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اختبار اخصائي مختبرات طبية 17/9/2012

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  • اختبار اخصائي مختبرات طبية 17/9/2012

    [الحمد لله رب العالمين ,,, اللهم لك الحمد و الشكر كما ينبغي لجلال وجهك وعظيم سلطانك
    اليوم اختبرت اخصائي مختبرات والحمد لله نجحت ..هذا بعض الاسئلة الي جاتني بس لاتعتمدو عليها بل ذاكرو من الكتب وارجعولها بعد ماتخلصو من المذاكره من الكتب وخاصه كتاب مونيكا

  • #2
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    وبه نستعين
    اللهم وفقنا في امتحاننا وألهمنا فيه الصواب واجز عن هذا العمل بفضلك خير الجزاء لأهله وأصحابه

    All of the following are sources of serum alkaline phosphatase except:

    The source of elevated alkaline phosphatase can be identified by electrophoresis of tissue specific isoenzymes at alkaline pH. Liver and bone are the most commonly identified isoenzymes
    A patient with atypical (reactive) lymphocytes in his peripheral blood smear should be tested for:
    Herpes simplex virus infection
    Epstein-Barr virus infection
    Bacterial meningitis
    Acute leukemia
    Epstein-Barr virus causes infectious mononucleosis, which is associated with atypical (reactive) lymphocytosis
    If greater than 50% lymphocytes were found on the peripheral blood smear of a 5 month old child you would suspect which of the following conditions:
    Acute viral infection
    Immune deficiency syndrome
    Normal finding
    Infectious hepatitis
    45 to 75% of the WBCs normally seen in the peripheral blood of infants are lymphocytes
    Match the type of media from the drop down box with the phrase listed below that best describes that media:

    Contains certain factors that allow colonies of specific organisms to appear different than other colonies.

    Media that contains agents that inhibit all but one specific organism.

    Encourages the growth of specific types of organisms.
    Enrichment- Media which encourages the growth of specific types of organisms.
    Differential- Media which contains certain factors that allow colonies of specific organisms to appear different than other colonies.
    Selective- Media that contains agents that inhibit all but one specific organism.
    Expected life span of a neutrophil in the peripheral blood of an adult is:
    3 days
    1 day
    2 hours
    6 hours
    Neutrophil reside in the peripheral circulation for only a few hours ( approx. 2 hours) before entering the tissues and body cavities
    Bacteria which require oxygen for proper growth are termed:
    Obligate anaerobes
    Obligate aerobes
    Facultative anaerobes
    Bacteria which require oxygen for proper growth are termed obligate aerobes. These organisms will only grow in the presence of oxygen, usually because their metabolic processes require it.
    Which one of the following organisms do not typically stain with an acid-fast stain, or one of its variants:
    Actinomyces israelii
    Mycobacterium, Cryptosporidium, and Nocardia each stain with a form of acid-fast stain. The only choice listed that does not is Actinomyces israelii; therefore this is the correct answer.
    Which one of the following statements about TSH is true:
    It is decreased in primary hyperthyroidism
    It is decreased in primary hypothyroidism
    A sensitive TSH assay is not a good screening test for thyroid function
    Diffuse toxic goiter is associated with elevated TSH levels.
    A sensitive TSH assay is now considered the most cost effective method of screening for thyroid disorders. In the absence of pituitary and hypothalamic disease, TSH is decreased in hyperthroidism. and increased in hypothyroidism, with few exceptions. Diffuse toxic goiter is a cause of primary hyperthyroidism, and would be associated with decreased TSH.
    Match deficiency states with their respective vitamins.

    Night blindness



    Thiamine deficiency can cause Beriberi. Vitamin C deficiency can cause Scurvy. Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness. Vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets.
    Rh immune globulin therapy in postpartum women provides:
    Long term protection
    Antibody blocking
    Passive protection
    Active immunity
    Protection against alloimmunization is only for the recent pregnancy. There is of course no long term protection against the development of Rh antibodies if the patient is exposed again in the future.
    The classification of Du refers to:
    Weakly reacting antigen forms of D
    Weakly reacting anti-D antibodies
    Rh(D) negative blood
    Other subgroups of the Rh system (i.e. C, E)
    Which one of the following tests would be positive in the presence of Klebsiella:
    Methyl red test
    Coagulase test
    CAMP test
    Voges-Proskauer test
    A positive Voges-Proskauer test indicates the production of acetoin. It is converted to diacetyl, which is subsequently converted to a red complex in the presence of creatine and naphthol. An organism which is Voges-Proskauer positive is usually methyl-red negative and vice versa. Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Serratia and Hafnia are usually Voges-Proskauer positive.
    The INR (international normalized ratio) is calculated using the following formula: INR=(PT patient / PT normal) raised to the _____.

    The correct answer is the ISI, or the International Sensitivity Index. Manufacturers assign an ISI to each batch of thromboplastin reagent after comparing it to a "working reference" reagent preparation. This working reference has been calibrated against an internationally accepted standard reference preparations.
    The red/pink color of the colonies seen on this MacConkey agar plate is an indication of:

    gram positive bacilli

    non-lactose fermenters

    gram negative bacilli
    lactose fermenters
    On MacConkey agar, lactose fermenters will produce a pink-colored pigment which is present in the image below. The gram stain status of these organisms cannot be established with the growth on the plate.
    Which of the following is most commonly associated with febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reactions:

    Bacterial contamination of the blood

    I.V. tubing contaminants

    Reaction to plasma proteins
    Immune response to leukocytes

    The immune response in the recipient to donor leukocytes present in a blood product is most commonly associated with febrile, non-hemolytic transfusion reactions
    Match each virus with its appropriate nucleic acid content.




    Paramyxovirus: RNA
    Rhabdovirus: RNA
    Poxvirus: DNA
    Orthomyxovirus: RNA
    Hemophilia B or Christmas disease is the result of a hereditary deficiency in which coagulation factor:
    Factor X

    Factor VIII

    Factor VII
    Factor IX
    Hemophilia B is a sex-linked recessive disorder characterized by deficiency of Factor IX. It is much less common that Factor VIII deficiency.
    TIBC (total iron-binding capacity) is an indirect measurement of which of the following:



    Transferrin binds iron in the serum, and is proportional to total iron-binding capacity (TIBC). Transferrin(mg/dl) = 0.7 X TIBC (ug/dl)
    Materials such as strong acids and bases are classified as:

    Chemical irritants

    Flammable liquids

    Corrosives are any liquid or solid that causes visible destruction or irreversible alteration in human skin tissue at the site of contact, or a liquid that has a severe corrosion rate on steel. The term “corrosive” includes all items commonly referred to as acids and most strong bases as well.
    Sheep blood agar contains inhibitors to which of the following organisms:


    Sheep Blood Agar contains NADase which destroys the NAD (V factor) required by Haemophilus for growth.

