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نماذج أسئلة أخصائي مختبر " 2011 "

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • نماذج أسئلة أخصائي مختبر " 2011 "

    أولا : بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    ثانيا : لآ تنسون كاتب الكلمات من الدعوات بظهر الغيب " مرآد بني حباب "

    ثالثا : اليكم النماذج و الله يوفقكم و يفتحها عليكم من جميع أبوابه .

    1/ Leukoplakia in cx smearis??
    a/Change in histocytesB]**
    2/servical smear taken on the10th day??………scetory phase of cycle
    3/The abnormality in chromosome can detect by??………(.fish-CG-pcr.)
    4/ u.l light is used to sterilize all PCR reagent except?
    5/To prepare 1%agarose gel use??
    / if molecule is very large verification of the PCR product on gel will be??
    b/very fast
    d/very slow**
    7/ alipimic serum sample is caused by??
    8/ an elveuate serum bilirubin level is produced by??…..
    increase heamolysis+obstrect
    9/ elevation in serum lactate dehydrogenase activity is seen in??
    b/hepatic c/skeletal muscle
    c/Renal disease
    d/ avarity of disorders because of it is wide distributionin tissue**
    9/ highest serum elevation in AST seen in??
    a/ viral hepatitis**
    b/Acute poisoning
    d/alcohol cirrhosis
    e/ hepatic carcinoma
    10/green tube for collecting blood sample for sugar contains??
    a/sodium chloride
    b/potassium chloride
    E/calcium oxalate
    11/ utosomal dominat which effect each generation by??……….
    12/insulin exerts plasme glucose lowering by which the following mechanism ??………
    a/ glucogensis(gulocose increase)alpha cell
    b| glycogensis(glucose decrease)beta cell**
    13/ the type of RNA molecule that brings amino acids to the site of protein synthesis??
    14/ time of antibiotic grame positive cocci(incubation period)??
    a/24 h
    15 / The condition /symptom that is most consist with giardasis??
    b/liver abscess
    16/in bacteria meningitis the predominant WBCs and glucose level is??
    a/lymphocyte increase+low glucose**
    17/ in viral seropsical tests convalescent phase serum means??
    a/serum containing the greatest concentration of specific Ag+ab**
    18/ malaria is routinely diagnosed in which??
    a/ stained smear of peripreal blood**
    E.coli in KIA color in slope and buttom?? A|A with gas/19

    salmonella all produce except??/20

    oxidase all enterobacteria are?? not produce cytochrome?/21

    parabasal cell not found in?? found only in above 60 year in women/23

    polymerase chaine reaction؟؟اختصار PCR/24

    25| Section showing lymphatic nodules with germinal center and deeply invaginated stratified mucosal surface the organ is??
    a| lymph node
    b| spleen
    c| thymus
    d| colon**
    26| cell of gastric mucosa showing acidophlic cytoplasm , many mitochondria ,intracellular canalicular system is??
    a| mucas secrtion cell
    b| chief cell
    c| stem cell
    d| paraitell cell**
    e| enteroendcrine cell

    27| in automated DNA extraction the percentage error is??
    a| 10%
    b| 15%
    c| 5% **
    d| 50%
    28| heterophile antibody diagnose which virus is??…
    a| HPS
    b| EBV**

    29| Chlamydia can not be diagnosis by??………………………
    a| serology
    c| PCR
    30| HCT is the ??……………………………………………PCV**.
    In 2 fold serial dilution the dilution in tube number 8 is:/31
    In 2 fold serial dilution the dilution in tube number 5 is /32
    test ureas use for: /33
    34- Albart stain use for :
    Corynobacter diphtheria
    Normal range of plts: /35
    36-red bone marrow found:
    stem cell
    طبعا الاجابات جنبها علامة النجمة

  • #2
    1- Anticoagulant not use in blood bank :
    warfarine – heparin

    2- To organs physiological important in buffer system :
    Lung & Kidney

    3- Women pt ( patient ) with Gonorrhea, the sample of culture take from :

    4- Vector of plasmodium falcibarum :
    female of Anopheles

    5- Bacteria causes disease transmitted sexually from human-to-human :
    T. Palladium – T. Virginalis

    6- Tow bacteria are Fastiod bacteria :
    فيها أسماء جدا غريبة .. والمعنى يريد نوعين من البكتريا توصف بالبكتريا المدللة والله أعلم !

