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راااائع ..@Mycology Media

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  • راااائع ..@Mycology Media

    Mycology Media

    Media for Mycology

    In mycological practice, parallel use of at least two different media is recommended for selectively getting rid of contaminations or to serve as nutritives for the different fungal pathogens. Most of the fungi grow well on simple bacteriological media with higher carbohydrate concentration and with lower pH in aerobic conditions. High content of vitamin B from yeast extract is advantageous for yeasts, numerous moulds and dermatophyta with special nutritive requirements; thus in a part of mycological media, peptons are partially substituted by yeast extract. On the other hand, due to the optimal conditions for fungal cultivation, these media are not usable for morphological characterization.
    Most frequently known and used mycological media are the liquid and solid Sabouraud media, agar containing anti-mould agent cycloheximide (Actidione ®) for isolation of dermatophyton strains, com and potato-carrot based agars for induction of chlamydospore production; Czapek-Dox agar for isolation of moulds.

    Sabouraud Media:
    Universal mycological medium family. Different compositions of liquid and solid Sabouraud media are generally used for different purposes. Selectivity should be evolved by diverse supplements (e.g. chloramphenicol, gentamicin, cycloheximide, tetrazolium) specificity should be varied.

    Corn Meal Agar:
    General medium for isolation of fungal strains.

    Corn Meal Agar With Dextrose:
    It is used for identification and induction of chlamydospore genesis of yeasts and dermatophytes.

    Dermatopkye Test Medium:
    Selective agar medium containing cycloheximide for isolation of dermatophyte strains.

    Malt Extract Agar and Broth, Oxytetracvclin-Glucose-Yeast Extract (OGYE) Agar: Selective enrichment and isolation media of yeasts and moulds from feed and alimentary products.

    Potato-Dextrose Agar:
    It is recommended to demonstrate fungal contamination of food samples.

    Emerson Agar:
    For cultivation of Actinomyces and Streptomyces species, and moulds, respectively.

    Czapek-Dox Agar:
    Generally used for culture of Penicillium and Aspergillus species.

    Wort Agar and Broth:
    Solid and liquid media for maintenance and isolation of yeasts.

    Dixon's Agar for Malassezia furfur:
    For primary isolation and cultivation of Malassezia furfur.

    Bird Seed Agar:
    For the selective isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans.

    Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHIA) with 5% Sheep Blood :
    For the primary isolation and cultivation of yeasts and moulds.

    Lactrimel Agar for dermatophytes:
    For the production of pigment by Trichophyton rubrum.

    Rice Grain Slopes:
    To induce sporulation and for differentiation of M. audouinii, M. canis and M. distortum.

    Sabouraud's Dextrose Agar with 5% NACL:
    For the cultivation and differentiation of dermatophytes especially T. rubrum from T. mentagrophytes.

    Vitamin Free Agar (Trichophyton Agar):
    For the differentiation of Trichophyton species.

    CGB Agar CGB (L-Canavanine, glycine, 2 bromthymol blue) Agar:
    For distinction between Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans and Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii.

  • #2
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    واستغفرك فيما لا اعلمه


    • #3
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      • #4
        يشرفنا تواجدك معنا

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        عميق الأفكار مثل الجذور
        رقيق الكلمات مثل الأزهار


        • #5
          السلام عليكم
          ابا اخوكم AL-KINANY BIO عضو جديد واحب ان تساعدوني في معرفة طريقة التخفيف للحصرل على مزارع نقية من البكتريا(بالتفصيل ان امكن ) جزاكم الله خيرا