    Identify the cell in this illustration indicated by the arrow:


    Segmented neutrophil

    Lymphocytes are generally the smallest normal WBC seen in the peripheral blood.

    Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci are best characterized by which of the following:

    Positive cAMP test

    Optochin sensitivity

    Bile esculin-hydrolysis
    Bacitracin sensitivity
    Group B streptococci are characterized by a positive cAMP test. Streptococcus pneumoniae is characterized by Optochin susceptibility Enterococci are positive by the bile-esculin test.
    Match the tumor markers below with their corresponding sites of tumor origin.




    Beta HCG
    PSA, or prostate specific antigen = Prostate
    CEA, or Carcinoembryonic Antigen = Colon
    beta hCG, or Human chorionic gonadotropin = Testicles
    AFP, or Alpha-fetoprotein = Liver
    All of the following are benefits of autologous donation except:

    Reduces exposure to infectious agents
    Are always on hand in case of an unexpected emergency

    Reduces demand for homologous blood

    Eliminates sensitization to cellular blood components
    Autologous units must be drawn before they are needed, and must be readily available, therefore are generally not of use in emergencies.
    Which of the following cells is the most common nucleated cell in normal adult bone marrow?



    Metamyelocytes constitute 15 - 20% of the nucleated cells in the normal bone marrow.
    Myeloblasts constitute <3% of the nucleated cells; promyelocytes, <2% of the nucleated cells; ; and myelocytes constitute approximately 10% of the nucleated cells in a normal bone marrow.
    Which of the following factors is not involved in the initial contact phase of the intrinsic pathway:

    Factor XII

    Fitzgerald Factor (high-molecular weight kininogen)

    Fletcher Factor (prekallikrein)
    Factor X
    Fitzgerald and Fletcher Factors are required to complete activation of Factor XII during the contact phase.

    Which of the following conditions is associated with elevated serum uric acid levels:

    Cushing's syndrome

    Gout is a disease manifested by the deposition of crystalline uric acid in joints and soft tissues, with secondary inflammation and pain.
    Which of the following terms would be used to express the middle value in a series of results:



    Standard error
    Median is the middle value in a series of numbers.

    Elevation in CSF total protein may be seen in all of the following conditions except:

    Brain tumors

    Bacterial meningitis
    Parkinson's disease

    CVAcerebrovascular accedent
    The disk diffusion method of measuring antimicrobial sensitivity is also termed:

    Tube dilution

    Gel diffusion

    Tube titer
    Still widely used, the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion technique is a rapid, inexpensive method of testing several antibiotics against a single isolate.
    Adult (normal) Hemoglobin is made up of the following composition:

    >90% HbA, 5%HbF, 1% HbA2
    >95% HbA, <3.5% HbA2, <1-2% HbF

    <90% HbA, 10% HbA2, 5% HbF

    >90% HbA, 1% HbA2, 5-10% HbF
    Adult Hemoglobin is made up predominantly of HbA with only small amounts (< 1-2 %) of HbF (fetal hemoglobin).
    The lecethin to sphingomyelin ratio (L/S) is used to assess:

    Fetal neurological development
    Fetal lung maturity

    Fetal viability
    Fetal liver development
    An L/S ratio above 2:1 indicates mature lung development, whereas a ratio below 1.5:1 indicates pulmonary immaturity
    Which of the following antibodies is predominantly associated with the secondary antibody response:



    IgG - Secondary immune response IgM - Primary immune response

    Choose the term that describes the most prominent finding in this peripheral smear:


    Normal RBCs
    Anisocytosis is a variation in the size of the red blood cells. This slide shows poikilocytosis, but anisocytosis is more prominent here.
    Match the correct components with their appropriate grouping:

    Patient Red Cells

    Reagent Red Cells

    Reagent Antisera

    Patient Serum
    In the forward grouping, patients red cells are combined with reagent antisera to detect antigens present on the patient's red cells.
    In the reverse grouping, reagent red cells are combined with patient serum to detect antibodies circulating in the patient which can react with the reagent cell antigens.
    Which one of the following is not a system for incubation of anaerobic bacteria:
    Candle jar

    Glove box anaerobic chamber

    Anaerobic jar - gaspak
    Anaerobic jar - evacuation replacement
    The normal range for urine pH is:

    4.6 to 5.0
    5.0 to 6.0

    7.0 to 8.0
    All of the Above
    Normal urine pH varies from 4.6 to 8.0. After meals, urine becomes more alkaline due to gastric acid secretion (alkaline tide). At night due to shallow breathing, it becomes more acid. A high meat diet results in a more acid urine than a vegetarian diet, due to excretion of phosphates and sulfates
    The most frequent genotype among Rho (D) -negative persons is:

    r' r

    r' r"
    rr is the most frequent genotype among Rh-negative individuals. The genotype symbolized a lack of the D (Rh) gene.
    Which of the following observations would best explain why a peripheral blood smear is exhibiting polychromasia:

    Lower RBC count
    Increased reticulocyte count

    Decreased hematocrit
    Increased hemoglobin concentration
    Reticulocytes contain residual RNA which gives a bluish hue to RBCs when they are stained.

    The most frequent cause of bacterial meningitis in older adults is:
    Streptococcus pneumoniae
    Neisseria meningitidis

    Haemophilus influenzae

    Escherichia coli
    H. influenzae type b usually causes meningitis in infants and children. N. meningitidis usually causes meningitis in children and young adults. Streptococcus pneumoniae usually causes meningitis in adults. Other organisms can also cause bacterial meningitis, particularly Group B streptococci, and Listeria monocytogenes in infants and adults, and E. coli in infants.


