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شرح جميل عن تجهيز الانسجه

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  • شرح جميل عن تجهيز الانسجه

    Histopathology Laboratory

    [[SIZE="2"]CENTER]Tissue fixation and processing
    Paraffin block sectioning
    Frozen block sectioning
    Tissue staining[/CENTER][/SIZE]

    Gross Examination

    Once a specimen is received in the Histopathology Laboratory, it is identified by its own unique accession number. The gross examination is important because once the specimen has been sectioned, all gross information is lost. At this time the gross specimen is weighed, measured, and may be photographed or X-rayed. If necessary, the margins are inked to determine the adequacy of surgical margins. Finally, a report of the macroscopic findings are dictated

    Tissue that has been cut and placed in cassette


    Following protocols for the dissection of various organs, the pathologist or pathologist's assistant determines which areas to sample for microscopic examination. 3mm sections of tissue are cut from the specimen and placed into cassettes, then returned to formalin


    Specimens are fixed in 10% buffered formalin for several hours to denature the proteins and harden them. This prevents further decomposition of the tissue by arresting cell ****bolism. Some specimens are fixed overnight, prior to being examined grossly, to make them easier to handle and section


    Tissue processor for dehydration

    Tissues must be dehydrated before they can be infused with paraffin. In the automated tissue processor, sectioned tissue is submerged in a series of alcohol baths to remove water. The alcohol must then be cleared with a clearing agent, such as toluol, which is miscible with paraffin. This process is performed overnight so that the tissue is ready to be embedded with paraffin the next morning

    Tissue embedded in molten paraffin

    Paraffin Embedding

    The tissue is placed in molten paraffin at 52 - 56°C for several minutes so that once the paraffin cools, the tissue and block will be hard enough to cut. Depending on the tissue, it will need to be embedded in the paraffin in a specific orientation. For example, a tubular structure is positioned so that when it is cross-sectioned, the entire lumen is visible


    The paraffin blocks containing the tissue are cut producing 5µm sections with a microtome. This piece of equipment has a set mechanism for advancing the block across a very sharp knife. The cut sections are floated on a water bath to remove wrinkles, then transferred by hand to glass slides

    Cutting sections with the microtome

    Sections in waterbath picked up on slides


    In order for the water-soluble dyes to penetrate the tissue, the sections must be rehydrated. Toluol is used to remove the paraffin, then a series of alcohol washings rehydrates the tissue


    The slides are stained to differentiate the nuclear material and connective tissue from the rest of the tissue. The KGH histopathology laboratory uses the hematoxylin-phloxine-saffron (HPS) stain which is more effective than the regular hematoxylin-eosin (H & E) stain used by most laboratories. HPS stains the nuclei blue; the cytoplasm, muscle, and myelin red; and the connective tissue yellow

    Slides of surgical specimens


    The tissue is again dehydrated with alcohol and toluol to preserve it indefinitely. The glass coverslip is applied by an automated machine. The slides are now ready to be viewed by the pathologist.


    When specimens contain calcium, such as samples of bone or bone marrow, they must be de-calcified prior to cutting. Once the specimen is dissected into small sections and placed in plastic cassettes, it is de-calcified in RDO for approximately 4 hours

    Special Stains

    Sometimes the pathologist will order a special stain which highlights various features of the tissue or chemicals present

    Examples of special stains are

    Chemicals for special stains

    Carbohydrate Stains
    ex: PAS (periodic acid schiff) stain

    Pigment Stains
    ex: Prussian blue stain for iron

    Micro-organism Stains
    ex: Giemsa stain for H.pylori bacterium

    Connective Tissue Stains
    ex: Gordon and Sweet stain for reticulin

    Pathology resident examing a frozen section

    Frozen Sections

    The frozen section laboratory is located close to the operating room, so that tissue removed in surgery can be processed immediately. When the specimen is received, it is labelled with its own unique accession number. The specimen is examined grossly and a section of tissue is sampled. The tissue sample is frozen in a Histobath containing isopentane at a temperature of -50°C. It is then transferred to a cryostat; a refrigerated box containing a microtome which cuts the tissue into 5µm sections. These sections are then mounted on slides and stained to differentiate the nuclear material from the rest of the tissue. The section is fixed in acidified alcohol, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, dehydrated in ethanol, and cleared in toluol. The entire process takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, allowing the pathologist to microscopically examine the specimen and quickly provide a diagnosis to the surgeon

    My Reference
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة hematologist; الساعة 07-11-2008, 07:26 PM.

  • #2
    شي جناااااااااااااااااااااااااااان
    الله يعطيك العافيه انا رحت تدريب في لاب باثو والصراحه الموضوع عمل ريفرش لمعلوماتي
    واستمتعت بموضوعك خطوه خطوه

    ما ننحرم من مواضيعك المفيده................:sm182:.................... ...


    • #3
      شكرا لاحلى بنوته على مشاركتها , وان شاء الله تستفيدي اكثر معنا في هذا المنتدى .

      الى اللقاء


      • #4
        الله يعطيك العافية على الموضوع الأكثر من رائع ..


        • #5
          شرح جدا جميل ومتكامل مشكور جزيل الشكر اخي هيماتولوجست ويعطيك لعافيه


          • #6
            جزاك الله خير


            • #7
              الله يعافيكم كيف تطلع الصور ماطلعت معي
              وجزاك الله خيرا واسعدك
              استغفر الله واتوب اليه


              • #8
                اسف جدا لعدم ظهور الصور , تم اصلاح المشكله

                الى اللقاء


                • #9
                  الف الف الف الف الف الف الف
                  مليون مليون مليون مليون
                  على المزضوع الرائع


                  • #10
                    دائما متميز اخي هيماتولوجيست
                    جزاك الله كل الخير على التفصيل
                    حاول ان تكون

                    لطيف القلوب مثل الحديقة
                    عميق الأفكار مثل الجذور
                    رقيق الكلمات مثل الأزهار


                    • #11
                      شكرا لك hematologist الموضوع مررره فادني لأني حاليا في لاب الهيستو
                      ربي يعطيك الف عافية
                      يارب يا سميع يا مجيب اكتب السعاده والرزق الحلال الطيب لكل من دعى لي بالشفاء واشملهم في رحمتك ولا تريهم مكروه بعزيز على قلوبهم اللهم آآميييين :sm173:


                      • #12
                        موضوع مرة جميل


                        • #13
                          جمـــــــــــــيل جــــــــدا

                          مشكووووووووور حبيبي على الموضوع
                          واهنيك عليه .. موضوع واضح ومتكامل بالصور

                          اذا لم تقرأ الا ما يعجبك ... فلن تتعلم ابدا



                          • #14
                            شكر خاص للشباب المخلص في العمل

                            جزاك الله خيرا
                            لم اجد افضل منها

                            وفـــــــوق كــــــل ذي علــــم عليـــــــــم


                            • #15
                              اشكركم جميعا على حسن مشاركتكم وعلى مروركم الطيب

                              الى اللقاء

