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الى أعضاء منتدى مختبرات العرب مع التحية

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • الى أعضاء منتدى مختبرات العرب مع التحية

    أول شيء ياأخوان مبروك لكل من أختبر ونجح وثاني شيء أنا عندي اختبار يوم الاحد وطالب مساعدتكم في موضوعين أول شيء الكيماء وثاني شيءعوامل التجلط أرقامها وظائفها ولكم مني جزيل الشكر والتقدير وياريت يكون بأسرع وقت لان انا اكتب الموضوع وباقي اسبوع عن الاختبار دعواتكم ياأخواني محبكم ناصر البلوي:sm253:
    ماجد هو (( الأسطورة )) و غيرهـ هو (( الأضحوكه ))

  • #2
    اخي الكريم وفقك الله في امتحانك ولكن هل انت فني ام اخصائي ؟؟
    وهذا ملخص الأخ شادي للكيمياء فيه بعض المعلومات العامة ..General Informtion for chemistry :-

    pH is defined as a negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion activity in a solution .
    PH = - log { H }
    pH indicator:- change of the solution color depend on PH.
    indicators Acidic Basic
    Litmu Red Blue
    Phenolphthalein Colorless Pink to red

    -Plasma osmolality is a measure of the concentration of substances such as sodium, chloride, potassium, urea, glucose, and other ions in blood.

    -The bicarbonate buffering system (HCO3) is an important buffer system in the blood

    *Cholsetrol :-
    Some types of cholesterol :-
    1- Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) :- It is harmful . it cause atherosclerosis .
    2- High-density lipoprotein (HDL) :- it is useful .
    3- Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) :- It is transports endogenous products
    4- Chylomicrons :- transport exogenous

    - GGT is elevated by large quantities of alcohol (( alcoholism ))

    -The dose of glucose in GTT in adult is 75 Gram . and 30 Gram in children
    -For GTT collect 5 sample of blood + 5 sample of urine .

    *Copper reducation test :- detect glucose
    * Copper reducation test :- not detect sucrose .

    *atomic mass = the number of Protons + the Number of Neutrons
    *Atomic number = the number of Protons
    Proton is positive charge .
    Neutron is neutral charge ( متعادلة )
    Electron is negative charge .

    *Spectrophotometer :- used to measure the light transmitted by solution in order to determine the concentration .
    Spectrophotometer components :-
    1- light source . 2- monochrmators . 3- cuvettes 4- phtodetector 5- read out device.

    *Flamofhotometer :- determine concentration of alkali metals like sodium , potassium , lithium , in body fluid .
    Flamofhotometer components :-
    1-flame . 2- atomizers. 3- monochromators . 4- detector . 5- read out device

    Visible wave length = 400 – 700 nm
    Ultraviolet wave length = 10 – 400 nm

    * carbohydrate : -
    Classification OF Carbohydrate :-
    1- monosaccharide . 2- oligosaccharide .
    3-polysaccharide .

    1- monosaccharide : it contain two group :-
    - aldose : which contain aldehyde group . eg : glucose (aldohexosis)
    - ketose : which contain ketone group . eg : fructose ( ketohexosis)

    2- oligosaccharide : which contain 2-10 unit of monosaccharide .
    - example of oligosaccharide :
    1- sucrose . 2- maltose .
    3- lactose . 4- cellobiose .

    * Sucrose (table sugar ) : consist of glucose +fructose .
    *Maltose : it is alpha glucose .
    * Lactose ( milk sugar ) : consist of glucose + galactose .
    * Cellobiose : consist of beta glucose .

    3- polysaccharide : there are polymer of monosaccharide (more than 10)
    * example : 1- starch . 2- glycogen . 3- cellulose .

    * starch : consist polymers of glucose (formed in plant )
    |* glycogen : it is called animal starch .

    *Digestive of carbohydrate :
    1- digestion of carbohydrate start in mouth by alpha amylase secreted by salivary gland .
    2- the digestion of carbohydrate contentious in small intestine by pancreatic alpha amylase , which convert starch to maltose & maltase convert maltose to glucose .
    3- glucose convert in liver .


    * LIPID : -
    * insoluble in water .
    * classification of lipid :-
    1- simple lipid . 2- complex lipid . 3- derived lipid .

    * Simple lipid : it is formed from alcohol +fatty acid only .
    *complex lipid : formed from alcohol + fatty acid +another material like phosphate group or protein or carbohydrate .
    - example of complex lipid : phospholipid - glycolipid .
    * derived lipid : derived from simple and complex lipid , they consist of :
    a- fatty acid . b- alcohol. C- hydrocarbon .
    -example of derived lipid : steroid – cholesterol .


