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  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • B-18- What is the basis of HIV test؟
    test detect HIV antibodies
    an initial test based on the ELISA method,
    then a second test using the Western blot procedure
    determines the size of the antigens in the
    test kit binding to the antibodies.
    The combination of these two methods is highly accurate

    C-18- When does this test become positive?

    - positive ELISA antibody test is in fact infected with HIV
    - An ELISA test can be falsely positive for several reasons,
    including a patient's autoimmune disease,
    multiple pregnancies, blood transfusions,
    liver diseases, parental substance abuse,
    hemodialysis, or vaccinations for Hepatitis B,
    rabies, or influenza.
    Any of these conditions can stimulate the immune system
    to produce antibodies that cross-react with HIV antigens
    and produce a false positive.
    - A positive result is confirmed with a second ELISA.
    If the second ELISA is positive,
    a Western Blot must be done to ensure that
    the antibodies detected in the ELISA test are really HIV antibodies.
    HIV antibody tests


    • المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة عاشقة الورد مشاهدة المشاركة
      B-18- What is the basis of HIV test؟
      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة عاشقة الورد مشاهدة المشاركة
      test detect HIV antibodies
      an initial test based on the ELISA method,
      then a second test using the Western blot procedure
      determines the size of the antigens in the
      test kit binding to the antibodies.
      The combination of these two methods is highly accurate

      C-18- When does this test become positive?

      - positive ELISA antibody test is in fact infected with HIV
      - An ELISA test can be falsely positive for several reasons,
      including a patient's autoimmune disease,
      multiple pregnancies, blood transfusions,
      liver diseases, parental substance abuse,
      hemodialysis, or vaccinations for Hepatitis B,
      rabies, or influenza.
      Any of these conditions can stimulate the immune system
      to produce antibodies that cross-react with HIV antigens
      and produce a false positive.
      - A positive result is confirmed with a second ELISA.
      If the second ELISA is positive,
      a Western Blot must be done to ensure that
      the antibodies detected in the ELISA test are really HIV antibodies.
      HIV antibody tests


      السؤال الاول صحيح

      بمعنى ان الاساس فى عمل هذا الفحص هو اكتشاف الاجسام المضادة

      السؤال الثانى

      المقصود هنا متى يكون هذا الفحص ايجابى اى ما هى الفترة الزمنية لكونة ايجابى


      • B-18- What is the basis of HIV test؟
        detect HIV antibodies

        C-18- When does this test become positive?

        The ‘window period’ is a term used to describe
        the period of time between HIV infection and the production of antibodies.
        During this time, an antibody test may give a ‘false negative’ result,
        which means the test will be negative,
        even though a person is infected with HIV.
        To avoid false negative results,
        antibody tests are recommended three months after
        potential exposure to HIV infection.

        A negative test at three months will
        almost always mean a person is not infected with HIV.
        If an individual’s test is still negative at six months,
        and they have not been at risk of HIV infection in the meantime,
        it means they are not infected with HIV


        • شكرا عاشقة الورد

          الى اى عائلة ينتمى فيروس HIV


          • HIV belongs to a class of viruses called retroviruses, which have genes compoesed of ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules. The genes of humans and most other organisms are made of a related molecule, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Like all viruses, HIV can replicate only inside cells, commandeering the cell's machinery to reproduce. However, only HIV and other retroviruses, once inside a cell, use an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to convert their RNA into DNA, which can be incorporated into the host cell's genes.
            يسمىّ فيروﺳاً قهقرﻳاً، أيّ فيروس من عائلة[1]


            • HIV belong to Retrovirus family

              بشكرك اخى رشيد على مشاركتك وبتمنى نشوفك على طول


              • TRUE OR FALSE

                insects transmit HIV virus

                HIV can make a person ill because it makes person lose weight suddenly

                HIV only affect gay people



                • F


                  • المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة عونى يوسف مشاهدة المشاركة

                    TRUE OR FALSE

                    insects transmit HIV virus

                    HIV can make a person ill because it makes person lose weight suddenly

                    HIV only affect gay people



                    • FALSE


                      • اشكركم جميعا على تفاعلكم

                        مرمر-عاشقة الورد -اخونا الجديد فهد ونتمنى ان تكون معنا يا فهد

                        الاجابات جميعها خاطئة

                        insects transmit HIV virus

                        Insects inject salive not blood

                        HIV can make a person ill because it makes person lose weight suddenly

                        because it attacks immune system

                        HIV only affect gay people

                        HIV can affect anyone from any part of the world

                        شكرا لكم جميعا


                        • نواصل الاسئلة على نفس الحالة

                          CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER
                          1-Approximately how many people are living with HIV worldwide

                          A-23 Million

                          B-13 million
                          C-33 million
                          2-HIV is believed to have evolved from a similar virus found in which animal?

                          A- Elephant
                          B-Guinea pig
                          3-Which of these drugs is most commonly used on its own to reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission?

                          A- Aspirin



                          • 1-Approximately how many people are living with HIV worldwide

                            C-33 million

                            2-HIV is believed to have evolved from a similar virus found in which animal?


                            3-Which of these drugs is most commonly used on its own to reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission?



                            • بشكرك على هذا التواصل الرائع عاشقة الورد

                              كنت اتمنى مشاركات اكثر من ذلك

                              على العموم البركة بالموجودين والمطلعين على هذا الموضوع المتجدد

                              تعليق على نقطتين


                              فى الشمبانزى تم اكتشاف فيروس يسمى بSIV

                              SIV= Simian immunodeficiency virus

                              وهذا الفيروس قريب جدا لفيروس HIV ويعتقد انة انتقل الى الانسان

                              وعلى فكرة النوعين بينتموا لعائلة واحدة وهى


                              النقطة الثانية

                              المراة الحامل المصابة بفيروس HIV تعطى هذا العقار الا وهو

                              وذلك حتى تقلل من اصابة الطفل بفيروس HIV
                              فيتم اعطاءها هذا العقار منذ بداية الولادة ايضا يتم اعطاء الطفل بعد عملية الولادة

                              هذا ما لدى لاقولة

                              اشوفكم على خير


                              • TRUE OR FALSE
                                A-HIV can be transmitted to babies through the breast milk of

                                infected mothers

                                B-Having another sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea, chlamydia, or syphilis makes a person more at risk of acquiring HIV during sex with an HIV infected partner

                                C-Spermicides kill HIV in humans.

                                D-Women can pass HIV to their babies during pregnancy or birth