    7- Main common error in gram stain :
    Over decolorization – smear thin – saffranin above 1 min

    8- Main common acid use in the lab :
    Glacial acetic acid – Xylen

    9- Regulation of cholesterol by :
    Fatty acid… - Acetyle CoA… -

    10- The mechanism that contain anabolic and catabolic is :
    glycolysis – glyconeogenesis - Citric acid cycle – hixose…

    11- In case of M.tuberculosis, in peripheral microscopic see increase :
    epithelial cell – lymphocytosis – fast cell

    12- Diagnosis the larva in stool :
    Strongloid stercolaris – ascars – trichomonas

    13- Indian Ink use for :
    encapsulated cell – acid fast – motility

    14- The WBCs corrected is : 112.000 cell/mm , N-RBCs is : 25 , the count of WBCs before the correction is :
    137.000 – 144.000 – 100.000

    15- pt his done test, ANA: positive, RF: positive, the suspected case is :
    rheumatoid pt - … وخيارات أخرى

    16- What is the parasite in the picture :
    جايبين صورة دودة وكانت الخيارات Teina saginata – H.nana – Ascaris

    17- Deficiency in Vitamin A cause all the following Except :
    night blind ness – pellagra - …

    18- DNA pyramidin consist of :
    C & G – A & T – C & T – G & T

    19- All of the following are true about glucose except :
    - Acetyle CoA important to synthesis of carbon
    - Lactate is important to synthesis of carbon anaerobic

    20- Removal ammonia in brain :
    - execrated in urine
    - synthesis of urea
    - increase ammonia

    21- Ig secondary immune response system, cross placenta :
    IgG – IgM – IgA – IgD – IgE

    22- In compare IgG with IgM :

    23- Diagnosis of Chlamydia by all of this except :

    24- Positive Coomb's test given in all the following except :

    25- Lab finding of megaloplastic anaemia, all of the following true except :
    MCV= 102 pg – macrocytic – hypersegmented

    26- Salmonella diagnosis of antigen :
    O antigen – H antigene

    27- All of the following are true about normal flora except :
    - E.coli live in upper respiratory tract
    - not need to motility

    28- Color of growth bacteria colony of Cholera in TCB media :
    colorless – blue – yellow – black

    29- Low in glucose level in the blood called :

    30- Bacteria gram negative cocci :

    31- Bacteria Listeria is :
    gram +ve rods

    32- Increase of Ca2+ cause :
    hyperparathyroidism – hypothyroidism – hyperthyroidism

    33- Thrombocytopenia case found in :
    Aplastic anemia – Acetyl lymphoid leukemia – Hemorrhage

    34- disease about Lampda – Capa chain
    مرض متعلق باعلاه

    35- Principle of Flame photometry :
    الخيارات كانت متشابهة والاختلاف في كلمة فقط

    36- Bacteria B-hemolytic, catalase –ve by slide method, what is the next step :
    - do catalase test by tube method over night
    - do confirmatory reaction of B-hemolytic
    - report staphylococci

    37- Chlamydia infect human by :
    exocytosis – lysosome - …

    38- a 5 month infants old, lymphocyte 58 % from total WBCs, …, this case is :
    normal because his age – extracellular neutrophelia

    39- Staphylo aureus produce colony by execration of :
    coagulase – D-nase - …

    40- Cell is not found in innate immunity :
    N-K – macrophage – basophile – neutrophile – lymphocyte

    41- Main common sample uses in chemistry lab :
    serum – whole blood – plasma – urine

    42- Women pt, suspected with gonorrhea, culture sample is :
    - …. In blood agar
    - …. In Thayer martin culture

    43- Lymphocytosis find in case of :
    infection – virus – bacterial

    44- In parasitic infection, increase :
    Eosinophile – basophile – lymphocyte

    45- Question about G6PH
    مكان تصنيعه او تخزينه

    46- PCV with total of RBCs, called :
    MCV – MCH – MCHC

    47- Disturbance in Several hormone can causes :
    - Addison's disease
    - Coohn disease
    - Diabetes mellitus
    - Diabetes insipidance


    • #3
      أسئلة اختبار الهيئة لأخصائيي المختبر ( تخصص تقنية مختبرات )