    * protein : unit of amino acid .
    *digestion of protein :
    1- start in stomach .
    2- the digestive enzyme in the stomach is pepsin and rennin
    *pepsin : is initiate protein digestion .
    * rennin : cause coagulation milk , found in infant only .
    3- digestion of protein continuous in intestine .
    * pancreatic secretion consist :trypsin – chemotropsin &elastase .

    *homeostasis : keep internal environment constant .
    *water content in the body : 40-75% of total body weight .
    *water balance :-
    2500ml/day where loss from the body
    * regulation of body water :
    - normal water balance maintained by 2 important factor :
    1- rennin –angiotensin –aldosteron system
    2- anti – diuretic hormone (ADH)


    *SODIUM (NA+)
    - is the most abundant cation (positive ion ) in the extra – cellular fluid (ECF)
    - it is found associated with minerals mainly with NACL (common salt )
    -RDA (recommended daily allowance ) 10-15 g nacl /day .
    - normal range of NACL : 135- 145 mmol/l

    * Hyponatremia :
    -decrease level of NA+ .
    * causes :
    - decrease intake of NACL
    - addism"s disease ( deficiency of mineralocorticoid )

    * hypernatremia :
    - increase plasma level of NA
    *causes :
    -cushings syndrome ( excess glucocorticoid ) .

    *estimation OF SODIUM :
    -iron selective electrode (ISF )

    *POTTASIUM (K) :
    - the most abundant cation (positive ion ) in the intra-cellular fluid (ICF ) of the body .

    *RDA :at least 1,3 g/day .
    -normal range : 3.5-5 mmole/l .

    *hypokalemia :
    - decrease plasma level of K
    -causes :
    1- cushings syndrome (excess glucocorticoids ) .
    2- insuline overdose .
    3- alkalosis .

    *hyperkalemia :
    - increase plasma level of K
    -causes :
    1- adisson disease (deficiency of mineralcorticoid )
    2- acidosis .
    -estimation of K :
    1- iron selective electrode (ICF)

    *CALCIUM (CA2+)
    -it is most abundant mineral in the body 70kg contain one kg calcium .
    - RDA : 4-6 g/day .
    -normal range : 9-11 mg /dl .
    -the free calcium (ionized ) is active calcium .
    * function of ionized calcium :
    1- participates in blood coagulation .
    2- important for contraction of all heart .
    *regulation of calcium metabolism :
    - calcium and phosphorus is controlled by :
    1- parathyroid hormone (PTH) secret from parathyroid gland
    2- active vit D3
    3- calcitonin ( secreted from the thyroid gland )

    * function of parathyroid hormone :
    a- on bone :
    it promote mobilization of calcium and phosphorous from bone to blood .
    b- on kidney :
    it promote re-absorption of calcium and excretion of phosphorous by kidneys .
    *there for , PTH is ahypercalcemic hormone ,
    *function of active vit D3 :
    a- on intestine :
    it promote absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine .
    b- on bone :
    promote formation of bone ,
    vitamin D deficiency has been associated with Rickets
    *function of calcitonin :
    Antagonized the action of PTH :
    a-on bone :
    promote mobilization of calcium and phosphorous from blood to bone , it promote bone formation .
    b- on kidney :
    promote excretion of calcium and re-absorption of phosphorous by kidneys .
    therefore , calcitonin is hypocalcemic hormone .

    -low plasma calcium level .
    -causes :
    1- acute pancreatitis
    2- renal disease .

    - high plasma calcium level .
    - causes :
    1- malignancy .
    2- hyperparathyroidism .
    *hypercalcemia cause renal stone .
    -Estimation of calcium ;
    Anticoagulant such as oxalate or EDTA , bind calcium interfere with calcium estimation , they should be avoided .
    Iron selective electrode (ISE)

    * ANTICOAGULANT example : heparin – citrate – oxalate – EDTA .

    CHLORIDE (Cl-) : *
    -major anion of ECF.
    -normal plasma level : 300-365 mg/dl .
    -normal CSF Cl level : 350 – 440 mg/dl .
    -low plasma chloride level .

    *MAGNESIUM (Mg2+)
    - it is the fourth most abundant cation in the body (after calcium – phosphorous – sodium )
    -RDA : 350 mg/ day .

