
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

ورطانة بالانجليزي ساعدوني

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • #16
    أول شي أنا الحمدالله أيماني بالله قوووي ولي كاتبه الله بيصير غصب عن العبد زين أختي وأنا الحمدالله صحيح أني تعبت بالدراسه بس شنو نقول خليها على الله وأن شاء الله الاختبار الثاني راح تكون الدرجه دبل وننجح كلنا وماعليك لو زاد عندي درجات بعطيك بس أهم شي بيكون فوووق النجاح الله يوفقك أختي وتنجحي وترفحينى معاكي ن1


    • #17
      الله يسمع منك وارفحك معي على قولتك:sm185:
      مشكور على ردك

      دعواتي الصادقة لك بالتوفيق


      • #18
        أما ترفحيني هههههههههههه مدري منوين جت ترفحيني =تفرحيني ههههههه سوري:sm180:


        • #19
          الله يسعدك ويسعد الجميع

          ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــ

          أيوه تذكرت القطعه اللي جتني ب اختبار الملك فيصل التخصصي
          واعتقد تتكرر كثير

          كانت عن الغزالة (الظبية)
          deer animal
          جايبين عنها قطعه تتكلم عن مواصفاتها
          ومواصفات الذكر منها ، والقرون على راس مين

          وأين تعيش الغزالة هذي
          وكان سؤال من ضمن الاختياري يقول هل تحدثت القطعة عن ماذا تأكل الغزالة (يعني هل ذكروا نوع الأكل اللي تاكله)؟

          وذكروا سؤال عن لماذا يصبح جلدها soft

          وكانت تتكلم عن وضعها خلال فصول السنة الأربعة
          وتكلمت عن قوة رجولها وإن لها اربع رجول

          انتوا نصيحة اقرأو معلومات عن الغزالة عشان اذا جتكم القطعه نفسها تسهل عليكم قراءتها وتضمنون عشر درجات حقتها لأن الاختيارات حقتها واضحة مرررة من نفس القطعة
          لكن عاد انتبهوا هل المعلومات اللي مكتوبة مذكورة بالقطعة أو لا

          كان متكلم عن لون ذيلها الأبيض
          واسم الذكر منها

          انا بكتب لكم قطعة قريبة منها لقيتها بالانترنت مكن تفيدكم كنموذج بالمذاكرة ( القطعة لقيتها طويلة شوي لكن شاملة لكل المعلومات اللي جابوها بالقطعه ) لكم الحرية بقراءتها وماراح تخسرون شي
          القراءة بكل الحالات بتفيدكم لأنها بتقوي اللغة
          اذا قرأتوها واستوعبتوها اسالوا نفسكم الاسئلة اللي قلتها لكم حقت مكان تواجد الغزالة وصفاتها و... الخ

          Picture taken by Wanda Embar. Deer are members of the order Artiodactyle, which means that they have hoofs with an even number of toes.
          Deer can be found around the world. They are native to all continents except for Australia and Antarctica. There are about 100 types of deer, including the whitetail deer, reindeer, elk, moose, mule deer, blacktail deer and caribou.

          Male deer are called bucks, bulls, stags or harts. Female deer are called does, cows or hinds. Young deer are called fawns or calfs.

          Deer can adapt well to just about any habitat. They prefer to live in "edge" habitats. Edges are human-made or natural habitat breaks, for instance from woods to croplands. They will use the woodlands for cover and ****ter and the open land to graze in. In northern latitudes, deer may live in different areas in the summer and winter months. These areas can be as far as 30 miles apart.

          Picture taken by Wanda Embar

          Deer are the only animals that have antlers. They are the fastest growing living tissue on earth. Antlers are usually only found on males. In some species, like caribou, you will also find them on females. Moose have the largest antlers. Antlers grow from spring until fall. While growing, antlers are covered with a soft tissue known as velvet. This tissue contains a network of nerves and blood vessels and is very sensitive. In the fall, the velvet is shed and the antlers harden. In the winter, the antlers are shed. Antlers should not be confused with horns. Horns are never shed and continue to grow throughout the animal's life. If they are broken, they won't grow back.

          Picture taken by Wanda Embar

          Deer have a great sense of hearing. They have a lot of muscles attached to their ears which allow them to turn their ears in any direction, without moving their heads. They can hear higher frequencies of sound than humans.
          The brown coat of the deer provides great camouflage in the woodlands. By standing still, they can go undetected by a passing predator. Fawns have a reddish-brown color covered with white spots, which help camouflage them and disappear when they are 3-4 months old. In the fall, deer will shed their summer coat and receive a much thicker winter coat.

          Picture taken by Wanda Embar.

          Deer have their eyes on the sides of their head, giving them a 310 degree view. This wide view does make it hard for deer to focus on a single point. Deer have a good night vision, which is useful in the early morning and near dusk.

          Deer have small teeth in the front of the bottom jaw, which they use for tearing and breaking apart food. They have no teeth in the front of the top jaw. Instead they have a hard palate, which is used in much the same way as teeth. In the back of the mouth deer have molars, canines and incisors, which are used for chewing.

          Deer are ungulates, which means that they have two-toed hoofs. They have long legs with powerful muscles and are able to run 40 miles per hour and jump 10 feet high. They are also fast swimmers.

          Picture taken by Wanda Embar. Deer have an excellent sense of smell, which allows them to detect predators from a long distance away. Deer lick their nose to keep it moist, which helps odor particles stick to it, improving their sense of smell. The nose also plays a role in communication. Deer produce scents with glands located on their head, legs and hooves. These scents provide information to other deer about their gender, social status, physical condition and whether an area is safe.
          Deer usually stay in the same area called a home range. These areas are shared by related females who form matriarchies and that exclude adult males.