      1- PCR: (Polymerase Chain reaction)
      Micro organism arranged in group cluster : ( G+Staphylocci ) -2
      3- Anoxemia is : (Absence of O2 from arterial blood)
      4- Karyorrhex is : (Swelling of nucelic acid =Rupture of cell nucler)
      5- Latency characteristic of : (Herpes simplex virus)
      6- Biharizias : (Cause lesion in submucosal)
      7- Leukoplakia : presence of leukocyte (polymorphnucler leukocyte )
      8- Adenovirus is : (DNA virus duble strand)
      9- Antibody produced from : ( plasma cell)
      10- Gardia lambia associated with : (Steatorrhea)
      11- Use of chemical on skin (hand) : (Antisptic)
      12- Megaloplastic anima found in : (Chronic bleeding)
      13- Found in children with pyuria that not specific and G+ve bactria : (Chlamydia tracoma)
      14- Green tap tube the heparin can use for : (sugar analysis)
      15- DNA strand that : (5 prim-3 prim)
      16- Jaundice on yellow skin and eye mean (bilirubin is 3mg\dl)
      17- Which one of the following is not true about salmonella : (Dose not produce H2S)
      18- In electrophoresis we prepare 1g agarose in 100ml TAE)
      19- Diagnostic stage for strongyloides in stool Larve)
      20- Plasmodium Falciparm transmted by (Anopheles)
      21- Gentic information of bacteria is carried on : (MRNA)
      22- Hormon used to prepare the uteruse for pregnancy : (Progesteron)
      23- Cause food poisoning with flaccid paralysis : ( Clostridium botulinin )
      24- Which of the following shoud go imiditly to the lab: (CSF)
      25- How many day dose the calure and AB test take : (72 h)
      26- Short arm chromosome is P arm) long(Q)
      27- Use of Taq DNA : (PCR)
      28- Reading of band in pcr by : (Eye)
      29- Degree of DNA denaturation is :94 Alnaling 52-42 Extation 72
      30- Different between serm and plasma plasma contain fibrinogen)
      31- Virus causes diarrhea in chelidrn (6m to 2y)characterized by Non enveloped therefore stable in food and hard solid)
      32- Thin blood film staning by write stain is for WBC count)
      33- TO differentite between major sickle and minor Electophorisise)
      34- LDH used in In many clinical chemistry test
      35- Familial hypercholestremia is present in (1:500)
      36- Best diagnosis of typhoid fever in 1weak is(Blood culture) 2weak(stool culture )
      37- E.Colimotile aerogeneus K\A g+ H2S (-- ++)
      38- Non motile gm _ve bacteriaKlebsellia ++ --)
      39- Micro organism exhibitis –ve bacteria Red stain)
      40- Group A streptoccois B heamylitc clear zone)
      41- Increase target cell Thalassmia –Hbc –Iron deffiency a.)
      42- G_ve N\F causes blood diarrhoea in children is(Shigellesis)
      43- What antibiotic giving to B-lactamase resistance Vanacmycin)
      44- Virus causes nasopharayngeal carcinoma is (EBV) Epstein – Barr Virus
      45- HBV ,HCV .HAV Transmetted by: (parental)
      46- NO of netrophil and epithial in lower respiratory infection : (Netrophil more than 25 Epithial lese than 10)
      47- Patient with little amount of bleeding and repeatly noromocyte normochromic)
      48- Actinomycese disease is in (Skin)
      49- ATG : (Alanine)
      50- Most sample use in biochemistry is (Serum)
      51- Midia which add some substance like salat and antibiotic Selective media)
      52- End product of glucose anaerobic pathway : (Lactate)
      53- Competitive enzyme to acytyle coA is (Propionyle coA)
      54- Specific test for Syphlis is TPHA)
      55- Smallest RNAvirus Picoran virus)
      56- Burkette lymphoma for EBV)
      57- High AST seen in viral hepatitis)
      58- Most human infection come from gp A-B Streptoccoi)
      59- Ab cause HDN Anti D)
      60- Qulling test used for all exept C.dipheteria)
      61- Blood sample taken in all exept : ( Entraitis= Gastoention)
      62- Asot done in : ( Rhomatic fever –Acute glomerulonepherties
      63- The first copy of PCR is 4)
      64- mRNA to cDNA by RT-PCR)
      65- PCR use for : ( Neuclic acid analysis)
      66- RSV : ( Bronchiotis in young children)
      67-HIV instay of AIDS diseses lympocytosis reduce to: (200)
      68- Different between artery and capillary : ( Thikness)
      69- Salmonella serotype : ( O 9.12- H 1.2 )
      70- In stool culture the organism is : ( Salmonella)
      71- Media of Bordella (Whoopig chouch) is : ( Blood with cancolceplaxin (Ab CCBA)
      72- Herpis virus recover : ( Spinal fluid ,Saliva,Skin )
      73- Neonatal Toxoplasma diagnosis by : ( Serology)
      74- Cascan reaction used in : ( Hypersenstivity )(Hydate disese)
      75- If the SP. Is vary larg in PCR : ( not affected)
      76- CSF in TB menigitites : ( lymph increase and glucose decrese)
      77- Proteus Vulgaris different from P.M Indol +ve and Orhthine)
      78- Lipmic sample : ( presence of Triglycrid)
      79- Cytopathic effect of virus to cell Shrinking .Vaculation .Lysis. Syncytic)