    -they are needed in the body in minute (trace) amount .
    a- essential trace elements:
    -they have known physiological function in the body e.g. :iron –copper – zinc – manganese – iodine – fluorine .
    b- non – essential trace elements:
    they have no known physiological function in the body , their administration may harm the body e.g. : aluminum – cadmium – arsenic –lead – mercury – gold .

    *IRON (FE)
    -RDA : 10-20mg /day .
    -pregnant or pre-menopausal women and children have greater iron requirements .
    -distribution of iron in the body : 5 g ( 60% in hemoglobin )

    *form of iron in the body :
    1-iron is present the divalent (ferrous fe2+) state in hemoglobin – mycoglobin – catalase and peroxidase .
    2 – iron is present in the trivalent (ferric state fe3+ )in the transferrin – ferritin – hemosiderin .

    *function of iron :
    - hemoglobin transports O2 from lungs to tissues and CO2 in the reverse direction .

    *metabolism of iron :
    -dietary iron is mainly in the ferric (Fe3+) form .
    - in the stomach :
    Ferric (Fe3+) is converted to ferrous (Fe2+) by vit C and gastric HCL .
    - in the small intestine :
    Absorption of Fe2+ mainly occur in small intestine
    -in the plasma :
    Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+ by ferroxidase and bound to transferrin which transport Fe3+ and release it in the bone marrow .
    - in bone marrow :
    Iron incorporated in the hemoglobin of RBC .

    *clinical disorders of iron :
    1- iron deficiency anemia .
    2- iron overload .

    * iron deficiency anemia :
    -parameters of iron deficiency anemia :
    1- decrease serum iron ,
    2- increase plasma transferrin,
    3- increase total iron binding capacity (TIBC)
    4- decreased serum ferritin

    *Iron overload :
    - parameters of iron overload :
    1- increased serum iron .
    2- decreased plasma transferrin.
    3- decrease total iron binding capacity (TIBC)
    4- increase serum ferritin .

    *COPPER (CU):
    -copper essential for normal pigmentation .
    -copper excess cause Wilson disease .

    * ZINC (ZN2+)
    - RDA : 15mg/day .

    * IODINE (I)
    -plasma level : 5-10 mg/dl .
    - iodine enter in the formation of thyroid hormone (T3 –T4)
    -deficiency of iodine ;
    Causes enlargement of thyroid gland (goiter)
    -function of iodine is prevent dental caries .

    Organ Function :-
    *Heart :-
    Plasma enzymes used in diagnosis of myocardial infraction :-
    1- Creatin kinase ( CK )
    2- Aspartate transaminase ( AST )
    3- Lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH )

    These are used in diagnosis in heart attack ( Myocardial infraction )

    - Creatin kinase ( CK ) or creatine phosphokinase ( CPK ) :-
    CK in brain and heart and skeletal muscles .
    1- CK 1 ( BB ) mainly in the brain .
    2- CK 2 ( MB ) mainly in heart
    3- CK 3 ( MM ) mainly in skeletal muscle .
    * CKMB :increased 4- 8 hours following acute myocardial infraction .
    * LDH :- increased 24 hours following the acute myocardial infraction .

    * Liver :-
    - liver function tests :-
    1- Alanine transaminase (ALT)(SGPT):- diagnosis for abnormality liver function .
    2- Aspartate transaminase (AST)(SGOT) :- diagnosis for abnormality liver and heart function .
    3- Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) :- diagnosis for abnormality liver and Bone function . it is better to diagnosis of chronic bile duct .
    Bile is :- secreted from the liver .
    - Carbohydrate metabolism in liver :-
    1- Glycolysis :- oxidation of glucose ( in cytoplasm or cystol ) .
    2- Gluconeogenesis :- synthesis of glucose from non carbohydrate compounds .
    3- Glycogenesis :- synthesis of glycogen from glucose .
    4- Glycogenolysis :- Breakdown of glycogen to glucose .
    -Proteins metabolism in liver :-
    1- Protein convert to -----} amino acid .
    2-Ammonia convert to ----} urea .
    3- synthesis of Albumin .

    -Liver store Vitamin B12 which is necessary for synthesis of RBCs .
    - Kupffer cells are found in liver .

    * Jaundice :- it is yellowish discoloration of the skin , mucus , membrane , and sclera of eye due to increases serum bilirubin ( more then 2 mg/dl )
    -Normal indirect bilirubin = 0.1 – 0.8 mg/dl
    -Normal direct bilirubin = 0.1 – 0.4 mg/dl
    Normal total bilirubin = 0.2 – 1.2 mg/dl
    Bilirubin should be kept away from light . -

    -Types and causes of Jaundice :-
    1- Pre-hepatic ( Hemolytic ) jaundice :- the pathology is occurring prior ( before ) the liver .
    2- Hepatic jaundice :- the pathology is located within the liver .
    3- Post-hepatic ( Obstructive ) jaundice :- the pathology is located after the conjugation of bilirubin in the liver.

