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Antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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  • Antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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    Antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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    The genus Neisseria contains a number of species, some of which are part of the normal human flora and others which are obligate pathogens of humans and animals. Neisseria are Gram-negative diplococci. Pili on the surface of the bacteria bind to CD46, an abundant human complement C3b/C4b-binding cell surface glycoprotein. This allows the bacteria to enter host cells, where they can survive and grow. Diagnosis of gonorrhea is thus commonly performed by vizualization of Gram-negative diplococci within leukocytes (white blood cells). This video shows a clinical specimen of urethral pus showning Neisseria gonorrhoeae (purple dots) with a background of leukocytes and protein debris:isseria gonorrhoeae is the causative agent of the sexually-transmitted disease (STD) gonorrhea, and is second only to chlamydia infection in the number of cases reported. The incidence of gonorrhea is highest in people under 25 who have multiple sex partners and engage in unprotected sexual intercourse.

    The incubation period for gonorrhea is 1-14 days after sexual contact, on average 2-5 days. Infection primarily affects the skin and mucous membranes - including the mouth and genitals - involving a rash, inflammation and sometimes a purulent (pus) discharge (especially in males). Complications may include epididymitis in males and pelvic inflammatory disease in females. Gonococcal conjunctivitis may occur in adults via direct contamination of the eye, and particularly in newborns after inoculation in the birth canal of infected mothers. Rarer complications include blood-borne infection resulting in arthralgia (joint pain) or arthritis, endocarditis, or meningitis.

    Many Neisseria species are part of the normal flora in humans and animals. N. meningitidis frequently occurs in a carrier state in the absence of any disease. However, N. gonorrhoeae is an obligate pathogen and is never part of the normal human flora under any circumstances. Gonococcal infection of urogenital sites are more frequently symptomatic than asymptomatic; however, asymptomatic infections may occur. Gonococcal infections of the oro- and nasopharynx (throat) and the rectum may be asymptomatic more frequently than symptomatic.

    Formerly, treatment of gonorrhea was relatively straightforward, since the organism was sensitive to a wide range of antibiotics. Unfortunately, antibiotic resistance in N. gonorrhoeae contributed to a worlwide increase in cases of gonorrhea during the 1970s and 1980s. Antimicrobial resistance in N. gonorrhoeae occurs as plasmid-mediated resistance to penicillin and tetracycline, and chromosomally mediated resistance to penicillins, tetracyclines, spectinomycin, and recently to fluoroquinolones.


    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة drwalid; الساعة 17-10-2011, 07:48 PM.
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  • #2
    تفاعل مميز

    جزاك الله الف خير
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    واستغفرك فيما لا اعلمه


    • #3
      جزاك الله خيرًا..
      لم أستطع تحميل الكتاب، إذ تفتح صفحة في موقع المنظمة لكن تقول الرابط خاطئ...
      شكرًا لك


      • #4
        انا اسف عدلت الرابط
        [الحمد لله كثيرا وسبحان الله بكره واصيلا لااله الا الله محمد رسول الله
        [](لله ما في السماوات وما في الأرض وإن تبدوا مافي أنفسكم أو تخفوه يحاسبكم به الله فيغفر لمن يشاء ويعذب من يشاء والله على كل شيء قدير ()


        • #5
          تسلم يا غالي ربي يجعلها في موازين حسناتك


          • #6
            جزاك الله خيرًا، تم التحميل.