      80- Macc used to differentiate : ( _ve rods)
      81- N-gonorhea diagnosed by : ( Theyer matrin culture)
      82- Kidney membrane show irregular in : ( Chronic glumeronephitites)
      83- Thrombus come in Vein)
      84- Chromosome abnormalities diagnostic by FISH- CGS- PCR )
      85- HCV-HBV diagnosis by( ELLISA. SPRIA, RPHA )
      86- Pre basal cell not found in ( Woman age 60 y)
      87- Micro organism resistance of penicillin because ( B- Lactomase)
      88- Sickle cell anemia in KSA distributed in ( South)
      89- E.Coli in clad ( Yellow to orange)
      90- ESR elevated in all expet ( Polythycemia vera)
      91- Viral infection increase Lymphocytosis)
      92- PT prolong defecated of F2)
      93- Organism skin leiosn +ve brines : ( Actinomycese)
      94- Chronic myeloid leukemia not found high platelets)
      95- Error of G stain effect Dicolrization by alcohol)
      96- Trisory 21 : ( KFILLER syndrome)
      97- Agrose gel stain by Golden)
      98- One of this virus can died during transport to lab Synovial virus)
      99- Duodenal aspiration find in Gardia)
      100- In tow fold evelance the IGg titer very high)
      101- Epstein virus DNA virus)
      102- Poile virus and Influenza virus RNA)
      103- Synthecial virus cause : ( Upper respiratory infection)
      104- Salmonella and cirrobacter can be differited: ( ONPG test)
      105- Acute pancreatitis increase in Serum amylase)
      106- Campylobaction _ve cocci)
      107- Listeria monocytogenessis is +ve Rod)
      108- Difference between staph.aruse and other staph .: ( Coagulase test)
      109- Which of the following organism can be isolated from CSF ( TB)
      110- Malaria is best diagnosis by ( Blood film)
      111- Oxides +ve organism is ( Pesudomonse)
      112- Shiglla sp. In XID media is Pink color)
      113- Neisseria sp is ( _ve diplococci)
      114- Different ion strepto. Pygone and other strepto.: ( Bactricin sensitive)
      115- Hemophlia A defiency in factor
      116- Diagnosis of multiple myeloma by Bone marrow aspiration)
      117- In cross matching we use Donor cell + Patient serum )
      118- Nucleated cell RBC are seen Thalathamia major)
      119- B-lactan ring found in ( Penicillin)
      120- Blood cast can be found in Acute glomolonepheties)
      121- Which following cause subcutaneous disease ( Actinomysese)
      122- Indian Ink used in ( capsules demonstration)
      123- Crystal violet used in the media as ( Inhibitor)
      124- NAP is low in ( CML, AML ) Nap score: high in leukomoid reaction
      125- To fix smear of pleural and Asiatic fluid use ( 95% ethanol)
      126- Cryptococcus is associated with ( HIV patient)
      127- Common tumor in intestine found in ( Descending part)
      128- Normal flora in sort all except ( Streptococcus)
      129- Cancer sprat when ( Needle penetrate the center of tumor)
      130- Connective tissue is composed of ( Loosely collagen fiber)
      131- Connective tissue produce bone is called ( Osteoblastic cell)
      132- Which wrong about campylobacter jejumi ( Grow in XID)
      133- G6PD is ( Hexso mono phosphate path way=HMP )
      134- For anion gap in urine (measure Na K Cl) for serum (Na Cl Hco3)
      135- TIBC (total iron binding capacity) is inversely proportion with ( Iron level)
      136- Indol consist of ( Alkaline peptone water ) (enriched media for V. Cholera)
      137- Substance used in indol test ( Tryptophan)
      138- Band in electrophoresis measure by ( electrophoresis marker ladder)
      139- Megaloblastic anemia seen in ( B12 deficiency)
      140- Carcinoma common in ( R –Colon)
      141- Anticoagulant not used in blood bank ( Heparin)
      142- MCV :Mean cell value =PCV\L *10/RBC (FL)
      143- MCH =HB g/dl *10/RBC (Pg)
      144- MCHC = HB g/dl *100/PCV ( % ) = g/dl
      145- Carcinoma in respiratory system associated with (CMV) cyato megalo virus
      146- Decreased of megakaryocytic in ( Thrombocytopenia )
      147- Worm difficult seen in stool ( Hydatia cyst)
      148- Family hypercholesterolemia due to defect in ( LDLR gene = defect in chromosome 19)
      149- Polynephrititius caused by ( E.Coli )
      150- Lance filed used to (Streptococcus gp according to type of polysaccharide in its cell wall)
      151- Hydrolysis of starch in intestine ( Maltose)
      152- Time to grow aerobic bacteria is ( 24 h)
      153- Diffraction between staph and strepto is ( Catalase)
      154- Cell secreted mucus in stomach is (Goblet cell)
      155- Part of body contain lymphocytic germinate center ( Lymph node)
      156- Percent of wrong in DNA extraction ( 15%)
      157- Plasma cell from ( B cell)
      158- Good method to take sputum sample ( 3 morning sample for 3 day successively)
      159- Cause of cresentation necrotic ( bacterial action)
      160- Cause of hypoxia injury (enter water inside the cell)


