
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

نماذج كاملة من أسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • #16
    جزاك الله خير

    بس الموقع ما يفتح لو يتكرم أحد و يرسل لي


    • #17
      الله يجزيك خير


      • #18
        الله يعطيكي العافيه:more12:


        • #19
          جزاكي الله كل خير
          مشكورة ما قصرتي


          • #20
            الموقع موش راضى يفتح معاية ياريت المساعدة وارسالها لى على الايميل


            • #21
              الله يجزاك خير انت و وياها


              • #22
                الف شكـر لكِ عزيزتي
                كفيتي ووفيتي ..


                • #23
                  الموقع ما يفتح معاي اذا امكن واحد يرسلها على ايميلي abdullah_alamri@live.com عاااااجل لان اختباري بكره مشكورييييييييين


                  • #24
                    السلام عليكم درة الاحساء اذا لقيتي اسئلة اخصائيييين نزليها لينا


                    • #25
                      جزاك الله الف خير اخوي على الاسئلة
                      واسال الله ان يبارك فيك اينما كنت


                      • #26
                        مشكورة والله يعطيك العافية،،،:sm178:


                        • #27
                          ممكن اسئله الهيئه الاخصائي مختبرات الرجاء منكم


                          • #28
                            الرجاء لمن معه اسئله الهيئه الاخصائي مختبر ارسالها عبر البريد ولكم جزيل الشكر والتقدير


                            • #29
                              سلام ممكن تحلو هذه الاسئله ..
                              1-Bortadella Bertusis?في أي اجار تنمو.......

                              -2- the name of short arm of chromosome?

                              -3-uses of taq DNA?

                              -4-reading of band is by?
                              -5- degree of DNA denaturation is?

                              -6-salmonella+proteous characters all except?

                              -7- part of body contain germinate granuler of lymphocyte and lymphnode invasion contain striated muscle?

                              -8-different between serum and plasma?

                              -9-viruse causes diarrhoea in children (6 monthes to 2 years) characterize by::?
                              =enveloped but stable in food and wetness
                              =non enveloped therefor stable in food and hard solid
                              =has stable gene not change shape and neutral
                              =not stable so chang genetically

                              -10-1% agarose prebare as?::
                              =1 gm in 100 ml
                              =10 gm in 100 ml
                              =1 gm in 10 ml

                              -11-resistant of B-lacctamase antibiotic كيف تخلي هذا المضاد فعال....?
                              =increase permeability
                              =back reflux
                              =lactamase differ his …..

                              -12-green tube is for ?

                              -13-thin blood film staining by write stain is for?
                              =Hb concentration
                              =total RBC count
                              =total WBC count
                              =if there sickle cell appearance

                              -14-to differentiate between major sickling and minor?
                              =Na bisulfate
                              =soloubility test

                              -15-LDH for ?
                              =cardiac disease
                              =renal disease
                              =liver disease
                              =skeletal disease
                              =many site because it localize many different places

                              -16-familial hypercholestremia is present in?

                              -17-the best diagnosis of typhoid fever in first week?
                              =blood culture
                              =stool culture
                              =urine culture
                              =widal test

                              =motile aerogenouse
                              =non motile aerogenous
                              -19-non motile grame negative bacteria?

                              -20-microorganism exhibiting G-ve bacteria?
                              =purple color
                              =not decolorize by alcohol
                              =red stain
                              =keep the primary stain
                              =have cell wall with peptidoglycane

                              -21-group Astreptococcouse is?
                              =alpha hemolysis cleare zone
                              =alpha hemolysis green zone
                              =beta hemolysis green zone
                              =gamma hemolysis clear zone
                              =no hemolysis

                              -22-megaloblaste cell in bone morrow is due to?
                              =chronic disease

                              -23-increase in reticulocyte?
                              =Irone deficiency anaeemia
                              =megaloblastic anaemia
                              =Aplastic anaemia
                              =autoimmune hemolytic anaemia

                              -24-increase Target cell?
                              =Iron deficiency
                              =hemoglobin C

                              -25-G-ve NLF cause bloddy diarrhoea in children is?
                              = Salmonella
                              = shigellosis

                              -26-what antibiotic giving to B-lactamase resistant patient?

                              -27-اسم مضاد حيوي+اسم مضاد حيوي اخر giving for treating enterococcus disease?
                              =no effect

                              -28-viruse causes nasopharyngeal carcinoma is?

                              -29-HBV,HCV and HAV transmitted by?
                              =air borne
                              =fecal orale

                              -30-number of neutrophil and epithelial in lower respiratory infection?
                              =<25 neutrophil <25 epithelial
                              =<25neutrophil >25 epithelial
                              =>25neutrophil <25 epithelial
                              =bacteria >25
                              =the ratio between epithelil and neutrouphil is 1:5

                              -30-number of neutrophil and epithelial in lower respiratory infection?
                              =<25 neutrophil <25 epithelial
                              =<25neutrophil >25 epithelial
                              =>25neutrophil <25 epithelial
                              =bacteria >25
                              =the ratio between epithelil and neutrouphil is 1:5
                              -31-patient with a little amount bleeding and repeatly ?
                              =hypocytic hypochromic anaemia
                              =hemorrhagic shock
                              =normocytic normochromic anaemia

                              -32-actinomyces disease is in?


                              -34-most sample use in biochemistry is ?
                              =whole blood

                              -35-the majore error in spectrophoto meter is ?
                              =used ronge wave length
                              =cuvette mismatch
                              =used hyper intensity color of solution
                              =zero against blank

                              -36-media in which add some of substance like salt and antibiotic?

                              -37- name of collagen febrile ending of……….cell in central nervouse system? ماذا تسمى
                              -38-big spaces in liver is for ?

                              =portal vein
                              =bile canculi
                              -39-different between artery and capillary ?

                              =smooth muscle
                              =elastic fiber

                              -40-ATP all are true except ?(energy)
                              =creatin phosphate is larger in energy than ATP

                              -41-end producte of glucose anaerobic pathway?
                              =Co2 +water

                              -42-competitive enzyme of acetyle co A is?

                              -43-specific test for syphilis is?

                              -44-smallest RNA viruse?

                              -45-Burkette lymphoma for?

                              -46-Indol test need in media?

                              -47-fermentation to product acid need?

                              -48-NL Bacteria is?

                              -49-if plasma cell appeare in peripheral blood?
                              =show basophil
                              =vital stain
                              =chromatic cell
                              =cytoplasmic appendage\

                              -50-cell in bone marrow larger than erythrocyte has a red cytoplasma with chromato nucleous
                              =neutrophil metastasia

                              -51-to convert...عكسيا.... mRNA to DNA tis call?ماذا تسمى العمليه

                              -52-PCR is?
                              =DNA polymerase reaction
                              =DNA polymerase reagent


                              • #30
                                ياريت باقرب وقت ممكن تحلوها