    An increased number of these cells, when found upon microscopic examination of urine is termed:



    Normal urine
    Hematuria indicates the presence of red blood cells in the urine
    Which factor(s) are important to consider in the validation of test results on acutely intoxicated patients:
    Condition of the specimen
    Quantity of specimen available
    Timing of the specimen
    Type of specimen submitted
    False negative results may occur with both the direct and indirect antiglobulin tests as a result of all of the following except:

    Delay in adding antiglobulin reagent

    Failure to adequately wash cells
    Agglutination of red cells prior to addition of antiglobulin reagent
    Agglutination of red cells prior to addition of antiglobulin reagent due to cold autoantibodies would give a "false" positive result, not a false negative. In this case, the washed red cell sample will agglutinate prior to addition of antiglobulin.
    To prepare 500 ml of a 5 % NaOH Solution how many grams of NaOH is required:
    5 grams

    10 grams
    25 grams

    50 grams
    A percent solution is prepared by combining grams of material (i.e NaOH) per 100ml of solvent
    Which of the following would be the most characteristic finding in synovial fluid in a case of pseudogout:

    Monosodium urate crystals
    Calcium pyrophosphate crystals

    Macrophage infiltration
    Mixed RBC/WBC infiltration
    Calcium pyrophosphate crystals are characteristic of pseudogout.
    Gram positive organisms
    resist acetone-alcohol decolorization

    are always decolorized by acetone-alcohol

    resist staining by crystal violet
    readily stain with safranin in the Gram stain
    Gram positive organisms resist decolorization with acetone-alcohol. Gram negative organisms are decolorized, and subsequently stain with safranin.
    A normal hemoglobin molecule is comprised of the following:

    Ferrous iron and four globin chains
    Four heme and four globin chains
    Four heme and one globin chains

    One heme and four globin chains
    A normal hemoglobin molecule consists of a tetramer with a molecular weight of 64,500 daltons. The constituent monomers are each composed of one heme molecule, and one polypeptide globin chain.
    Which one of the following does not directly regulate clinical laboratories:



    The centers of disease control (CDC) develops guidelines and public health policy. It does not directly regulate laboratories
    Match type of media on the right with media on the left:

    Blood agar

    Phenylethylalcohol agar

    Selenite broth
    Blood agar- Nonselective media
    Phenylethylalcohol agar- Selective media
    Selenite broth- Enrichment media
    Which of the following cells are capable of producing antibodies and lymphokines:



    Lymphokines are biologically active molecules produced by lymphocytes in response to specific stimulants
    Which two of the following crystalline elements are found in acid urine:

    Triple phosphate

    Calcium phosphate
    Crystals and sediment found in acid urine include: cystine, leucine, calcium oxalate, sodium urate, sulfonamide, tyrosine, uric acid, and amorphous urates.
    Which of the following microscopic techniques is best suited for direct examination of the infectious agent of syphilis?

    Light microscopy

    Phase microscopy
    Darkfield microscopy

    Electron microscopy
    Darkfield microscopy allows a lower limit of resolution than bright-field microscopy which helps the tiny spirochetes to be seen in patient samples. In darkfield microscpy, there is a dark background where directly transmitted light is excluded by a dark-field condenser allowing only scattered light to be focused on the specimen. With dark-field microscopy bacteria appear luminous against a dark background.
    The proper storage requirements for granulocyte concentrates is:

    1 - 6 degrees Celsius, < 12 hours

    - 20 degrees Celsius, 48 hours
    1 - 6 degrees Celsius, < 24 hours
    20 - 24 degrees Celsius, < 24 hours
    Granulocytes may be stored at 20-24 degrees Celsius for up to 24 hours, but should be transfused as soon as possible.

    The RBCs seen in this illustration are indicative of:
    Normal cells

    Microcytic cells

    Macrocytic cells

    Hypochromic cells
    Normal red cells are uniformly shaped and sized with 2-3mm of central pallor.
    Which of the following would be considered the definitive host of a parasite:


    Insect vector

    First host infected by the parasite
    Host in which mature parasites develop
    A parasite's definitive host is defined as the host in which sexual reproduction occurs.
    The Rh nomenclature which uses the letters DCE is found in which of the following genetic models:


    Fisher -Race
    Fisher and Race first proposed the existence of the three closely linked genes, and used the DCE terminology to describe their theory.
    HLA-A and HLA-B antigens can be detected using which of the following techniques?

    Standard crossmatch
    Lymphocyte cytotoxicity

    Immunofluorescent staining
    Mixed lymphocyte cultures
    HLA-A and B antigens are detected by mixing the lymphocytes being tested with known HLA antisera and complement and then measuring the cell lysis (leukocytoxicity) that occurs.
    The term used to describe patients with absence of Rh antigens is:



    Rhnull individuals have no Rh antigens. Rhmod individuals show reduced and varied reactivity with Rh antigens
    What does the YELLOW color on the NFPA diamond represent:
    A health hazard

    A fire hazard
    A reactivity hazard

    A special section
    Red = Fire hazard Yellow = Reactivity hazard Blue = Health hazard White = Specific hazard
    Match clotting factor with its commonly associated Name:

    Stable factor

    Anti-hemophiliac factor

    Christmas factor

    Stuart factor
    Factor VII- Stable factor
    Factor VIII- Anti-hemophiliac factor
    Factor IX- Christmas factor
    Factor X- Stuart factor
    Which of the following is not a structural component of a typical virion:

    Nucleoprotein core

    Capsid ****l

    Lipid envelope
    Icosahedral symmetry
    An intact viral particle typically consists of a nucleoprotein core, capsomeres making up the capsid, and a lipid envelope (absent in some viruses). The symmetry of a virus is usually icosahedral, or helical.
    Fresh frozen plasma should be used for which of the following:
    Platelet replacement
    Coagulation deficiencies

    Volume replacement

    Albumin replacement
    FFP, or fresh frozen plasma, should be used to treat coagulation defiencies- though the levels of factors V and VIII are usually decreased in FFP units. FFP is not used for platelet replacement as there are virtually no platelets in FFP units. FFP should never be used as a volume expander, unless traumatic bleeding is taking place. Finally, FFP is not used to replace albumin in recipients.
    Which one of the following statements about the Hepatitis B vaccine is correct?

    It is not effective in the majority of cases.
    It is safe, with minimal side effects.

    Your employer may charge you a reasonable fee to provide it.