    *Kidney :-
    - Non – Protein Nitrogenous ( NPN ) compounds :-
    1- urea 2- creatinine 3- uric acid 4- ammonia 5- amino acid

    -Urea :- it is the final product of breackdown ( catabolism ) of protein ( amino acid ) -it is present more then 75% of NPN (Non – Protein Nitrogenous )
    Ammonia converted in the liver to urea .
    -Normal blood urea is 15-45 mg/dl
    - Urea in the blood measure as the blood urea nitrogen ( BUN )
    - Noraml BUN is 7-22 mg/dl

    -creatinine :- Normal plasma creatinine is 0.7 – 1.4 mg/dl
    Normal creatinine clearance is 97 – 137 ml/min

    -Uric acid :- it is the waste product of the Purine metabolism
    Normal plasma uric acid is 3 – 7 mg / dl
    - increased in uric acid cause :- Gout disease

    -Renal ( kidney ) function test :-
    1- blood urea or blood urea nitrogen .
    2- serum creatinine .
    3- creatinine clearance .
    4- serum Uric acid .

    * Body fluid :-
    - Semen :- is secreation from these glands :
    1- testes
    2- seminal vesicles
    3- prostate
    4- bulbourethal gland
    - composition of the semen :-
    Color : white , opalescent
    Volume : 2-5 ml/ejaculation
    PH : 7.35 – 7.50
    -Components :-
    The important component is Fructose ( which is the sugar in the semen that give energy to the sperms )
    *Microscopic examination of semen :-
    1- sperm count :-
    Normal 60-150 millions/ml
    Oligospermia : less than 20millions/ ml
    Azospemia : no sperm at all .
    2- motility : normally less than 80% motile after 1 hour .
    3- morphology : normally less than 80% of sperm are normal .
    4- WBCs : there are very little number of WBCs .(less than 1).
    * biochemical tests of semen :
    -fructose test : fructose is secreted from seminal vesicle for nutrition of sperms .
    -fructose absent in cases of :
    a- absence of seminal vesicle .
    b- obstruction of ejaculatory ducts .
    - fructose test used as fertility test

    * cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) : it is found in the subarachonoid space .
    -normal composition of CSF :
    1- volume : 135-150ml .
    2- color : colorless .
    3- appearance : clear with no clot .
    4- PH : 7.3 .
    5- glucose : 45-100 mg/ dl

    * Urine :-
    - normal compositions :-
    1- sodium , potassium , chloride , urea , uric acid , creatinine .
    -abnormal biochemical constituents of urine :
    1- protein – glucose – lactose – ketone bodies – bile pigments – bile salt – urobilinogen – hemoglobin .

    *volume of urine :
    -normal volume of urine : 600-2500 ml/24hrs .
    -polyuria : abnormal increase of urine volume (more than 2500 ml/24hrs)
    -oliguria : abnormal decrease of urine volume (les than 500 ml/24hrs )
    - anuruea :complete suppression of urine formation e.g. acute renal failure .
    *color of urine :
    -normal color : light amber color .
    - Greenish yellow due to bilirubin (jaundice )
    - Red due to blood (hematouria )
    - Black (alkaptonuria )
    *odor of urine :
    -normal odor : pungent smell due to presence of aromatic acids .
    - Ammonia smell : prolonged standing .
    - Fecal smell : urinary infection .
    - Fruit smell : ketosis .
    * aspect of urine :
    -normal urine is clear .
    - abnormal urine is turbid due to presence of :
    a- bacteria . b- suspended crystals .
    c- mucus . d- blood .
    * Reaction (PH) and specific gravity of urine :
    - normal PH : 4.7- 7.5 (acidic )
    * Biochemical examination of urine :
    1-protien . 2-sugar e.g. glucose .
    3- ketone bodies . 4- bile salts (jaundice )
    5- bile pigment (jaundice) 6- blood .

