catalase reaction concentration is
    a. 3%
    b. 40%
    c. 100%
    d. 50%

    49. Paul-Bunnell test is positive in:
    a. Multiple myeloma
    b. Hodgkin’s disease
    c. Infectious mononucleosis
    d. All of the above

    50. Normal plasma Prothrombin time (PT)
    a. 36 – 50 Sec.
    b. 11 – 16 Sec.
    c. 12 – 15 Sec.
    d. 1 – 4 min

    51. Cells not contain nucleus.
    a. RBC
    b. Leukocyte
    c. Platelets
    d. blast cell

    52. Which of the following parasite cause cerebral malaria
    a. Plasmodium falcibarum
    b. Plasmodium vivax
    c. Plasmodium malaria
    d. Plasmodium ovale

    53. Which of the following organism oxidase positive
    a. Psedomonas only
    b. Nessieria only
    c. E.coli
    d. Psedomonas & nessieria

    54. Normal reticulocyte in adult is
    a. 0.2 – 0.5 %
    b. 2 – 5 %
    c. 0.2 – 2 %
    d. 1 – 2 %

    55. Deficiency in folate & vitamin B12 cause
    a. Megaloblastic Anemia
    b. Liver cirrhosis
    c. Kidney failure
    d. Kala azar

    56. Which of the following gram negative rod cause dysentery?
    a. E.coli
    b. Salmonella
    c. Shigella
    d. Staph.aureus

    57. If infant has Rh+ve & mother RH-ve must give
    a. Anti-D immunoglubin
    b. Anti-E immunoglubin
    c. Anti-C immunoglubin
    d. Anti-e immunoglubin
    e. Anti-c immunoglubin

    58. Migration of protein in electrophoresis depend on
    a. Weight of component only
    b. Charge of component only
    c. Shape size of component
    d. Weight & charge of component
    e. All of the above

    59. The Urease test done to diagnostic of
    a. S.pyogen
    b. S. auerus
    c. Proteus
    d. E.coli

    60. The cause of sleeping sickness:
    a. Trypanosoma gambiense
    b. Trypanosoma cruzi
    c. Trypanosoma rhodesiense
    d. (a) & (c)

    61. Gondotropic hormone
    a. LH
    b. ADH
    c. Estrogen

    62. Parasite in urine
    a. Schistosoma heamatobium
    b. Malaria.
    c. Leishmania
    d. Toxoplasmosis

    63. Salmonella transmitted via
    a. Blood transfusion
    b. Sexual
    c. Ingestion contaminated food
    d. Inhalation

    64. Thrombocytopenia sees in:
    a. Megaloplastic anemia
    b. APlastic anemia
    c. Iron deficiency
    d. Pernicious anemia

    65. Lenses near the slide in light microscope:
    a. Objective
    b. Stage
    c. Eye lenses
    d. Arms

    66. The antibody of blood group is:
    a. Anti A and B
    b. Anti A and C
    c. Anti A and O
    d. All of the above

    67. Which of the following will increase the calcium concentration:
    a. None restricted foods
    b. Prolonged fast
    c. prolonged application of tourniquet
    d. None restricted drug

    329. The most problem in Pregnancy
    a. Fetus +ve and mother –ve
    b. Fetus –ve and mother +vel

    330. Reject Blood donor if:-
    a. Temperature more than 38.5
    b. Blood pressure120/80
    c. Heart pulse rate 72/min

    331. One is gram-ve motile rod aerobic and oxidase possitve
    a. E.coli
    b. Proteus
    c. Pseudomonas

    332. Anigen and Anti-body can bind on
    a. Ag on RBCs and Ab on plasma
    b. Ab on RBCs and Ag in Plasma
    c. Ag on RBCs and Ag in Plasma

    333. Which of the following required for culture:
    a. Water
    b. Minerals
    c. Vitamins
    d. All the above

    334. Amoeba stained by
    a. Gram stain
    b. Geisma
    c. Iodine eosin stain
    d. Leishman

    335. Infective stage of hook worms
    a. Larva
    b. Egg
    c. Cyst
    d. Metacercaria
    e. Cercaria

    336. Monospot test is done to diagnose
    a. Infectious mononucleosis
    b. Scarlet fever
    c. Reumatic fever
    d. AIDs

    طبعا الاسئلة مو كلها نص بس تكون قريبة منها..................... بالتوفيق

  • #2
    شكرا اخي العزيز بس عندي سؤال هذي اسئلة فني او اخصائي؟ولا الامتحان بيكون موحد للكل؟


    • #3
      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة hamza's lab مشاهدة المشاركة
      السلام عليكم ........... الحمد لله عديت الاختبار............ واليكم الاسئلة لعلها تفيديكم

      13. HAV transmission
      a. Blood
      b. Body fluid
      c. Sexual contact
      d. Fecal oral
      14. Patient comes to the lab. After take meal since two hours the normal level of his glucose is
      a. 100 – 150 mg/dl.b. 70 – 110 mg/dl.
      c. 50 – 90 mg/dl.
      d. 100 – 150 gm/l.

