
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

اسئــله برومتــــــــــرك 2010 ....

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • اسئــله برومتــــــــــرك 2010 ....

    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
    ياشباب ويابنات
    اغلب الي هنا مختبرين اختبار برومترك 2010
    وبعضهم الي نجح وان شاء الله الكل ينجح
    وبعضهم الي مانجح عشان كذا
    الي اختباار اختابر برومترك 2010
    يذكر الاسئـله الي جــــــــــــــــــــــــته
    حتى لو كان بعضهم من النماذج الخمسه القديييمه
    يذكر كل شىء جاه حتى لو يكتب عربي بس يووصل الفكره لنا
    تقبلو فكرتي وموضوعي
    لو استعيد بواقعي ذكرياتي

    احيا واموت في الثانية

    ألف مـره



    Exceptional man

  • #2
    لسى ما اختبرات ,,, جااري البحث عن الاسئلة والاسئلة القديمة ن1


    • #3
      يسلمو ع التفاعل
      لو استعيد بواقعي ذكرياتي

      احيا واموت في الثانية

      ألف مـره



      Exceptional man


      • #4
        الله يوفق الجميع

        وياليت يفيدونا بالاسئله اللي بيختبرون في الاختبار القادم
        الفَقدُ أسـوأ شيء يمرُّ بهِ القلب .
        ليسَ كالغياب ...
        ففي الغياب , ثمّة أَمَل !..

        : /


        • #5
          اضم صوتى الى اخوانى وياريت نساعد بعض ونتعاون:more20:


          • #6
            السلام عليكم يا اخوان انا راح احط بعض الاسئلة اللي تذكرتها وان شاء الله تستفيدوا منها

            7- Paul-Bunnel test is done to diagnose:
            a- multiple myeloma
            b- Hodgkin’s disease
            c- Infectious mononucleosis
            d- all of the above

            427- The cause of chaga's disease:
            a- trypanosoma gambiense
            b- trypansoma rhodesiense
            c- trypansoma cruzi
            d- leishmania braziliense

            428- The cause of sleeping sickness:
            a- trypanosoma gambiense
            b- trypanosoma cruzi
            c- trypanosoma rhodesiense
            d- (a) & (c)

            429- Cause Kala- azar:
            a- leishmania tropica
            b- leishmania braziliense
            c- leishmania donovani
            d- leishmania mexicana

            430-cause oriental sore:
            a- plasmodium ovale
            b- leishmania tropica
            c- leishmania donovani
            d- trypanosoma rhodesiense

            the antibodies is ?
            - protien
            - glycoprotien
            اعتقد الاجابة بروتين

            normal range of cholestrol?
            gram negative rod
            E.coli كانت هي الاجابة

            normal range of PLT and WBC
            eosinohpil disease is not associated with
            - parasitic disease
            - allergic disease
            - bactrial disease
            hodgkin disease

            ماني عارف ايت الصح من الاجابتين الاخيرتين
            في اختبار الحمل hcg ماذا تكتب في النتيجة
            - positive or negative
            هذا السؤال جاني مرتين في الاختبار الاول والثاني من النماذج الجديدة

            الحين باذكر الاسئلة بالعربي بالفهم
            كانت البكتريا اكثر الاسئلة على الستربتو والستاف وفيه وشي من الرود
            جاني سؤال عن n.miningitis and n.gonoreae والفرق بينها وكانت الخيارات غريبة مالتوز وفركتوز وزي كذا ماني ذاكرها بالضبط
            وجاني سؤال عن الـpt و ptt بس اسف ماني ذاكره
            وكمان سؤال مضاد الهيبارين موجود في تيوب لونه ؟ اخضر الاجابة
            شباب نقطه هااااامة واكيد مليون بالمية تجي بالاختبار وهي اسئلة عن انواع الـــig جاني فيها الاختبرا الاخير ثلاث اسئلة وهي اثقل واحد وهو اللي عرفته igM وكمان جا الجزيئ اللي يحمل 5 جزيئات او حاجة زي كذا مافهمت السؤال بالضبط
            المهم ياليت احد ينزل ملخص عن هذه الانواع وخواصها وفوائدها وكل شي عنها يخدمنا والله
            وكمان سؤال في الباراسايت وهو اين يوجد طفيل E.coli [ هذا الطفيل غاث كبدي موجود من ضمن الطفيليات والبكرتيا ماتعرف من وين تجيه:sm169:]
            وسلامتكم هذه الاسئلة اللي ذكرتها وعارف انها ما راح تفيدكم كثير بس صدقوني اذا كل واحد حط من عنده كم سؤال راح نسوي شي وممكن مانستفيد احنا بس يستفيد اللي بعدنا باذن الله
            احب الكلام الى الله
            سبحان الله والحمدلله ولا اله الا الله والله اكبر


