
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

اسئله للناس الفاهمين بس؟؟؟

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • #31
    b7r 7adi تسلم على المشاركه
    وننتظر منك المزيد

    هااا شايفه الناس نائمه ولا يكونوا في بيات شتوي
    عايزه لي سؤال في الهيماتولوجي يكون جااااااااااااااااااااااامد
    حألقاه عندكم ولا لا
    هاا مستنيه سؤالكم


    • #32
      :sm169:ذاكورا كويس قبيل الامتحان


      • #33
        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة arwa مشاهدة المشاركة
        1_ماهي العلاقه بين الanaemia of acute blood loss and aplastic anaemia وايضا ماهو الفرق
        2_الفرق بين الpancytopenia and aplastic anaemia
        3_اذكر كل انواع ال microcytic hypochromic anaemia
        مع توضيح ال diagnosis
        ا لسلام عليكم ارجوا من الله التوفيق لكم


        • #34
          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Idealism Guy مشاهدة المشاركة
          نحاول وعلى الله

          أعتقد كلاهما يكون هناك خلل في تصنيع الدم للتعويض ، وكلاهما يكون عد خلايا الدم الحمرائ منخفض.

          البانوسايتوبينيا أشمل ، حيث تعتبر ال ابلاستيك انيميا نوع منها

          Iron Deficiency Anemia
          Thalassemia Syndromes
          Sideroblastic Anemia

          MCV<80 and MCHC<30

          وشكرا لتنشيط المعلومات ،، بس ياليت تصحيحين معلوماتنا وشكرا
          ا لسلام عليكم ارجوا من الله التوفيق لكم


          • #35
            مساء الخير
            اروى اإجابة موجودة بس اصبري لي يومين بالكثير لان انا مشغول وإنشاءالله اكون افيدكم


            • #36
              اشكرك على السؤال المهم
              حسب علمي والله اعلم
              1/ aplastic anaemia تكون بسب megaloblst anemia + sickle dis
              2/ anaemia of acute blood loss بيكون فيه تكسير في كريات الدم يعني ممكن يوصل bone marrow لمرحله انه يتعب يصير عندنا aplastic
              بالنسبه لها اختبار عشان نمز هل هو وراثي او مزمن اختبار coomb,s test
              # بالنسبه لــ microcytic hypochromic anaemia لها عدة انواع :
              1/iron defe
              4/anemia of chronic disease
              التشخيص المبدئي بيكون عن طريق MCV بتكون اقل من 80
              بالنسبه الpancytopenia and aplastic anaemia
              نقول ان aplastic anaemia سبب من اسباب الpancytopenia
              للتواصل : hoot-mall@hotmail.com


              • #37
                لي عوده لمتابعة الأجابات
                إلا سؤال خيتو انتي اي سنه :sm171:


                • #38
                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة arwa مشاهدة المشاركة
                  b7r 7adi تسلم على المشاركه
                  وننتظر منك المزيد

                  هااا شايفه الناس نائمه ولا يكونوا في بيات شتوي
                  عايزه لي سؤال في الهيماتولوجي يكون جااااااااااااااااااااااامد
                  حألقاه عندكم ولا لا
                  هاا مستنيه سؤالكم
                  A coagulation factor .The deficiency of it will not affect the result of the coagulation tests



                  • #39
                    السؤال حلو
                    والشباب ما قصروا
                    وانا ما بدي اعيد وازيد بس انا مع الجواب الاول
                    _ماهي العلاقه بين الanaemia of acute blood loss and aplastic anaemia

                    أعتقد كلاهما يكون هناك خلل في تصنيع الدم للتعويض ، وكلاهما يكون عد خلايا الدم الحمرائ منخفض.
                    الفرق بين الpancytopenia and aplastic anaemia

                    البانوسايتوبينيا أشمل ، حيث تعتبر ال ابلاستيك انيميا نوع منها

                    اذكر كل انواع ال microcytic hypochromic anaemia مع توضيح ال diagnosis

                    Iron Deficiency Anemia
                    Thalassemia Syndromes
                    Sideroblastic Anemia

                    MCV<80 and MCHC<30

                    بارك الله فيكي وارجو ان تفيدينا بالجواب الدقيق

                    اخوكي ابو رزان
                    حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل على اليهود ومن هاودهم


                    • #40
                      الشكــــــــــر لكل اللي شاركــــــــــوا في الاجابـــــــــه
                      يلا مستنيـــــــــــــن اسئلـــــه جديــــــــده
                      واجابـــــــــات قويـــــــــــه


                      • #41
                        1 - كيفية تشخيص فقر الدم بعوز الحديد


                        • #42
                          2كيفية تشحيص فقر الدم المنجلى


                          • #43

                            السوال الاول
                            الفرق بين aplastic anemea و Acut blood loss هواء في reticulocyte
                            يكون في aplastic anemea منخفض low
                            بينماء في Acut blood loss مرتفع high
                            اما العلاقه فهي في MCHC and MCV يكوناء normal

                            السوال الثالث
                            Microcytic Anemia: (TAILS) Hypochromic, microcytic anemia (low MCHC, low MCV