          The breeding season for deer occurs between October and January. This period is called the "rut". During the "rut" the necks of the male deer will swell to more than double their normal diameter and their antlers will have lost their velvet. This will prepare them for fights with other buck to determine dominance and breeding rights. They will crash antlers, but usually don't get hurt. During this period, males are very nervous and constantly active, which can cause them to wander into places where you would normally not find them, like residential areas. Gestation is about 200 days and in the spring the female will give birth to one to three fawns.

          Fawns are protected by a lack of scent. Enemies cannot smell them. Fawns are able to stand and walk shortly after birth. The mother keeps them hidden in bushes and checks up on them about 6 times a day to feed them. Young deer stay with their mothers for 1-2 years.

          Picture taken by Wanda Embar.

          When deer feel threatened, they will raise their tail to warn other deer.
          Bucks mark their territory by making scrapes on the land with their hooves and by removing bark from trees with their antlers, called a "buck rub".

          Deer are herbivores. They eat grass, leaves, stems, shoots, berries, herbs, acorns, mushrooms, wild fruit and agriculture crops like corn and soy beans.

          Deer are ruminants (cud chewers) and have a four-chambered stomach. Other ruminants include cattle, goats and antelope. Deer start eating in the morning. They hardly chew their food which goes into the first stomach. While they rest, the food will move to the second stomach and form little balls. Now the food is brought back to the mouth and chewed. This chewed food goes into the third and fourth stomachs.

          In the winter months, when less food is available, deer will become less active. By slowing down, they can get by eating only about one third of the food they normally eat. They will also hang out in the woods more to escape the cold winds.

          Deer are born with four baby teeth and develop baby incisors and premolars in their first months. Their adult teeth come in and replace the baby teeth when they are about 18 months old. You can guess the age of deer by looking at the type of teeth they have and by how worn these teeth are. Each year, molars loose about one millimeter of height.

          The life expectancy of deer is 20 years.

          اذا تذكرت شي زيادة بكتبه


          • #20
            كان يقول من ضمن السماعي
            علي يملك سيارة سوداء نفس سيارة صديقه وتحتها عدة جمل اختياري

            اعذروني ما اذكرهم لكن هذي الجملة كانت واضحه

            من القواعد كان جايب جملة اختياري
            He went to bed

            It could be studied because
            1)Electricity did not Break off (Lost
            2)His room was dark

            عاد ولله ما اذكر الصيغة بالضبط لكن المعنى نفسه


            Sitting)..........the door

            مدري الفعل كان SITTING ,والا فعل ثاني المهم انه المعنى كان يجلس مدري ينتظر عند الباب المطلوب وش حرف الجر المستخدم

            I went to bed early
            1) I was not tired
            2)I WAS NOT ILL
            4) ما اذكر بالضبط لكن كانت هذي نفس المعنى يعني هو راح فراشه بدري مدري لأنه مريض أو هل هو ما راح بدري لأنه غير مريض
            انتو عاد حاولوا تصيغون الجملة بكذا معنى لأن هذا ما كان جرامر كان سؤال فهم

            ططبعا ما قصروا بتصريفات الافعال يحط لك جمله ويكتب تحتها الفعل بجميع اشكاله مضارع مستمر أو تام أو ماضي ...

            كان جايب صيغة التفضيل ويحط اختيارات مثال مقارب
            علي كان الأطول بين اخوانه
            TALLER THAN
            .......اختيارات متعددة

            I put the pen there because
            It is mine
            هذا السؤال لحد الحين مو مستوعبته ولا ادري وش القصد منه

            عساني افتكر شي مع اني مدري اذا فهمتوا شي او لا


            • #21
              جزاكي ربنا الخير ماقصرتي انا رسبت ورايحه اعيد الاختبار رغم اني مو متحمسه اشتغل في التخصصي ....طيب لو نجحت في اختبارات ثانيه بخصوص التخصص مثلا انا مختبر هل في اختبار ام مقابله شخصيه :sm170:


              • #22
                قولي آآآآآمين الله يكتب لك الخير

                صلي الاستخارة اهم شي
                عشان النتيجة اذا طلعت تكونين راضية

                صلاة الاستخارة مهمه قبل اتخاذ هالقرارات

                واذا بالوظيفة خير لك ان شاء الله تتيسر
                واذا فيها ضرر لك الله يبدلك بأفضل منها

                اتمنى تكوني استفدتي من الحكي اللي كتبته
                انا عندي اعادة للاختبار لكن مدري ليش ما تحمست لهم مع اني بالبداية كنت متحمسة

                لكني بجد مرتاحة ومبسوطة من اللي انكتب لي معاهم بأني ما نجحت بالاختبار السابق وكان رسوبي لدرجات قليلة

                اكيد ربي بيعوضني وظيفة أبرك لي

                عموما انا بحاول اسألك لك وحدة من صاحباتي هناك كيف عملت بعد الاختبار
                لأنه مختبرة من سنة ونجحت ونادوها للوظيفة هذي السنة


                • #23
                  بشرونا وش صار لكم . عساكم انقبلتو .. عندي اختبار الاسبوع هذا .. ي ليت الي يقدر يفيدني يفيدني .. وبعد الي مايقدر يفيدني يسوي اي شي يفيدني .. اصلا ما منكم فايده < عصّب هههههه

                  اتمنى تردون علي ي حلوين