            • #7
              صح سـآمر عليك .
              ونبي نتفاعل ياخوان
              لو استعيد بواقعي ذكرياتي

              احيا واموت في الثانية

              ألف مـره



              Exceptional man


              • #8
                Kala- azar/oriental sore
                شباب هذولاء الاثنين موجودين بالنماذج الخمسه صح ولا؟؟
                ولايتوهم لي؟؟
                لاني شايفهم بس ماني متاكد وين
                لو استعيد بواقعي ذكرياتي

                احيا واموت في الثانية

                ألف مـره



                Exceptional man


                • #9
                  السااامر يعطيك ربي الف الف عافية
                  وبخصوصpt وptt
                  pt:يقيم المسار الخارجي
                  ptt:يقيم المسار الداخلي


                  • #10
                    Saudi council examination
                    Choose the correct answer:

                    (1) the best anti coagulant in blood culture is?
                    *sodium oxalate
                    *sodium citrates
                    *sodium sulphate

                    (2) all the following samples are stained using gram stain except?
                    *water culture

                    (3) the percentage of sodium chloride in agar culture is?

                    (4) agar is characterized by all the following except?
                    *freezing point is 42c & melting point is 100c

                    (5) the normal value of (Na) in serum is?
                    *135-145 mg/dl
                    *135-145 mmol/dl
                    *135-145 mmol/l

                    (6) gram stain starts with?
                    *crystal green
                    *methyl violet /

                    (7) the causative of toxoplasma is?

                    (8) gram negative samples are stained with?
                    *yellow color
                    *blue color
                    *red color

                    (9) the color of cholera when cultured on TCBS?

                    (10) the diameter of micro pore filter used in bacteria filtration is?

                    (11) leishmania is transported by?
                    *sand fly

                    (12) to investigate one sample containing floro-carbon we use which microscope?
                    *light microscope
                    *brilliant microscope
                    *florescent microscope

                    (13) virus is similar to live organisms in?

                    (14) the largest resolution of the microscope is?

                    (15) which of the following is liver function test?
                    *liver enzymes
                    *serum + urin billrubin
                    *all of the previous

                    (16) which of the following causing enlargement of RBCs?

                    (17) the best sample for the culture of children paralysis virus is?
                    *anal swab
                    *blood culture
                    *stool culture

                    (18) dry air oven is used to sterilize?
                    *culture media

                    (19) the diabetic patient is going to comma when blood glucose is?
                    *120 mg/dl
                    *160 mg/dl
                    *less than 50mg/dl

                    (20) to differentiate between the two streptococci group which enzyme is used?

                    (21) the microscope which used in investigate syphilis is?
                    *light microscope
                    *ultra-violet microscope
                    *dark field microscope

                    (22) the antibiotic disc which differentiate between group A streptococci and other groups is?

                    (23) all of the following is true for salmonella except?
                    *produces H2S
                    *oxidase positive

                    (24) amylase value is high in the following disease?
                    *salivary glands
                    *pancreas diseases
                    *all of the previous

                    (25) one jaundice patient has yellow skin, his billrubin is

                    (26) acute diabetic patient has?
                    *blood sugar more than 150mg/dl
                    *blood sugar more than 180mg/dl
                    *glucose & acetone in urin

                    (27) the normal value of billrubin is?
                    *less than 2.0mg/dl
                    *less than 1.0mg/dl

                    (28) diabetic patient has one of the following symptoms?

                    (29) insulin is regulating blood sugar by?
                    *increase the influx of glucose into cells
                    *activate glycogensis
                    *all the previous

                    (30) the nutritive substance in culture media is?

                    (31) the best media for urin culture is?
                    *blood agar
                    *chocolate agar
                    *cled agar

                    (32) the sterilization of autoclave is?
                    *85c for 30min
                    *150c for 30min
                    *121c for 15min

                    (33) shigella soni colored in maconkey & EMB?

