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طريقة Most Probable Number (MPN)

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • طريقة Most Probable Number (MPN)

    لو سمحتم طريقة MPN : حسب ماهو موضح بالنص التالي:
    لاني عملت حسب الموضح ادنا ووضعت 9 انابيب بعد حقن التخفيفات المناسبة في الحضانة لمدة 24 ساعة على درجة حرارة 37.

    لكن المشكلة بعد التحضين ماهو العمل وطريفة الحمام المائي؟؟؟

    Enumeration of Coliforms bacteria (MPN) : (FAO, 1992 )
    Three tubes of lauryl sulphate tryptose broth (LST) containing inverted Durham's tubes were inoculated with 1 ml of previously prepared homogenate (1:10) and anther 3 tubes for dilution (1:100), and 3 tubes for dilution (1:1000) were inoculated, then the (LST) tubes were inoculated at 37ْC for 24-48 hours. Test tubes that showed gas collect in Durham's tubes were recorded after 24 hours, as positive result, the negative tubes were re-incubated for further 24 hours, then the positive one were record.
    The most probable number of Coliforms per gram of the sample (MPN/g) is calculate and record.

    Enumeration of Fecal Coliforms bacteria (MPN)(FAO,1992)
    A loopful from each gas-positive tube of (LST) was transferred to Esoin methlene blue (EMB) (Oxoid CM 69) . The inoculated tubes were incubated at 45.5 ْC in water bath for 24-48 hours. Positive tubes showed gas production in Durham's tubes were record and the bacterial density was estimated according to the table of MPN .