    -protien in urine (proteinuria ):
    *TYPE :
    1- albuminuria : detect by heat coagulation test .
    2- bence – jones proteins : abnormal globulin appear in urine in the condition
    a- multiple myeloma . b- leukemia .
    * Glucose in urine (glucosuria ) :
    Causes :
    1- diabetes mellitus .
    - glucosuria detect by fehling test .
    * Ketone bodies in urine (ketouria ) :
    - detect by urine by rothera test .
    * Bile salt and Bile pigment in urine :
    a- bile salts : they are present in urine in case of obstructive jaundice .
    -bile salt detect in urine by hays .
    b- bile pigments : they are present in urine in all type of jaundice .
    - bile pigment detect in urine by alcoholic iodine ring .
    * blood in urine (hematouria ):
    - causes :
    1- bilhaziasis . 2-blood disease .
    3- renal stones. 4- renal tumors .
    *Microscopic examination of urine :-
    -Include the presence of :-
    1- cells ( RBC – WBC – PUS cell )
    2- Crystals :- ( oxalate – urate , phosphate , uric acid crystal )
    3- casts
    4- Ova :- ( Belharzia ova )
    5- Parasites ( Leshmania larva – trichomnous )

    * Urinary Cells :-
    1- Pus cells . 2- Red Cells . 3- Epithelial cells

    * Pus cell :- normal urine contain 2- 4 pus cells/HPF
    *Red Cells :- normal urine contain 0-2 Red cell/HPF
    The presence of excess of RBC is pathological and called Hematuria .
    *Epithelial cells :- normal urine contain Few Epithelial cells .

    *Urine Crystals :-
    a- crystal in acidic urine :- 1- calcium oxalate . 2- uric acid . 3-amorphous urate .
    b- crystal in alkaline urine :- 1- Tripple phosphate . 2- Amorphous phosphate .
    All these crystal are not present in normal urine .

    *Urinary casts :- Normal urine does not contain casts .
    *Urinary microorganisims :-
    1- Bacteria . 2- yeasts . 3- Protozoa . 4- Parasites .

    * Some Normal Range :-
    1- AST : 5-35 U/L
    2- ALT : 7-56 U/L
    3- ALP : 38-126 U/L
    4- Albumin : 3.5-4.8 U/L
    5- Amylase : 30-110 U/L
    6-direct bilirubin : less than 0.3 mg/dl
    7- total bilirubin : 0.2-1.3 mg/dl
    8-calcium : 8.9-10.4 mg/dl
    9-cholestrol : 120-200 mg/dl
    10-creatinine : 0.5-1.4 mg/dl
    11- Glucose : 70-120 mg/dl
    12- Potassium : 3.6-5 mEq/l
    13-sodium : 135-145 mEq/l
    14-triglyceride : 50-250 mg/dl
    15-uric acid : 3.5-8.5 mg/dl
    16-urea nitrogen 7-21 mg/dl
    17-total protein : 6.3-8.2 gm/dl

    * Diabetes mellitus : - it is metabolic disorders of carbohydrates metabolism producing hyperglycemia and glucosuria .
    - Types of Diabetes mellitus :-
    1- type 1 diabetes .
    2- type 2 diabetes .

    * Type 1 Diabetes mellitus ( 10% ) :- appear at young age before 30 years .
    And it dependent of external insulin .
    - Symptoms :-
    1- Polyuria ( passing urine increase )
    2- polydipsia ( feeling of thirst increase )
    3- polyphagia ( feeling of hunger increase )
    4- weight loss .
    5- weakness .
    6- ketoacidosis .

    *type 2 Diabetes mellitus (90%) : appear after 40 years of age .
    And not depended on external insulin (insulin may be normal or high )
    -symptoms :
    1- Polyuria ( passing urine increase )
    2- polydipsia ( feeling of thirst increase )
    3- polyphagia ( feeling of hunger increase )
    4- without ketosis
    5- obesity is common.

    * Normal Random blood sugar : 80- 120 mg/dl .

    * أما عن عوامل التجلط فهذا الرابط قد يفيدك ..



    • #3
      الله يجزاك خير يادانة جدة سلمت اناملك الذهبية ودمتي عضو شامخا في هذا المنتدى الشامخ وأنا يادانة فني وأنتي كذلك وشكرا ودمتم سالمين أخوك ناصر البلوي
      ماجد هو (( الأسطورة )) و غيرهـ هو (( الأضحوكه ))


      • #4

        عندي ملف عن الهيما بيفيدك كثيررررر بس مدري لو امتحنت والا باقي

        الله يووووفقك عموما


        • #5
          يعطيك العافيه دندووونه

          بس عندي سؤال
          *الدهون اللتي تجعل السيرم لونه ملكي ..؟
          عالية الكثافه
          منخفضة الكثافه
          الدهون الثلاثيه

          الله يسعدك انتظر الأجآبه
          ثقتي بربي تغمرني

          إلهي اسألكـ توفيقآ من عندكـ }~