    It consists of a single shot given in the buttocks.
    Serum calcitonin is typically elevated in which of the following conditions:
    Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid


    Adrenal adenoma
    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000
    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000
    Serum calcitonin is normally produced by the C cells of the thyroid. It functions to reduce serum calcium by inhibiting release of calcium from bone. It is a peptide with a molecular weight of 3400, and has a half life of approximately 12 minutes. It is characteristically elevated in medullary carcinoma of the thyroid. Since medullary carcinoma often occurs as an autosomal disorder, family members of patients with this condition should be screened for serum calcitonin.
    The normal range for urine pH is:

    4.6 to 5.0

    5.0 to 6.0

    7.0 to 8.0
    All of the Above
    Normal urine pH varies from 4.6 to 8.0. After meals, urine becomes more alkaline due to gastric acid secretion (alkaline tide). At night due to shallow breathing, it becomes more acid. A high meat diet results in a more acid urine than a vegetarian diet, due to excretion of phosphates and sulfates.
    Which of the following forms of calcium is biologically active:

    Protein-bound calcium

    Non-ionized calcium
    Calcium carbonate
    Free ionized calcium
    Ionized calcium is important in physiologic functions such as coagulation and neuromuscular conductivity.
    The normal range for urine pH is:
    4.6 to 8.0

    5.0 to 6.0

    7.0 to 8.0

    none of the above
    Depending on the person's acid-base status, the pH of urine may range from 4.5 to 8. The kidneys maintain normal acid-base balance primarily through the reabsorption of sodium and the tubular secretion of hydrogen and ammonium ions. Urine becomes increasingly acidic as the amount of sodium and excess acid retained by the body increases. Alkaline urine, usually containing bicarbonate-carbonic acid buffer, is normally excreted when there is an excess of base or alkali in the body. Secretion of an acid or alkaline urine by the kidneys is one of the most important mechanisms the body uses to maintain a constant body pH.
    Which of the following factors does not affect the result of the PTT assay?
    Factor X

    Factor IX

    Factor VIII
    Factor VII
    The PTT is prolonged secondary to deficiency of factors of the intrinsic pathway, specifically: prekallekrein, high-molecular-weight kininogen, Factors XII, XI, IX, VIII, X, V, II, and I.
    Which of these is arranged from least mature to most mature:

    Lymphoblast, Lymphocyte, Prolymphocyte, Stem Cell
    Stem Cell, Lymphoblast, Prolymphocyte, Lymphocyte

    Stem Cell, Lymphoblast, Lymphocyte, Prolymphocyte

    Lymphocyte, Prolymphocyte, Lympoblast, Stem Cell
    The appropriate order of the lymphocyte cell line from least mature to most mature is: Stem Cell, Lymphoblast, Prolymphocyte, Lymphocyte.
    DR antigens are found in which of the following systems:

    Kell system
    HLA system

    Duffy system

    ABO system
    HLA-DR is a MHC class II(major histocompatibility complex) surface receptor on the cellular surface which is encoded by the human leukocyte antigen complex, or HLA.
    Which of the following organisms is not an aerobic organism:


    Francisella tularensis is an aerobic gram-negative coccobaccillary organism requiring cystine or cysteine to grow. It causes tuleremia, which can manifest as cutaneous papules and ulcers, conjunctivitis, fever, myalgias, and lymphadenopathy. It can be diagnosed by culture on appropriate media, or serology. Bacteroides fragilis is an anaerobic gram-negative rod which is resistant to most penicillins. It can cause a variety of life threatening infections. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a stictly aerobic gram-negative motile bacillus; it causes a variety of infections especially among patients who are immunocompromised for a variety of reasons, and it causes wound infections in moist air.

    The red cells indicated by the arrows in this image exhibit which of the following abnormal erythrocyte shapes?



    Stomatocytes have a slit like appearance in the area of central pallor - many chemical agents may cause this abnormality.
    Which two of the following organisms are gram positive?

    Erysipelothrix, a genus of bacteria containing a single species, are short gram-positive rods. Lactococcus, a microbe formerly included in the genus Strep Group N1, are gram-positive, catalase negative, non-motile cocci that are found singly, in pairs, or in chains. Pasteurella and Aeromonas are both gram-negative microbes.
    The iodine prep is most helpful to identify which of the following parasitic stages:


    Trophozoites are not generally motile in iodine stained wet preps
    Which of the following conditions is most frequently associated with anti-I:
    The correct answer is highlighted below
    Cold agglutinin disease
    Hemolytic transfusion reaction

    Delayed transfusion reaction

    Infectious mononucleosis
    Autoanti-I is an insignificant IgM cold agglutinin found in many individuals. It can rarely be the cause of cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia. It is also seen in many patients with Mycoplasma Pneumoniae infection. Alloanti-I is very rare, since there are so few I-negative adults.
    What percentage of glycerol is generally used when freezing red cells of rare phenotypes:
    70 %
    40 %

    10 %

    5 %

    Cryopreservation of red cells is expensive, and of limited value for routine use since their ****f life after thawing is only 24 hours. It is invaluable for maintaining an inventory of rare blood phenotypes.
    Match each virus with its appropriate nucleic acid content:




    Togavirus: RNA
    Coronavirus: RNA
    Herpesvirus: DNA
    Adenovirus: DNA
    Which of the following organisms is most likely to be associated with gas gangrene:

    Clostridia histolyticum

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    Clostridium perfringens

    Escherichia coli
    Clostridium perfringens is most likely to be associated with gas gangrene. Clostridium gas gangrene is a form of lethal necrotizing soft tissue infection of skeletal muscle caused by the toxins and gas produced by this organism
    Which one of the following statements about urea is false:
    It accounts for 75% of nonprotein nitrogen excreted

    It is elevated in a variety of glomerular, tubular, interstitial, and vascular renal diseases
    It is decreased in dehydration

    The reference range for normal individuals is 7 to 18 mg/dl when expressed as blood urea nitrogen
    Urea is actually increased during bouts of dehydration.
    Which of the following descriptions best describes the term absolute value as it would relate to differential counts.

    Relative % of each cell type
    Relative % of each cell type X total white cell count

    Relative % of each cell type divided by total white count
    Specific number of each cell type divided by total white count
    The absolute cell counts are measurements calculated by multiplying the relative cell percentages by the total white blood cell count.
    Which one of the following statements about E.coli O157:H7 is false:

    It has been reported in contaminated unpasteurized milk, unpasteurized apple juice, and undercooked hamburger
    It can cause hemolytic-uremic syndrome in children

    It causes hemorrhagic diarrhea, abdominal pain, and other symptoms
    It ferments sorbitol rapidly
    E. coli O157:H7 is sorbitol negative. It is screened for in a stool specimen using sorbitol McConkey agar, where it produces colorless colonies, indicating that it is not fermenting sorbitol. E. coli O157:H7 is also most often beta-glucuronidase negative, and usually produces an enterohemolysin which leaves a small zone of hemolysis surrounding colonies on a blood agar plate of washed sheep red cells with calcium chloride. Sorbitol negative E. coli should be serotyped to determine if they are the O157:H7 serotype.
    Which of the following would be considered most significant as it relates to serological testing:

    Presence of an antibody titer is generally diagnostic
    Rise of antibody titers is diagnostic

    Concentration of antibody is diagnostic
    Cross reactivity is not significant
    Serological diagnosis of active of recent infection generally requires the demonstration of IgM antibody, or the demonstration of a fourfold rise in the titer of specific IgG antibody.
    Which of the following infectious agents represent the greatest risk to the laboratory worker:



    While AIDS is a more serious health threat, hepatitis is far more prevalent, and therefore represents a greater overall risk.
    The most common cause of severe life threatening hemolytic transfusion reactions is:


    Anti-A, Anti-B, Anti-A, B

    Incompatiblity involving the ABO blood group system can cause the most sever type of transfusion reaction.

