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case to solve v.imp

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  • case to solve v.imp

    al-salamo 3alaykom

    here is the thing
    i started my intern year in immunology lab

    and i have been given a case to solve
    the thing is i can`t find a suitable explanation

    the case is

    a sample received for ANC ( antenatal care ) testing

    HBsAg is negative
    Toxo-G is weak positive
    and Toxo-M is weak positive
    Rubella-G is weak positive
    and Rubella-M is negative

    the lady is in the first trimester

    i thought that she might have been exposed to toxo and rubella but not infected
    but that does not explain the positive igM for toxo

    please help me out i haven`t seen a true case like that so i have no idea what to think

    also could someone suggest a good text book for immunology
    i have one but it`s quite diffecult to follow

    thanx a lot