
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

7 اسئله تبحث عن اجابات

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • 7 اسئله تبحث عن اجابات

    . We can differentiate between Taenia solium and Taenia saginata by
    A) eggs
    B) gravid segment
    C) length of worm
    D) width of worm
    . The egg of Echinococus granulosis hatch to give
    A) oncospheres
    B) adult worm
    C) hydatid cyst
    D) Cysticercus Larva
    . The following are diagnostic features of Strongyloides stercoralis except
    A) epigastric pain
    B) eosinophlia
    C) mucus diarrhea
    D) fever

    . A diagnostic finding for Diphylobothrium latium
    A) ovoid, operculated eggs in stool
    B) rosette shape segment
    C) cyst
    D) A&B
    asexual form of reproduction in toxoplasma is:
    a- endodyogeny
    b- binary fission
    c- schizogony
    d- non of the above
    asexual form of apicomplexa reproduction in is:
    a- endodyogeny
    b- binary fission
    c- schizogony
    d- non of the above
    actively feed and multiply stage of heamoflagellates called:
    a- amastigote
    b- promastigote
    c- epimastigote
    d- all of the above
    actively feed and multiply stage of toxoplasma called:
    a- tachyzoit
    b- trophozoites
    c- egg
    d- non of the above

    Echinococus granulosis
    الطور التشخيصي والمعدي ماهو ..وثكرا
    لو استعيد بواقعي ذكرياتي

    احيا واموت في الثانية

    ألف مـره



    Exceptional man

  • #2
    We can differentiate between Taenia solium and Taenia saginata by
    A) eggs
    B) gravid segment
    C) length of worm
    D) width of worm

    The egg of Echinococus granulosis hatch to give
    A) oncospheres
    B) adult worm
    C) hydatid cyst
    D) Cysticercus Larva

    diagnostic finding for Diphylobothrium latium
    A) ovoid, operculated eggs in stool
    B) rosette shape segment
    C) cyst
    D) A&B

    actively feed and multiply stage of toxoplasma called:
    a- tachyzoit
    b- trophozoites
    c- egg
    d- non of the above

    Echinococus granulosis
    الطور التشخيصي اعتقد cyst
    الطور المعدي egg

    هذا والله اعلم
    http://<a href="http://up99.com/" ta...73.gif</a></a>


    • #3
      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة فني مختبررات مشاهدة المشاركة
      . We can differentiate between Taenia solium and Taenia saginata by
      A) eggs
      B) gravid segment
      C) length of worm
      D) width of worm

      also by the hooks

      . The egg of Echinococus granulosis hatch to give
      A) oncospheres
      B) adult worm
      C) hydatid cyst
      D) Cysticercus Larva

      . The following are diagnostic features of Strongyloides stercoralis except
      A) epigastric pain
      B) eosinophlia
      C) mucus diarrhea
      D) fever

      . A diagnostic finding for Diphylobothrium latium
      A) ovoid, operculated eggs in stool
      B) rosette shape segment
      C) cyst
      D) A&B
      asexual form of reproduction in toxoplasma is:
      a- endodyogeny
      b- binary fission
      c- schizogony
      d- non of the above

      asexual form of apicomplexa reproduction in is:
      a- endodyogeny
      b- binary fission
      c- schizogony
      d- non of the above

      actively feed and multiply stage of heamoflagellates called:
      a- amastigote
      b- promastigote
      c- epimastigote
      d- all of the above

      actively feed and multiply stage of toxoplasma called:
      a- tachyzoit
      b- trophozoites
      c- egg
      d- non of the above

      bradyzoite invade the epithelial cells and multiply into


      Echinococus granulosis

      الطور التشخيصي والمعدي ماهو ..وشكرا
      اتمنى ان تكون الاجابات صحيحة


      • #4
        الف شكر للجميع ..:sm199:
        لو استعيد بواقعي ذكرياتي

        احيا واموت في الثانية

        ألف مـره



        Exceptional man


        • #5
          We can differentiate between Taenia solium and Taenia saginata by
          A) eggs
          B) gravid segment
          C) length of worm
          D) width of worm
          . The egg of Echinococus granulosis hatch to give
          A) oncospheres
          B) adult worm
          C) hydatid cyst
          D) Cysticercus Larva
          . The following are diagnostic features of Strongyloides stercoralis except
          A) epigastric pain
          B) eosinophlia
          C) mucus diarrhea
          D) fever

          . A diagnostic finding for Diphylobothrium latium
          A) ovoid, operculated eggs in stool
          B) rosette shape segment
          C) cyst
          D) A&B
          asexual form of reproduction in toxoplasma is:
          a- endodyogeny
          b- binary fission
          c- schizogony
          d- non of the above
          asexual form of apicomplexa reproduction in is:
          a- endodyogeny
          b- binary fission
          c- schizogony
          d- non of the above
          actively feed and multiply stage of heamoflagellates called:
          a- amastigote
          b- promastigote
          c- epimastigote
          d- all of the above
          actively feed and multiply stage of toxoplasma called:
          a- tachyzoit
          b- trophozoites
          c- egg
          d- non of the above

          Echinococus granulosis
          الطور التشخيصي والمعدي ماهو