    The predominant cells seen in this CSF are suggestive of:

    Normal cytocentrifuged smear
    Viral meningitis
    Bacterial meningitis

    Alzheimer's disease
    Almost exclusively mononuclear cells are seen, suggestive of viral meningitis.
    CSF lymphocytosis is associated with all of the following except:
    Cerebral abscess

    Viral meningitis

    Chronic fungal meningitis

    Chronic tuberculous meningitis
    There are many causes of CSF lymphocytosis.
    A zinc deficiency in the elderly is often caused by:
    Decreased intake and absorption

    Decreased intake and excretion

    Increased intake and excretion
    Increased excretion and decreased absorption
    Some elderly individuals can have poor dietary habits which can lead to decreased nutrient absorption, including zinc.
    Which of the following will give the best overall picture of a patient's iron stores:




    The concentration of circulating ferritin is proportional to the size of iron stores.
    The capsular material used to identify capsular subtypes of Pneumococci consists of:



    The Quelling reaction can be used to identify capsular subtypes of pneumococci. Reaction of anticapsular antibody with pneumococcal organisms causes their carbohydrate capsule to swell and alters its refractility.
    A simple check which can be employed to verify that hemoglobin and hematocrit values match would be:

    Hematocrit X 3 = hemoglobin
    Hemoglobin X 3 = hematocrit

    Hemoglobin / hematocrit = 3
    Hemoglobin + hematocrit = 3
    The hematocrit is equal to approximately 3 times the hemoglobin level.
    Which of the following blood groups is most frequently associated with cold agglutinins:


    Kell, Kidd, and Duffy are usually warm reacting IgG antibodies. The most common P system antibody is anti-P1, which is a frequently naturally occurring low titer IgM antibody, seen in most P2 individuals.
    Which of the following enzymes is the most sensitive indicator of liver damage associated with alcohol ingestion:



    GGT elevations precede those of other liver enzymes in cases of chronic ingestion of drugs or alcohol.
    The impedance principle shown in this illustration is best described by the following statement:
    Blood cells and platelets are counted by the number of the times they scatter light as they pass in front of a mirror.

    Blood cells and platelets are counted utilizing a type of defraction gradient technique.

    Blood cells and platelets are counted by measuring the drop in transmitted light as they pass through a series of apertures.
    Blood cells or other particles are counted and sized based on changes in electrical resistance as they pass between two electrodes.
    The impedance principle has been the basis for most blood cell counters for more than 25 years.
    Which of the following Rh antigens is found the highest frequency in the Caucasian population:
    The correct answer is highlighted below


    The e antigen is present in 98% of the Caucasian population.
    Factor V is primarily involved in:

    Extrinsic pathway only

    Neither pathway

    Both pathways
    Activated Factor V and activated Factor X are required to convert prothrombin (Factor II) to Thrombin.

    The abnormal RBCs shape seen in this illustration is:

    Thorn cell

    Sickle cell

    Target cell
    Elliptocytes are seen in large numbers in hereditary elliptocytosis. They are also seen in lesser numbers in iron deficiency anemia, and other conditions.
    Which of the following options gives in order from most to least important, the factors you would use to select blood for a transfusion:

    Major Crossmatch Compatibility, ABO Type Specific Blood, Antigen Negative Blood for Patient with antibody reacting only at room temperature
    ABO Type Specific Blood, Major Crossmatch Compatibility, Antigen Negative Blood for Patient with antibody reacting only at room temperature
    Antigen Negative Blood for Patient with antibody reacting only at room temperature, Major Crossmatch Compatibility, ABO Type Specific Blood
    Hemoglobin (g/100ml) x 10 / RBC count (millions/mm3) is the formula for calculating:


    MCH is the average weight of hemoglobin in the average red blood cell. The value is expressed in picograms (10-12 grams).
    Aplastic anemia may be caused by all of the following except:

    Chemical agent
    Enzyme deficiencies

    Ionizing radiation
    Enzyme deficiencies are usually associated with hemolytic anemias.

    Identify the urine sediment elements shown by the arrow:

    Cholesterol crystals

    Uric acid crystals

    Amorphous urate crystals
    Cystine crystals
    Cystine crystals are characteristically seen as colorless hexagonal plates in acid urine. They may be confused with hexagonal uric acid crystals. They can be differentiated from uric acid by their solubility in dilute hydrochloric acid versus crystalline uric acid, which is not soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid. The cyanide-nitroprusside test can be used to confirm the presence of cystine in urine. Cystine crystals are not present in normal urine.









    Q1: The colonies of Salmonella Typhi appeared on the plate:
    A) Colorless with black centre
    B) --------------------------------
    C) -------------------------------
    Q2: One of these is Oxidase Positive:
    A) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    B) ------------------------------
    C) ------------------------------
    Q3: Neisseria meningitis is:
    A) Gram –ve Cocci
    B) -------------------
    C) ------------------
    Q4: To differentiate between Staphylococcus and Streptococcus use:
    A) Catalyze
    B) ----------
    C) ----------
    Q5: Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus):
    A) Inhibited by bacitracin
    B) Against antibody A
    C) --------------------------
    Q6: Error of Gram stain is:
    A) Crystal violet more than 1min
    B) Safranin 3min
    C) Over decolorizing
    Q7: MacConkey agar added crystal violet act as:
    A) Indicator
    B) Growth factor
    C) Inhibit Enterococcus Sp
    Q8: Indian Ink used to stain:
    A) M. tuberculosis
    B) ------------------
    C) -----------------
    Q9: Measles (rubeola) is:
    A) Koplik's spots marker
    B) Caused by paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus
    C) Characteristic maculopapular, erythematous
    D) Laboratory diagnosis Positive measles IgM
    E) Children salivary measles specific IgA
    F) Hyperplastic lymph nodes (Warthin-Finkeldey cell,)
    G) All othem are correct
    Q10: Gram +ve with branch:
    A) M. tuberculosis
    B) Actinomysis israli
    C) ----------------------
    Q11: Skin affected with Pus:
    A) M. tuberculosis
    B) M. leprosy
    C) ------------------

