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سؤال في معامل الميكروبيولجيا

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • سؤال في معامل الميكروبيولجيا

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته....

    بدي موضوع عن كل الميديات ((البيئات)) الممستخدمة في المعامل والكائنات تبعها

    سواء كانت بكتريا او فطريات.

  • #2

    أنا ممكن أساعدك بس بشكل مختصر
    عندي ملخص لأشهر أنواع المنابت ماهي كلها
    لأنه كل المنابت كتاب كبير عندي بس صعبة أنزله هنا
    ما أدري يفيدك هالشي ولا لأ


    • #3
      For a culture medium to be successful in growing
      the pathogen sought it must provide all essential
      nutrients, ions, and moisture, maintain the correct
      pH and osmotic pressure, and neutralize any toxic
      materials produced. It is also essential to incubate
      the inoculated medium in the correct atmosphere, at
      the optimum temperature and for an adequate
      The main types of culture media are:
      ● Basic
      ● Enriched
      ● Selective
      ● Indicator
      ● Transport
      ● Identification
      Basic media: These are simple media such as nutrient agar
      and nutrient broth that will support the growth of microorganisms
      that do not have special nutritional requirements.
      They are often used in the preparation of enriched media, to
      maintain stock cultures of control strains of bacteria, and for
      subculturing pathogens from differential or selective media
      prior to performing biochemical and serological identification
      Enriched media: Enriched media are required for the growth
      of organisms with exacting growth requirements such as
      H. influenzae, Neisseria species, and some Streptococcus
      species. Basic media may be enriched with whole or lyzed
      blood, serum, peptones, yeast extract, vitamins and other
      growth factors. An enriched medium increases the numbers of
      a pathogen by containing all the necessary ingredients to
      promote its growth. Such a medium is often used for specimens
      collected from sites which are normally sterile to ensure
      the rapid multiplication of a pathogen which may be present
      only in small numbers.
      Enrichment media: This term is usually applied to fluid selective
      media which contain substances that inhibit the growth of
      unwanted organisms, e.g. Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth which
      is often used as an enrichment medium for Salmonella
      serovars in faeces.
      Selective media: These are solid media which contain substances
      (e.g. bile salts or other chemicals, dyes, antibiotics)
      which inhibit the growth of one organism to allow the growth

      of another to be more clearly demonstrated. A selective
      medium is used when culturing a specimen from a site having

      a normal microbial flora to prevent unwanted contaminants
      overgrowing a pathogen. Media made selective by incorporating
      antibiotics are usually expensive.
      Other ways to select organisms
      Incubation conditions may be used to select organisms, e.g.
      P. aeruginosa is inhibited by anaerobic conditions. Also the
      pH of a medium may make it selective for a particular
      organism, e.g. V. cholerae can be isolated on an alkaline
      medium such as TCBS agar. Temperature may also help to
      select an organism e.g. Listeria monocytogenes can grow at
      4 C whereas other organisms are inhibited. Growth, however,
      is slow.
      Indicator (differential) media: These are media to which dyes
      or other substances are added to differentiate microorganisms.
      Many differential media distinguish between
      bacteria by incorporating an indicator which changes colour
      when acid is produced following fermentation of a specific
      carbohydrate e.g. MacConkey agar.
      Note: Many media used to isolate pathogens are both selective
      and enrichment or both selective and differential.
      Transport media: These are mostly semisolid media that
      contain ingredients to prevent the overgrowth of commensals
      and ensure the survival of aerobic and anaerobic pathogens
      when specimens cannot be cultured immediately after collection.
      Their use is particularly important when transporting
      microbiological specimens from health centres to the district
      microbiology laboratory or specimens to the Regional Public
      Health Laboratory. Examples of transport media include
      Cary-Blair medium for preserving enteric pathogens and
      Amies transport medium for ensuring the viability of gonococci.
      Identification media: These include media to which substrates
      or chemicals are added to help identify bacteria isolated on
      primary cultures. Examples include peptone water sugars,
      urea broth, and Kligler iron agar. Organisms are mainly identified
      by a change in the colour of the medium and or the
      production of gas. Organisms used to inoculate identification
      media must be first isolated in pure culture.
      Choice of culture media
      The choice of culture media to use in microbiology
      laboratories will depend on:
      – The major pathogens to be isolated, their growth
      requirements, and the features by which they are
      – Whether the specimens being cultured are from
      sterile sites or from sites having a normal microbial
      flora. Although a selective medium is usually
      more expensive than a non-selective one, it often
      avoids subculturing, isolates a pathogen more
      quickly, and makes it easier to differentiate and
      interpret bacterial growth.
      – Cost, availability, and stability of different media
      in tropical countries.
      – Training and experience of laboratory staff in
      preparing, using, and quality controlling culture

      المشاركه منقوله بالكامل من كتاب MONICA ( PART 2 ) أتمنى ان يستفيد منها الجميع.

      زاهر................ مصر ( أم الدنيا ) ,,,,,,,,,,,,, جده


      • #4
        جزاك الله كل خير أخي محمود زاهر على المشاركة
        أختي إبتسامة الحياة أنصحك بكتاب مونيكا فهو مفيد وكذلك غني بالمعلومات الأساسية


        • #5