      47. Test differentiate staphylococci from streptococci
      a. Catalaseb. Coagulase
      c. Citrate
      d. Bile solubility

      48. Hydrogene peroxide used in catalase reaction concentration is
      a. 3%b. 40%
      c. 100%
      d. 50%

      49. Paul-Bunnell test is positive in:
      a. Multiple myeloma
      b. Hodgkin’s disease
      c. Infectious mononucleosisd. All of the above

      50. Normal plasma Prothrombin time (PT)
      a. 36 – 50 Sec.
      b. 11 – 16 Sec.c. 12 – 15 Sec.
      d. 1 – 4 min

      51. Cells not contain nucleus.
      a. RBCb. Leukocyte
      c. Platelets
      d. blast cell

      52. Which of the following parasite cause cerebral malaria
      a. Plasmodium falcibarumb. Plasmodium vivax
      c. Plasmodium malaria
      d. Plasmodium ovale

      53. Which of the following organism oxidase positive
      a. Psedomonas only
      b. Nessieria only
      c. E.coli
      d. Psedomonas & nessieria

      54. Normal reticulocyte in adult is
      a. 0.2 – 0.5 %
      b. 2 – 5 %
      c. 0.2 – 2 %d. 1 – 2 %

      55. Deficiency in folate & vitamin B12 cause
      a. Megaloblastic Anemiab. Liver cirrhosis
      c. Kidney failure
      d. Kala azar

      56. Which of the following gram negative rod cause dysentery?
      a. E.coli
      b. Salmonella
      c. Shigellad. Staph.aureus

      57. If infant has Rh+ve & mother RH-ve must give
      a. Anti-D immunoglubinb. Anti-E immunoglubin
      c. Anti-C immunoglubin
      d. Anti-e immunoglubin
      e. Anti-c immunoglubin

      58. Migration of protein in electrophoresis depend on
      a. Weight of component only
      b. Charge of component only
      c. Shape size of component
      d. Weight & charge of component
      e. All of the above
      59. The Urease test done to diagnostic of
      a. S.pyogen
      b. S. auerus
      c. Proteusd. E.coli

      60. The cause of sleeping sickness:
      a. Trypanosoma gambiense
      b. Trypanosoma cruzi
      c. Trypanosoma rhodesiense
      d. (a) & (c)

      61. Gondotropic hormone
      a. LHb. ADH
      c. Estrogen

      62. Parasite in urine
      a. Schistosoma heamatobiumb. Malaria.
      c. Leishmania
      d. Toxoplasmosis

      63. Salmonella transmitted via
      a. Blood transfusion
      b. Sexual
      c. Ingestion contaminated foodd. Inhalation

      64. Thrombocytopenia sees in:
      a. Megaloplastic anemia
      b. APlastic anemiac. Iron deficiency
      d. Pernicious anemia

      65. Lenses near the slide in light microscope:
      a. Objectiveb. Stage
      c. Eye lenses
      d. Arms

      66. The antibody of blood group is:
      a. Anti A and Bb. Anti A and C
      c. Anti A and O
      d. All of the above

      67. Which of the following will increase the calcium concentration:
      a. None restricted foods
      b. Prolonged fast
      c. prolonged application of tourniquetd. None restricted drug

      329. The most problem in Pregnancy
      a. Fetus +ve and mother –veb. Fetus –ve and mother +vel

      330. Reject Blood donor if:-
      a. Temperature more than 38.5b. Blood pressure120/80
      c. Heart pulse rate 72/min

      331. One is gram-ve motile rod aerobic and oxidase possitve
      a. E.coli
      b. Proteus
      c. Pseudomonas

      332. Anigen and Anti-body can bind on
      a. Ag on RBCs and Ab on plasmab. Ab on RBCs and Ag in Plasma
      c. Ag on RBCs and Ag in Plasma

      333. Which of the following required for culture:
      a. Water
      b. Minerals
      c. Vitamins
      d. All the above

      334. Amoeba stained by
      a. Gram stain
      b. Geisma
      c. Iodine eosin staind. Leishman

      335. Infective stage of hook worms
      a. Larva
      b. Egg
      c. Cyst
      d. Metacercaria
      e. Cercaria

      336. Monospot test is done to diagnose
      a. Infectious mononucleosisb. Scarlet fever
      c. Reumatic fever
      d. AIDs

      طبعا الاسئلة مو كلها نص بس تكون قريبة منها..................... بالتوفيق

      تم الاجابه عن جميع الاسئله بالتوفيق للجميع

      دعواتكم لي
      يا رب توفيقك:sm182:


      • #4
        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة zeze2011 مشاهدة المشاركة
        شكرا اخي العزيز بس عندي سؤال هذي اسئلة فني او اخصائي؟ولا الامتحان بيكون موحد للكل؟

        شاكر لمرورك zeze2011 الاسئلة للفنيين وطبعا تصلح للاخصائيين لانه اعم......... يعني بالطبع اسئلة الفنيين راح تكون جزء من الاختبار ............. بالتوفيق


        • #5
          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة سعودي 2000 مشاهدة المشاركة
          تم الاجابه عن جميع الاسئله بالتوفيق للجميع

          دعواتكم لي
          شاكر مرورك واجابتك عن الاسئلة اخوي سعودي 2000 واسف لنسياني كتابة الاجابات .......... الله يوفقك يا رب


          • #6
            السلام عليكم اولا مبروك النجاح وعقبالي
            شكرا على الاسئلة بس حبيت اكتب الاجابة لسؤاليين متعلقين بالبكتيريا انتا ما جاوبت عليهم

            53. Which of the following organism oxidase positive
            a. Psedomonas only
            b. Nessieria only
            c. E.coli
            d. Psedomonas & nessieria
            الجواب هوا d

            331. One is gram-ve motile rod aerobic and oxidase possitve
            a. E.coli
            b. Proteus
            c. Pseudomonas
            وهنا الجواب c
            pseudomonas: gram-ve, motile, strictly earobic and oxidase +ev


            • #7
              مشكورين شباب علي المجهود بارك الله فيكم
              اذا المرء لم يدنس من اللؤم عرضه فكل رداء يرتديه جميل


              • #8
                شاكر اجابتك اخ حمزة باشا واتمنى لك التوفيق وعقبالك ان شاء الله.

                شاكر مرورك اخ moozy ما سوينا الا الواجب وهذا حق المنتدى الجميل علينا.