    Q12: Small RNA virus is:
    A) Adenovirus
    B) Retinavirus
    C) -------------
    Q13: Latex virus:
    A) Affinity of latex for viral antibody
    B) Antigen antibody complex
    C) --------------------------------------
    D) -------------------------------------
    Q14: Gram +ve Cocci in cluster will be use median sensitive (inhibited):
    A) Penicillin G
    B) Erythromycin
    C) Vancomycin
    D) Methicillin
    E) Oxacillin
    F) ---------------

    Section 3: Histology & Cytology

    Q1: Lymph node with central germ end is:
    A) Deep cortex lymph node
    B) Medulla of lymph node
    C) Red pulp of spleen
    D) White pulp of spleen
    Q2: Satisfactory of Sputum is:
    A) Present of Carbon laden
    B) Few leukocytes
    C) Mucoid fibre
    D) Few squamous cell
    E) All of the above
    Q3: Satisfactory of FNA is:
    A) Needle is in the centre of tumor
    B) Needle penetrate the tumor
    C) Needle is not close to the tumor
    D) ------------------------------------
    Q4: Villa papilloma is affect:
    A) Skin
    B) Lip
    C) Ureter
    D) Vagina
    Q5: Causes of Necrosis is:
    A) Chemical Toxins
    B) Heat
    C) --------------------
    D) --------------------
    Q6: One of these is Cytology used:
    A) 95 % Ethanol
    B) 70 % Alcohol
    C) Methanol
    D) ---------------

    Section 4: Hematology & Immunohematology
    Q1: To differentiate between Hemoglobin C disease and trait by:
    A) Electrophoresis
    B) Ruler
    C) Meter
    D) ------------------
    Q2: Many of Target Cells seen in:
    A) Hb C disease
    B) Aplastic Anemia
    C) Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
    D) -------------------------------------
    Q3: Megakaryocyte – Low Platelets seen in:
    A) Aplastic Anemia
    B) Pernicious Anemia
    C) Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic
    D) ---------------------------------
    Q4: PCV (HCT) / RBC count is:
    A) MCV
    B) MCH
    C) MCHC
    D) --------
    Q5: 107 fL Hb with normal VitB12 and Folate is:
    A) Iron Deficiency Anemia
    B) Aplastic Anemia
    C) VitB12 deficiency
    Q6: Prothrompin Time (PT) is affected by:
    A) Fibrenogen I
    B) Factor VIII
    C) Factor X
    D) ---------------
    Q7: Reject the sample if it:
    A) Hemolysis
    B) Not written Correct request form
    C) --------------
    D) ------------
    Q8: To Transfer Blood not use:
    A) Heparin
    B) CIP
    C) CIA
    D) 1% sodium
    Q9: Blood Donor + Patient RBC indicate:
    A) Cross-match
    B) --------------
    C) -------------

    Section 5: Parasitology
    Q1: Giardia lablia is the same of (watery stool-diarrhea):
    A) Shigella
    B) Salmonella
    C) ECT
    D) V. Cholera
    a full term baby boy brought by his mother weighing 3.8 kg. developed jaundice at 2nd day of life .. coomb's test –ve ,Hb : 18 ,billrubin : 18.9 & indirect : 18.4
    O/E : baby was healthy and feeding well .. the most likely diagnosis is :

    a- physiological jaundice
    b- ABO incompatibility
    c- breast milk jaundice
    d- undiscovered neonatal sepsis

    17- a 62 yrs. old female pt. a known case of osteoporosis & on 1 alpha + Ca supplement .. her lab works shows normal level of PO4, Ca & ALP … her X-ray shows osteopenia with SD = -3.5 …. The best action is to :

    a- continue on same medications
    b- start estrogen
    c- start estrogen & progesterone
    d-add alevdonate ( bisthmus phosphate)

    18- a 38 yrs old female … came to you at your office and her pap smear report was unsatisfactory for evaluation .. the best action is :

    a- consider it normal & D/C the pt.
    b- Repeat it immediately
    c- Repeat it as soon as possible
    d- Repeat it after 6 months if considered low risk
    e- Repeat it after 1 year if no risk

    19- a 17 yrs. old school boy was playing foot ball and he was kicked in his Rt. eye .. few hours later he started to complain of : double vision & echymoses around the eye .. the most likely Dx. Is :

    a- cellulites
    b- orbital bone fracture
    c- global eye ball rupture
    e- subconguctival hemorrhage

    20- a 35 yrs old female pt. C/O : acute inflammation and pain in her Lt. eye since 2 days .. she gave Hx of visual blurring and use of contact lens as well … O/E : fluorescence stain shows dentritic ulcer at the center of the cornea .. the most likely diagnosis is :

    a- corneal abrasion
    b- herpetic central ulcer
    c- central lens stress ulcer
    d- acute episcleritis
    e- acute angle closure glaucoma

    21- a 65 yrs old lady came to your clinic with Hx of 5 days insomnia and crying ( since her husband died ) the best Tx. For her is :

    a- lorazipam
    b- floxitein
    c- chlorpromazine
    d- haloperidol

    22- a 25 yrs old Saudi man presented with Hx of mild icterus , otherwise ok .. hepatitis screen : HBsAg +ve , HBeAg +ve , anti HBc Ag +ve (this should be core anti body, because core antigen doesn’t leave hepatocyte to the blood "prof. Yasawi" ) , the diagnosis :

    a- acute hepatitis B
    b- convalescent stage of hep. B
    c- recovery with seroconversion Hep . B
    d- Hep B carrier
    e- chronic active Hep. B

    23- 25 yrs. old man presented to ur clinic with one month HX of aching pain in the elbow , radiates down to the lateral forearm ..the pt. frequently plays squash … O/E:
    Pain increases with dorsiflexion of the wrist performed under resistance specially with elbow extended … the most likely diagnosis :

    a- olecranon stress fracture
    b- olecranon bursitis
    c- lateral tennis elbow
    e- radial tunnel syndrome
    e- ligament sprain

