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باقى اسئلة برومتريك اخصائى مختبرات27-01-2013

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  • باقى اسئلة برومتريك اخصائى مختبرات27-01-2013

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    اشكركم كتير على المعلومات اللى على الموقع بخصوص امتحان البرومترك مختبرات وجزاكم الله كل خير لكل من نشر او ساهم في نشرمعلومات عن الامتحان,لقد امتحنت برومتريك اخصائى مختبرات 27\1\2013 معظم الاسئله من النماذج اللي منشوره على صفحات النت ,الاسئله كانت معظمها حالات منها صعب ومنها سهل ومتوسط وبعض اسئلة فني معمل,والحمد لله نجحت من اول مره,الامتحان كان 21هيماتولوجى,7 نقل الدم,18كمياء,14بكتريا,3moleculer&cytogenetics,7منا عه. سامحونى اذا ما افتكرت كل الاسئله اوالاجوبه او الاختيارات.

    1. which protein normally can be seen in high amount in urine.
    A. alpha globulin.
    B. Albmin.
    C. bence jonce protiens.
    D. beta globulin.
    E. Transferrin.

    2. case about interstitial pneumonia.
    3. hienz bodies in: (g6pd def).
    4. semen analysis case (all was normal except fructose was absent:absence of seminal vesicle).
    5. C21 hydroxylase deficiency………….
    6. cause of ITP.
    A. marrow suppression.
    B. plts antibodies.
    C. Hyperspelenism.
    D. ………
    7. monocytes………..
    8. larva in stool: (strongolidis).
    9. csf analysis(monoclonal band-oligoclonal band-decrease glucose not diagnose TB-…….).
    10. colour of cholera on TCBSyellow).
    11. 30 ys male malignant hypertension not responding to drugs,glucose8.2 n(4.6-6.8),HB 8g\dl.
    A. IDDM.
    B. renal artery stenosis.
    C. Pheocromocytoma.
    D. ……………..
    E. essential hypertension.
    12. leissmania transimaion; (sand fly).
    13. case about chronic myeloid leukemia (ALP was decreased).
    14. T-lymphocytes in; (paracortical area).
    15. AML-M3; t(15,17).
    16. N.gonnoreha&N.meningitidis;(dextrose and maltose).
    17. urine stand for long time ; urea decreas.
    18. If urine is kept for a long time:
    A. Becomes black.
    B. Urea increases.
    C. Urea decreases.*
    D. Creatinine increases.
    19. A buffer is made of ?
    A. Strong acid & strong salt
    B. Strong acid & weak salt
    C. Weak acid & strong salt*
    D. Weak acid & weak salt

    20. In phenylketonuria, diet should be low in:
    A. Phenylalanine.*
    B. Carbohydrate.
    C. Lipids.
    21. Which is important for atherosclerosis?
    A. ↑HDL.
    B. ↑LDL.*
    C. ↑Chylomicrons.
    22. In MI, which is the last enzyme to be raised and lasts long?
    A. CK.
    B. CK-MB.
    C. AST.
    D. LDH.*
    23. Hypertension is found in all of the following endocrinal diseases except:
    A. Cushing's syndrome.
    B. Pheochromocytoma.
    C. Adrenal medulla hyperplasia.
    D. Addisson's disease.*
    24. By coulter, TLC= 22.5x109/L If NRBC are 200 per 100 leucocytes, so corrected leucocytic count equals:
    A. 11.5 x 109/L.
    B. 22.3 x 109/L.
    C. 22.7 x 109/L.
    D. 7.5 x 109/L.*
    25. In intravascular hemolysis, all are present………………
    26. In sickle cell anemia patient with iron overload, this organism is isolated from blood:
    A. Salmonella.
    B. Strept pneumonia.
    C. yersinia enterocolitica.*
    27. In G6PD deficiency avoid all the following drugs except:
    D. salicylic acid.
    A. Primaquine.
    B. Dapsone.
    C. Trimethoprim.
    D. Folic acid.*
    28. In Acute DIC there is………(hypofibrogenemia).
    29. In purpura:
    A. Hemorrhage in deep muscles.
    B. Hemorrhage in mucus membrane.*
    C. Hemarthrosis.
    30. Which test is used to diagnose factor XIII deficiency?
    A. PTT.
    B. PT.
    C. Thrombin time.
    D. Clot stability with urea.*

    31. A patient received 2 bags of blood intraoperatively, after 5 hours he developed fever and rigors. This is likely due to: (this question was about plts transfusion in my exam i.e the case was different but same choices).
    A. Platelet antibodies.
    B. Leucocyte antibodies.
    C. Bacterial infection

    32. Which is the best way to sterilize a bronchoscompe?
    A. Autoclave.*
    B. Ethylene-oxide.
    C. Gamma rays.
    D. None.
    33. Bejel is characterized by all except(answer is non)(its non veneral and t pallidum ).
    A. Non veneral transmission
    B. Caused by ariant of Treponema pallidum.

    34. Enteroviruses cannot be isolated from which of the following specimens.
    A. Throat swab.
    B. Fecal specimens.
    C. Gastric fluid.
    D. Urine.*
    E. CSF.

    35. Hospital transfusion committee responsible for:
    A. use of blood component.
    B. transfusion reaction.
    C. daily quality control.
    D. ………….

  • #2
    الف مبرووووووك بس ممكن اعرف الإجابات الصحيحة؟؟وياريت اذا معاك نماذج ترسلي jojomoon58@hotmail.com


    • #3
      الف الف شكر


      • #4
        الله يخليك ساعدينا الله يجعلها في ميزان حسناتك يا ريت لو عندك نمازج اوتكملت باقي الاسئله


        • #5
          ارجوا ألمساعده .اختباري بعد عشره ايام .ياريت تساعدونا بالنماذج وإرسال الحلول لهذا الامتحان .مشكورين وجزاكم الله خير
          لكل من يرغب الإرسال على الايميل الخاص بي