                            1/ Thalassemia

                            2/ Anemia of chronic diseases(ACD

                            .3/ Iron deficiency Anemia

                            4/ Sidroblastic Anemia

                            5/ Lead toxicity


                            • #44
                              Aplastic anaemia is a rare acquired disorder in which there is a failure of the bone marrow to produce sufficient blood cells for the circulation. Acquired means that the condition is neither present at birth nor inherited but has developed during the patients life. Blood cells come from special cells in the bone marrow, called stem cells. Less than 1/5000 of the marrow cells is a stem cell.The stem cells give rise to a progressively maturing series of different cell types which eventually lead to all the functional blood cells found in the circulation.In aplastic anaemia blood production by stem cells fails resulting in a lack of red cells (anaemia), white cells (leading to an increased risk of infection) and platelets (which are needed to prevent bleeding and bruising). Aplastic anaemia is not a form of cancer. There is a lack of cells within the blood and the bone marrow shows replacement of normal blood forming cells with fat cells. Any remaining cells look more or less normal in contrast to leukaemia and other blood cancers.

                              The failure of the stem cells to produce mature blood cells can vary from partial to almost complete thus producing a disease of varying severity in different people. The degree of marrow failure may change with time in a given patient. Symptoms are slow to emerge because the loss of stem cell function is gradual. Often patients only realise that they have been less than fully fit for some time after their symptoms have been investigated with a blood test.

                              The diagnosis is suggested by the blood count and by examination of the blood film but can only be confirmed by a bone marrow examination. There are two parts to a bone marrow examination, the aspirate and the trephine. The aspirate is obtained by sucking a small amount of cells from the marrow through a hollow needle and spreading it on a glass slide to be stained and examined in the laboratory. This reveals the appearance of individual cells and helps to exclude other diagnoses such as leukaemia. The trephine gives an overall picture of the marrow and is important in determining the severity of the marrow failure. In normal bone marrow about half of the space is taken up by fat cells with the remainder being blood producing (haemopoietic) cells. In aplastic anaemia almost the entire space is taken up by fat cells.. Occasionally there may be patchy loss of haemopoietic cells within the bone marrow. It may be necessary to repeat the examination at a different site to be quite sure of the diagnosis.

                              Though aplastic anaemia can occur at any age, it appears to be more common in two age groups, those aged between 10 and 20 years and in people aged 40 years or over. The condition appears to be slightly more common in men. People of all ethnic groups may be affected. There is a higher frequency in tropical countries and the Far East. This is probably related to some factor in the environment rather than any particular race. People who move from these regions to Europe or the USA seem to acquire the same chance of developing aplastic anaemia as the local population.

                              The lack of blood cells produces a potentially very serious or fatal disease unless properly managed. Until about 1980 the majority of patients with severe disease did not survive more than a year but fortunately new methods of support and treatment have completely changed this gloomy outlook. Successful treatment requires a long time. Patience and care are required by all involved including the family, friends and the medical team.

                              Red Blood Cells (RBC): The normal red blood cell count is 4 5.5 x 1012/L in women and 4.5 - 6.5 x 1012/L in men. For assessing the degree of anaemia, the usual measurement is the haemoglobin (Hb) which is normally 11.5 15.5 g/dL for women and 13.5 17.5 g/dL for men. The degree of anaemia is not used to assess severity because the value is often altered by blood transfusion.

                              The reticulocyte count estimates the numbers of newly produced red cells present in the blood. The count is often given as a percentage of all red blood cells. With modern cell counting machines in the laboratory the actual number of reticulocytes can be measured, which is more useful than an estimate of the percentage of reticulocytes. The normal range is 50 150 x109/L (0.5 2.5% of the normal RBC count). A low reticulocyte count is an indication of the marrows failure to produce red cells and is used in the assessment of severity.

                              The absolute neutrophil count (ANC) indicates whether white blood cells are being produced normally. Neutrophils have a short survival once they leave the marrow and so they give a useful estimate of current marrow activity. The neutrophil count is often reported as a percentage of the total white count. The absolute neutrophil count is the percentage count multiplied by the total number of white cells. This gives a more accurate indication of numbers of white cells than the percentage count. The normal range is about 1.5 to 8.0 x 109/l, (a slightly lower value may be seen in healthy people of Afro-Caribbean descent).

                              The platelet count is an automated count of the number of platelets in the blood. The normal range is between 150 and 400 x 109/l.
                              Severe aplastic anaemia (SAA)

                              This is present when the marrow is hypoplastic for the age of the patient and any two of the following features are present:
                              a low platelet count (less than 20 x109/L)

                              a reticulocyte count less than 25 x 109/L (corrected reticulocyte count of less than 1%)

                              an absolute neutrophil count less than 0.5x 109/L.


                              • #45
                                سؤال جديــــــــــد
                                يلا عايزين تفاعل أكبــــــــــــر
                                اذا جاءتك عينة دم باللاب وطالبين منك تعمل ليها توتال WBCs count
                                وكمان طالبين Bf
                                لما عملت ال Bf لقيت كميه كبيره من الnucleated RBCs
                                وطبعا زي ما عارفين لما تجي تعمل التوتال الصبغه اللي بنخفف بيها بتصبغ الانويه
                                وطبعا كدا خلايا الدم الحمراء ذات الانويه حتتصبغ وحتزيد لينا التوتال بتاع خلايا الدم البيضاء
                                طيب كيف نجيب ال pure count of WBCs???
                                يلا بسرعــــــــــــــة عايزين حل للسؤال دا

