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الاسئله اللي جتني

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • الاسئله اللي جتني

    1. The unit of measuring PO2 in blood is

    a. Mg/dl.
    b. Gm/dl.
    c. Ml/min.
    d. mmHg
    e. Mmol/l

    25. HAV transmission
    a. Blood
    b. Body fluid
    c. Sexual contact
    d. Fecal oral

    31. Infective stage of Taenia:
    a. Larva
    b. Cercaria
    c. Embryonated egg
    d. Cysticercus
    e. Metacercaria

    80. Haemophilus influenza grow well in
    a. Chocolate agar
    b. MacConky
    c. Blood agar
    d. Manitol salt agar

    86. Normal range of ASO test
    a. Up to 200 Iu/ml.
    b. Up to 100 Iu/ml.
    c. Less than 50 mg/dl
    d. 70 – 110 mg/dl

    91. A raised potassium level is known as
    a. Hypernatraemia
    b. Hyponatraemia
    c. Hypercholestremia
    d. Hyperkalaemia

    93. which stain most commonly used in microbiology
    a. Leishman stain
    b. Romanosky stain
    c. Gram stain
    d. Gimsa stain
    e. ALL.

    93. which stain most commonly used in microbiology
    a. Leishman stain
    b. Romanosky stain
    c. Gram stain
    d. Gimsa stain
    e. ALL.

    197. In ABO the Rh container color?
    a. Yellow
    b. Blue
    c. Red
    d. Colorless

    338. Plasmodium will transfer by:
    a. Mosquito
    b. Fly
    c. Mite
    d. All of the above

    348. Poikilocytosis is:
    a. Variation in red cell size
    b. Variation in red cell color
    c. Variation in red cell shape
    d. None of the abov

    352. Arterial blood for
    a. Blood chemical
    b. Hormones
    c. Blood gases
    d. Enzyme

    331. Lamb in Flow cytometry
    a. Halogen
    b. Light
    c. Laser
    d. Electrons

    334. Tubes used in sugar analysis
    a. Brown
    b. Blue
    c. Red
    d. Green

    340. In Blood transfusion we may use
    a. Sodium
    b. Calcium
    c. Potasium
    d. Phosphate

    346. HIV Transmitted by
    a. Blood
    b. Urine
    c. Semen
    d. Body fluid
    e. All

    350. Heprenized syringe use to collect __________ sample
    a. Synovial
    b. CSF
    c. Venous =الوريد
    d. Arterial

    350. Heprenized syringe use to collect __________ sample
    a. Synovial
    b. CSF
    c. Venous =الوريد
    d. Arterial

    366. One of the following is kidney function
    a. sGPT
    b. Creatin kinase
    c. Acid phosphates
    d. Creatinin

    371. Different between Salmonella and Shigella
    a. Indol test
    b. Motility
    c. Gram stain
    d. Catalase

    372. Which of the following is responsible for humoral response:
    a. Neutrophils
    b. Basophils
    c. B lymphocytes
    d. Monocytes

    394. AML different from ALL in
    Bleeding and Purpura
    a. More Increased WBCs
    b. Granule neutrophile
    c. Auer rods

    412. To fixation of thin blood film we can used
    a. Aceton
    b. Acitic acid
    c. Acid –alchol
    d. Not fixe

    429. In blood group use:-
    a. Know cell with unkown serum
    b. Unkown cell with kown serum
    c. Know cell with unkown cell

    431. E-coli
    a. Motile
    b. indole +ve
    c. lactose fermetive
    d. produce gas and acid
    e. All above

    435. Infective stage of hook worms
    a. Larva
    b. Egg
    c. Cyst
    d. Metacercaria
    e. Cercaria

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