
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

جرثومة المعده

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • #16
    جزاك الله الف خير الموضوع كامل والكمال لله
    الصراحة روووعة



    • #17
      مشكور جدا اخي الحبيب علي الموضوع الشيق/
      وكنت احب ان انوه الي الثلاث انواع التي تعطي الان كعلاج ثلاثي وهي الاحدث/
      peptibac ويتكون من (pepticum+klaricare+amoxocare) وهذا الدواء لمدة اسبوع او عشرة ايام ثم يعطي المريض الدواء النهائي لمدة اسبوعين وهو (Niexium).
      ولكم جزيل الشكر

      وفـــــــوق كــــــل ذي علــــم عليـــــــــم


      • #18
        جيد جدا...........قطرة الماء تحفر فى الصخر...لا بالعنف..ولكن بالتكرار
        السيدصابر ربيعDr sayed saber Rabei


        • #19
          مشكور على الموضوع المتممممممممممممممممممميز
          *- الإرادة ... والأمل .. قوتان إذا فلحت فى صهرهما ..... لصنعت المستحيل ... !!!


          • #20
            شكرا عالمووضوع

            طريقة شرح ممتعه ومرتبه


            • #21
              بس كان عندي بعض الاستفسارت

              لماذا اكثر الاشخاص المصابين لايعانون من اعراض ...ماهي الاسباب

              ولماذا النساء اكثر عرضه للمرض اكثر من الذكور؟؟؟؟؟؟

              ياريت من لديه معلومات موثوقه يقلي ....ولكم جزيل الشكر
              اللهم اني اعوذ بك ان اُشرك بك شيئاً اعلمه

              واستغفرك فيما لا اعلمه


              • #22
                مشكرا على الموضوع فعلا حلو ومرتب ومشروح بوضوح عالي


                • #23
                  طلب اذا ما عليك امر

                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة fluent مشاهدة المشاركة
                  وشكرا على الجهود المبذولة
                  * Urea Breath Test *

                  Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) : is a spiral gram – negative bacterium, found deep in the mucous layer covering the lining of stomach but does not invade the gastric mucosa.
                  It plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of chronic gastritis, gastric, duodenal ulcers, and stomach cancer. Now H. pylori is classified as grade I carcinogen so patient with H. pylori have 3-6 times the normal stomach cancer risk.

                  H. pylori is a very special organism as it can survive and multiple in the acid environment of the stomach because it secretes enzymes called urease, converts urea into bicarbonate and ammonia which are strong bases, this creates acid neutralizing chemicals around the H. pylori, protecting it form acid in the stomach. Also it can protect itself against the immune system which send white cells and killer T cells but they can’t easily get through stomach lining in which H. pylori is present.

                  Mode of infection :

                  H. pylori can be transmitted orally by means of fecal matter through ingestion of waste food or water or exposure to vomit or saliva of infected person.

                  Symptoms of an ulcer :

                  • Abdominal discomfort is the most common symptom and its usually dull, comes and goes for several days occurs 2-3 hrs after meal, mainly in middle of night and relieved by eating.
                  • Other symptoms include : weight loss, poor appetite, nausea and vomiting

                  Diagnosis of H. pylori :

                  Direct detection by invasive techniques, which required endoscopy as :
                  1) Endoscopic gastric biopsy : must include superficial epithelium, fixed in 10%
                  buffered formalin and processed routinely. When H. pylori is present the
                  biopsy shows the histologic changes of chronic active gastritis.

                  2) Culture of gastric biopsy specimens : biopsy culture has the advantage to
                  isolate H. pylori for antibiotic susceptibility but this technique is not often
                  used as many factors may lead to unsuccessful growth including culturing part
                  of specimen containing no bacteria, contamination with other organisms or
                  recent use of antibiotics that can inhibit bacterial growth.

                  Non invasive diagnostic tests :

                  1) Urea breath test (UBT); A capsule of urea that has been labelled with a carbon
                  isotope C13 or C14 is taken orally with a glass of water (patient should be
                  fasting 4-6 hrs), 10 minutes after taking the capsule the patient start to expire
                  into urea breath card (plastic bag) which has the advantage of being light, easy
                  to use, to send and also valid for reading for long time.

                  - In infected patients, the urea is hydrolyzed by bacterial urease to ammonia
                  and labeled bicarbonate, which diffuse into blood and identified in the
                  expired breath as labeled C02.

                  - UBT has excellent sensitivity for initial diagnosis of active infection.

                  - UBT should be repeated after 4-6 weeks from completing the therapy.

                  2) Non invasive test based on the detection of H. pylori antigen in stool
                  specimens was introduced. HpSa has the advantage of being easy, rapid simple
                  non invasive test for detection of H. pylori infection. HpSA also has high
                  sensitivity and specificity limits and evaluating treatment efficacy in
                  symptomatic infected patient or confirmation of eradication 4 weeks after the
                  end of treatment.

                  3) The most common non invasive approach for the detection of H. pylori is the
                  serological identification of specific Antibodies in infected patient using
                  enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which is the preferred method
                  based on its sensitivity, speed, low cost and simplicity, but the main
                  disadvantage of this approach is that antibodies persist for long time after
                  successful eradication, giving false positive results.

                  UBT considered the test of choice it is available on daily basis.

                  ياليت ترجمه اخوي اذا ماعليك امر انا اشوي ضعيف في اللغه



                  • #24
                    مشكور على هذا الموضوع القيم
                    *وقل ربي زدني علما*


                    • #25
                      يعطيك الف عافية


                      • #26
                        thanks for all effort
                        يجزيكم الله خيرا عنا..............


                        • #27
                          الف تحية لك اخوي على ابداعك


                          • #28
                            موضوع شيق وكتير حلو شكرا


                            • #29
                              Dear Mohamed 21
                              Thank you for your information about Helicobacter pylori , that really good, I hope if you can do
                              a small research for such bacteria in your community , well done and gazak allah kaer.


                              • #30
                                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة mogeeb مشاهدة المشاركة
                                انا كنت طلبت معرفة افضل وسط لزراعتها وطريقة حفظها افيدونا وجزاكم الله خيرا
                                There are selective(commercial avilable or home made media ) and non selective media to culture such bacteria, I will give you some scientific papers regardiong culture and storage within a few days if you are interested . Thanks