                    (34) the oil emertion lens is

                    (35) the dwarf worm is?
                    *tenia saginata

                    (36) all of the following are present in gram stain except?
                    *malachite green

                    (37) the diagnostic stage of amoeba is?
                    *all previous

                    (38) to check the intestinal efficacy the following test is done?
                    *stool fats

                    (39) the worm that causes blood in urin?
                    *schistosoma haematobium

                    (40) the significant count of bacteria to be inflammation is?
                    *less than 10^5
                    *more than 10^3
                    *more than 10^5

                    (41) to investigate gram stained samples we use the following microscope?
                    *double phase microscope
                    *florescent microscope
                    *light microscope

                    (42) the most important buffer system in blood is?
                    *acetic acid system
                    *hemoglobin system
                    *bicarbonates system

                    (43) all the following bacteria are interobacter except?
                    *non of the previous

                    (44) in the microscope when using objective lens 10 & eye lens 10 thee magnification power of the microscope is?

                    (45) all the following parameters affecting gram staning except?
                    *use H2SO4
                    *add absolute alcohol after washing
                    *delaying the dryness of the slide

                    (46) glycogen is stored in?
                    *all the previous

                    (47) malaria chizonts are present in?

                    (48) comma of diabetic patient shows?
                    *glucose grater than 200mg/dl
                    *glucose less than 200mg/dl
                    *glucose grater than 500mg/dl

                    (49) blood donor selection in KSA are all of the following except?
                    *Hb% 12.5-16
                    *free from syphilis
                    *one year after delivery

                    (50) solidifying agent in culture media is?

                    (51) agar which used as a solidifying agent in culture media concentration is?

                    (52) to sterilize culture media we use?
                    *hot oven

                    (53) bone matrix can also called?
                    *vascular tissue
                    *fibrous tissue

                    (54) unidirectional movement of WBCs directly to its target is?
                    *chemo taxis

                    (55) when focusing a stained smear under oil immersion field the magnification is?

                    (56) in myocardial infection?
                    *level of LHD high
                    *level of GOT high
                    *level of CK-MB high

                    (57) variation in RBCs size?
                    *aniso cytosis

                    (58) pretranfusion test that is performed using the patient red cells and donor plasma?
                    *Anti body screen
                    *major x-matching
                    *minor x-matching

                    (59) serum LDH is elevated in all the following except?
                    *skeletal disease
                    *cardiac/ hepatic diseases
                    *renal disease

                    (60) elevated sodium &chloride is seen in?
                    *diabetic acidosis
                    *severe dehydration

                    (61) which test is better to diagnose chronic bile duct?
                    *total bilirubin

                    (62) generally diagnosed by recovery & identification of typical larva in stool?
                    *hook worms

                    (63) enlarged RBCs are common in?

                    (64) which of the following is not laying eggs in small intestine?
                    *hook worm
                    *pin worm

                    (65) blood sample is used to diagnose?
                    *non from them

                    (66) how much water should we add to 500ml of a solution of 10% of NAOH to bring it to 7.5%?

                    (67) while using the pregnancy test we are measuring?
                    *total HCG
                    *beta HCG &LH
                    *beta HCG

                    (68) with age the renal threshold for glucose?
                    *does not change

                    (69) calibrator sera are?
                    *secondary standards
                    *internal standards
                    *primary standards

                    (70) a buffer made of?
                    *a strong acid + a strong salt
                    *a weak acid + a weak salt
                    *a weak acid + a strong salt

                    (71) a standard micro plates in ELISA test has?
                    *98 wells
                    *94 wells
                    *96 wells

                    (72) the enzyme in ELISA testing is present in the?
                    *micro plate

                    (73) antigen antibody complex are?
                    *weakly bound
                    *no bounds
                    *strongly bound

                    (74) washing must be done in all heterogeneous ELISA technique because?
                    *increase the specificity
                    *increase the sensitivity
                    *it removes the excess binding

                    (75) the label in ELISA tests is?
                    *radio active substance

                    (76) the difference between plasma & serum is that plasma?
                    *does not contain fibrinogen
                    *has more water
                    *contains fibrinogen

                    (77) five ml of colored solution has an absorbance of .500nm
                    The absorbance of 10ml of the same solution is?