    - 24-8 wk Primigravida came to you with nausea & vomiting choose the statement that guide you to hyperemmesis gravidarm :
    a- ketonia
    b- ECG evidence of hypokalemia
    c- Metabolic acidosis
    d- Elevated liver enzyme
    e- Jaundice

    - 25-Injury of the hand leads to median nerve injury:
    a- claw hand
    b- wrist drop
    c- sensory defect only

    - 26-60 year old male was refer to you after stabilization investigation show
    Hgb 8,5 g/l , hect. 64% , RBC 7.8 , WBC 15.3
    & Plt. 570 Diagnosis :
    a- iron def. Anemia
    b- Hgb pathy
    c- CLL
    d- 2ry polycythemia
    e- Polycythemia rubra Vera

    - 27-Pregnant women G4P3+1 on GA 10 wk came to you with IUCD inserted & the string is out from O.S what is the most important measure :
    a- leave the IUCD & give A.B
    b- leave the IUCD & send to Ob/ Gynaecologist to remove
    c- leave the IUCD
    d- do laparoscopy to see if there is ectopic preg.
    e- Reassurance the pt

    - 28-17 year old male while play football felt on his knee “tern over “ what do think the injury happened

    a- medial meniscus lig,
    b- Lateral meniscus lig.
    c- Medial collateral lig.
    d- Lat. collateral lig.
    e- Antr. Crussate lig.

    - 29-For health education programme to be effective all true except :
    a- Human behaviour should be well understood.
    b- Procedures used include illustration & picture.
    c- Doctors should be the only educator.
    d- Community member should be involved in early stage.
    e- ………….

    - 30-Placenta previa excludes :
    a- Pain less vaginal bleeding
    b- Tone increased of uterus
    c- Lower segmental abnormality
    d- Early 3rd trimester

    - 31-Pregnancy test +ve after :

    a- one day post coital
    b- 10 day after loss menstrual cycle ??
    c- One wk after loss menstrual cycle

    - 32-45 year old female complaining of itching in genitalia for certain period, a febrile, -ve PMH, living happily with here husband since 20 year ago on examination no abdominal tenderness , erythema on lower vagina , mild Gray discharge no hx of UTI . pyleonephritis
    Most probable diagnosis:

    a- Vaginitis
    b- Cystitis
    c- CA of vagina
    d- Urithritis ( non gonococal )

    - 33-20 year lady come to ER with Hx of Rt sever lower abdominal pain with Hx of amenorrhea for about 6 wk the most serious diagnosis of your deff. Diagnosis could reach by:

    a- CBC
    b- ESR
    c- U/S of the pelvis
    d- Plain X-ray
    e- Vaginal swab for C/S

    - 34-Pt had arthritis in tow large joint & pansystolic murmur ( carditis )
    Hx of URTI the most important next step:

    a- ESR
    b- ASO titre
    c- Blood culture

    - 35-35 years prime 16 wk gestation PMH coming for her 1st cheek up she is excited about her pregnancy no hx of any previous disease.
    Her B/P after since rest 160/100 after one wk her B/P is 154/96
    Most likely diagnosis :

    a- Pre eclempsia
    b- Chronic HTN
    c- Lable HTN
    d- Chronic HPT with superimposed pre eclampsia
    e- Transit HPT??

    - 36-women complain of non fluctuated tender cyst for the vulva . came pain in coitus & walking , diagnosed Bartholin cyst . what is the ttt:

    a- incision & drainage
    b- refer to the surgery to excision (after you reassure her)
    c- reassurance the pt
    d- give AB

    37- 42years old male presented with history of sudden appearance of rash – maculopapular rash – including the sole,& the palm, the most likely diagnosis is :

    a- syphilis
    b- erethyma nodosum
    c- erythema marginatum
    d- pitryasis rocae
    e- drug induced

    38- A mother calls you about her 8 years old son , known case of DM-1 fell comatose . she is not sure if he took the night 7 morning dose of insulin. You will advice her to :

    a- bring the child immediately to the ER
    b- call an ambulance
    c- give him IV glucagons
    d- give him IV insulin
    e- give him drink contains sugar

    39- years old lady on …….., feels dizzy on standing, resolves after 10-15 minutes on sitting, decrease on standing, most likely she is having :

    a- orthostatic hypotension

    40- what is the most appropriate treatment for the above patient :

    a- antiemetic
    b- antihistamine
    c- change the antidepressant to SSRI
    d- thiazide diuretics
    e- audiometry

    41- 23 years old lady with one month history of nasal discharge & nasal obstruction, she complained of pain on the face, throbbing in nature , referred to the supraorbital area, worsen by head movement, walking,& stopping. On - -- --------- examination , tender antrum with failure of transillumination ( not clear ), the most likely the diagnosis is:

    a- frontal sinusitis (we can NOT trannsiiluminate it)
    b- maxillary sinusitis
    c- dental abscess
    d- chronic atrophic rhinitis
    e- chronic sinusitis

    TAP can pass the peptide to bind with:
    None of abovec)
    d)All above
    CR .present in all expect:
    Colicins inhibit growth of:
    a)Normal flora
    b)Pathogenic bacteria
    c)Non-pathogenic bacteria
    d)All of the above
    MHCI peptide should be:
    a)8- 11 a.a endogenous
    b)12-25 a.a endogenus
    c)12-25 a.a exogenous
    Cytokines Secrete from MC except :
    Resting B-cell express:
    Cystic fibrosis is char characterized by hypertonic mucous which inhibit the:
    PR-39 stimulate the formation of :
    which of the following receptor inhibit immunity:-
    a)Vitronectin R.
    A)TCELL & N.K

    1- For health education programs to be successful all are true except :

    a- human behavior must be well understood
    b- Information should be from cultural background
    c- Doctors are only the health educators
    d- Methods include pictures and videos (mass media)
    e- Involve society members at early stage

    2- a 29 yrs. Old female has a breast lump in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast , firm , 2 cm. in size but no L.N involvement … what is the most likely diagnosis ?
    a- fibroadenoma

    3- What is the management for the above patient?
    a- mammogram (true if patient > 35 years)
    b- excisional biopsy
    c- FNA
    d- breast US
    e- follow up in 6 months

    4- a 27 yrs. old female C/O abdominal pain initially periumbilical then moved to Rt. Lower quadrant … she was C/O anorexia,nausea and vomiting as well ..
    O/E : temp.38c , cough , tenderness in Rt lower quadrant but no rebound tenderness.
    Investigations : slight elevation of WBC's otherwise insignificant ..
    The best way of management is:
    a- go to home and come after 24 hours
    b- admission and observation
    c- further lab investigations
    d- start wide spectrum antibiotic
    e- paracetamol

