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hematology بليز ابي حل لاساله الله يعافيكم ويجزاكم خير

  • تصفية - فلترة
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • hematology بليز ابي حل لاساله الله يعافيكم ويجزاكم خير

    1 anemia in which both mcv &mch are high while mchc is normal
    a macrocytic normochromic
    b normocytic normochromic
    c microcytic hypochromic
    d all of the above
    2 platelets also known as
    a thrombocytes
    b erythrocytes
    c leucocytes
    d monocytes
    3 Is granulocyte
    a lymphocytes
    b neutrophils
    c monocytes
    d thrombocytes
    4 thegranulocyte that have orange to red granules in their cytoplasm is
    a basophil
    b eosinophil
    c neutrophil
    d lymphocyte
    5 Hb s diease cause
    a hemolytic anemia
    b nutritional anemia
    c a plastic anemia
    d megaloblastic anemia
    6 variation in red cells size known as
    a pancytopenia
    b anisocytosis
    c poikilocytosis
    d a&b are correct
    7 adult hemoglobin consist of
    a alpha 2 &beta 2
    b alpha 2&zeta2
    c alpha 2 & Gamma 2
    d gammas
    8 blood pictures of patients with parasitic infection shows
    a eosinophilia
    b monocytosis
    c lymphocytosis
    d neutrophilia
    9 hormones that stimulates RBCs production are the
    a erythropoietins
    b lyucopoietins
    c thrombopoietins
    d cytokines
    10 transfusion dependent hemolytic anemias include
    a B thalassemia major
    b B thalassemia intremedia
    c b thalassemia minor

  • #2
    لله يامحسنين عند\ي اساله بس مو محلوله


    • #3
      ممكن احد يساعدني ع حل لاساله لاني ما اعرف الاجابات الصحيحه


      • #4
        1 - anemia in which both mcv &mch are high while mchc is normal
        a macrocytic normochromic

        2- platelets also known as
        a thrombocytes
        3- ……………… Is granulocyte
        b neutrophils

        4 – the granulocyte that have orange to red granules in their cytoplasm is
        b eosinophil

        5- Hb s diease cause
        a hemolytic anemia

        6- variation in red cells size known as
        b anisocytosis

        7- adult hemoglobin consist of
        a alpha 2 &beta 2

        8- blood pictures of patients with parasitic infection shows
        a eosinophilia

        9- hormones that stimulates RBCs production are the
        a erythropoietins

        10 - transfusion dependent hemolytic anemias include
        a B thalassemia major
        Thanks to my immunity


        • #5
          جزاك الله خير واسعد الله قلبك