                    (78) plasma or serum should be separated at the earliest time for estimation of glucose because?
                    *glucose value increases with time
                    *lyses of blood will occur
                    *glucose value decreases with time

                    (79) sensitivity & specify are?
                    *directly related
                    *they mean the same
                    *non of above

                    (80) a dichromatic analysis is carried to increase?

                    (81) causes of high serum bilirubin are?
                    *overload on liver
                    *all of the previous

                    (82) polio myeletis is transmitted through?

                    (83) malaria does not grow in?
                    *EDTA blood
                    *heparin zed blood

                    (84) serious that causes food poisoning?
                    *staph albus
                    *salmonella typhi
                    *salmonella enteritidis

                    (85) hemophilia man married to normal woman the incidence of his children is?
                    *carrier male
                    *diseased female
                    *carrier female

                    (86) which of the following causes UTI & INDOL positive?

                    (87) blood transfusion can transmit?
                    *all of the previous

                    (88) ADH is secreted from?
                    *thyroid gland
                    *anterior pituitary
                    *posterior pituitary

                    (89) one of the following enzymes is effected by hemolysis?

                    (90) HbA1C of diabetic patient is important for?
                    *he has to come fasting
                    *short term follow up
                    *long term follow up

                    (91) for glucose tolerance test?
                    *collect 5 blood samples only
                    *collect 5 urin samples only
                    *collect 5 blood samples + 5 urin samples

                    (92) one of the following heart enzymes is measured after 4-8hr of chest pain?

                    (93) light effects one of the following?

                    (94) one of the following is specific diagnostic liver enzyme?

                    (95) one of the following is important before anesthesia?
                    *alkaline phosphates
                    *acidic phosphates
                    *pseudocholine esterase

                    (96) acid phosphates is?
                    *heart enzyme
                    *liver enzyme
                    *prostatic enzyme

                    (97) In uric acid estimation?
                    *its affected by carbohydrate meal
                    *no need for fasting
                    *the patient has to come fasting

                    (98) all of the following are affected by meal except?

                    (99) Na is the main?
                    *intra cellular anion
                    *intra cellular cation
                    *extra cellular cation

                    (100) one of the following electrolytes is effected by hemolisis?

                    (101) the best kidney function test?
                    *total protein
                    *creatinine clearance

                    (102) for GGT in adults the dose of glucose is?

                    (103) for GGT in children the dose of glucose is?

                    (104) random blood glucose gives an idea?
                    *to justify blood glucose
                    *fasting patient
                    *blood glucose in urgent cases

                    (105) immunoglobulin is?
                    *B globulin
                    *Alfa globulin
                    *Gamma globulin

                    (106) exogenous triglecride is carried on?

                    (107) endogenous triglecride is carried on?

                    (108) harmful cholesterol is carried on?

                    (109) useful cholesterol is carried on?

                    (110) for lipid investigation patient has to fast?

                    (111) to measure G6PD we use?
                    *whole blood on EDTA

                    (112) amoeba moves by?

                    (113) one of the following is capsulated bacteria?



                    • #11
                      (70) a buffer made of?
                      *a strong acid + a strong salt
                      *a weak acid + a weak salt
                      *a weak acid + a strong salt

                      اجابه هذا الصحيحه *a weak acid + a strong salt

                      صح ولا خطأ

                      لان عندي نموذجين اسأله فيه اختلاف في حل هذا السؤال


                      • #12
                        شكرررررررررررررا جزيلا


                        • #13
                          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة سلطان زمان مشاهدة المشاركة
                          (70) a buffer made of?
                          *a strong acid + a strong salt
                          *a weak acid + a weak salt
                          *a weak acid + a strong salt

                          اجابه هذا الصحيحه *a weak acid + a strong salt

                          صح ولا خطأ

                          لان عندي نموذجين اسأله فيه اختلاف في حل هذا السؤال
                          نموذج ابو رشاد يقول نفس اجابتك
                          الفَقدُ أسـوأ شيء يمرُّ بهِ القلب .
                          ليسَ كالغياب ...
                          ففي الغياب , ثمّة أَمَل !..

                          : /


                          • #14
                            يعطيك الف عافية


                            • #15
                              مشكور ،
                              طيب مو اسئلة 2010 ،
                              يعني ماهي متغيرة بـ 2011 !!
                              22 آكتـوبر ، بــررب آلـريآض .. ولكمــــوووء نيـويـورك ..