    5- what is the most likely diagnosis for the above patient ?

    a- mesenteric lymph adenitits
    b- acute appendicitis
    c- peptic ulcer

    6- a 24 yrs old pt. came for check up after a promiscuous relation 1 month ago .. he was clinically unremarkable, VDRL : 1/128 … he was allergic 2 penicillin other line of management is :
    a- ampicillin
    b- amoxicillin
    c- trimethoprim
    d- doxycyclin

    7- a 24 years old female pt. C/O : gray – greenish discharge , itching .. microscopic examination of discharge showed : flagellated organism … most likely diagnosis is :
    a- trichomoniasis ( trichomonas vaganalis )

    8- a 43 yrs. old female pt. presented to ER with H/O : paralysis of both lower limbs and parasthesia in both upper limbs since 2 hours ago .. she was seen lying on stretcher & unable to move her lower limbs (neurologist was called but he couldn't relate her clinical findings 2 any medical disease !!! ) when history was taken , she was beaten by her husband … the most likely diagnosis is :
    a- complicated anxiety disorde
    b- somatization disorder
    c- conversion disorder
    d- psychogenic paralysis
    e- hypochondriasis

    9- the best treatment for the previous case is :

    a- benzodiazepines
    b- phenothiazine
    c- monoamine oxidase inhibitor
    d- selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
    e- supportive psychotherapy

    10- a 58 yrs. old male pt. came with HX of fever, cough with purulent foul smelling sputum and CXR showed : fluid filled cavity … the most likely diagnosis is :
    a- abscess
    b- TB
    c- bronchieactesis

    11- a 28 yrs. old lady , C/O: chest pain, breathlessness and feeling that she'll die soon .. O/E : just slight tachycardia .. otherwise unremarkable .. the most likely diagnosis is:
    a- panic disorder

    12- a patient ( known case of DM ) presented to u with diabetic foot ( infection) the antibiotic combination is :
    a- ciprofloxacin & metronedazole

    13- a young pregnant lady (Primigravida) , 32 weeks of gestation came to you C/O : lower limbs swelling for two weeks duration .. she went to another hospital and she was prescribed ( thiazide & loop diuretic ) .. O/E : BP : 120/70 , mild edema , urine dipstick : -ve and otherwise normal…. The best action is :
    a- continue thiazide & stop loop diuretic
    b- cont. loop diuretic & stop thiazide
    c- stop both
    d- continue both and add potassium sparing diuretic
    e- cont. both & add potassium supplement

    14- a 17 yrs. old football player gave HX of Lt. knee giving off .. the most likely diagnosis is :
    a- Lat. Menisceal injury
    b- medial menisceal injury
    c- lateral collateral ligament
    d- medial collateral ligament
    e ant. Curciate ligament

    15- a 10 yrs. old boy presented to clinic with 3 weeks HX of limping that worsen in the morning .. this suggests which of the following :
    a- septic arthritis
    b-leg calve parthes disease
    c- RA
    d- a tumor
    e- slipped capital femoral epiphysis


    • #3
      مشكور اخ سراج والف مبروووك على النجاح عقبال الوظيفة
      بس ما عرفت هسي وين الاسئلة حقتك منهم ؟؟


      • #4
        انت ذاكرها كلها لان الامتحانات عباره عن نماذج كثييره وركز على المايكروبايولوجي
        الاسئله هذي معايا الاجوبه حقتها ومعايا اسئله ثانيه بس ماهي راضيه تتحمل
        Gr+ve cocci and bacilli
        Gr-ve [B]cocci [/B nd bacillc nd vebrio]


        • #5
          السلام عليكم
          الف مبروك النجاح ويعطيك العافية
          بس حبيت أسأل الاسئله أغلبها جات من النماذج اللي في المنتدى والا الكتب؟؟؟
          و كتاب مونيكا هذا ؤين أحصله؟؟


          • #6
            وعليكم السلام ... الله يبارك فيك عقبالك
            بالنسبه لكتاب مونيكا تلاقيه في المكتبات الجامعيه غالبا في الكليات الطبيه اما بالنسبه للاسئله انا ذاكرت من الاسئله الي في المنتدى بس تبع اخصائي مش فني لان معظم الاسئله هنا للفنيين وارسلي ايميلك عشان اعطيك الاسئله الي موجودة عندي بس لاتعتمد عليها بعد ماتخلص مذاكره ( مايكرو = هيماتولوجي = بارا= كيميا= بنك الدم ) ابداء ذاكر الاسئله وركز على المايكور
            والله يوفقك


            • #7
              يااخ سراج الاسئله اللي واضعاها كم جاك منها انا امتحاني بعد 25 يوم ان شاءالله بليز وضحيلي ومبروك النجاح وعقبال الوظيفه


              • #8

                هذا ايميلي اذا ممكن ترسلي الاسئلة الي عندك

                شاكر لك عزيزي والف مبروك

                اتمنى لك التوفيق


                • #9
                  السلام عليكم والله ياليت ياخوي ترسل لي الاسئله على إاميلي لأن إختباري بعد أسبوعين


                  • #10
                    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته جزاك الله خيرا ,بس ممكن اعرف ايش تخصصك(كيميا حيوي او ميكرو)
                    انا تخصص كيميا حيويه ومش عارفه اذاكر فى ايه بالظبط


                    • #11
                      بالنسبه للاخصائي كم عدد الاسأله وكم المجموع المفروض نجيبه
                      لان الفنى 70 سؤال يجاوبون اتوقع على 28 سؤال يكونون ناجحين


                      • #12
                        السلام عليكم......الف مبروك على النجاح.....ولكن عندي سؤال عن امتحان الاخصائي التحاليل كيف يتم وهل هو بعد الماستر؟وماهي الكليات التي تعتمدها او تمنح هذه الدرجة؟


                        • #13
                          مبرك اخ سراج عالنجاح..
                          بالنسبة للاسئله اللي حضرتك عرضتها في المنتدى واللي ماعرضتها , ممكن ترسلي هيا ع الايميل


                          • #14
                            شكراااااااااااااااااا لك والف مبرووووووك عقبال الماستر


                            • #15
                              جـــــــــــــــــزااااكــــ الله خير اسئله اساسيه في المختبرات