      • #4
        1*DNA strand that : (5 prim-3 prim)
        2. The maximum store of the platelet is : c. 5 days
        3 ESR elevated in all expet ( Polythycemia vera)
        4 : In compare IgG with Igm *
        less efficient to activate complement
        more efficient to cross placenta
        5: Super antigen effect b cell
        6: 147mass and 98 m.w and 1 lite
        الخيارات حق السؤال هادا كانت : 1.5 أو 2 أو 3 أو 3.5 أو 2.5

        hemoglobin breakdown in to : reitucloendothelial system

        function of Hb

        common acid use in the lab :glacial acetic acid

        Diagnosis the larva in stool :strongloid stercolaris

        Number of Primers in PCR should not exited above : 30 primers

        Major extra cellular fluid : sodium Na

        Taq polymers : clon|

        store of plasma : -20

        -أكثر شي موجود في خلايا الدم البيضاء هو neutrophil؟

        مكان تكسر RBC؟

        اسم المرض الي يعمل زيادة في البلوروبين غير المرتبط(indirect) ويكون وراثة؟ crigler -Najjar syndrome

        what is true about staphylococci ؟catalase +

        -مكان امتصاص iron?

        سؤال عن علامة التي ترمز لرجل والمرأة؟ أجاني اسمها وعلى ايش ترمز

        ureaplasma ureticlum cause :* 90% of ulcer patient

        -main element for glycogenisis & glycolysis :fructose 6 phosphate

        البكتيريا غير متحركة وهي G- ؟shigella

        indian Ink use for: encapsulated cell

        Cell is not found in innate immunity : lymphocyte

        سؤال عن الخريطة الجينية " pedigree "


        • #5
          و في هذه الاسئلة الاجابات جنبها حرف " j "

          1 -These clonal for diagnosis :
          high Gpt
          high GGT
          high Got
          high T.bilirubin
          Normal D.bilirubin
          *Acute hepatitis
          *chronic hepatitis
          *cholestasis disease j
          *Obstructive jaundice
          2-patient come to clinic have fever , regor ,shills and pustule discharge and result come from lab G-ve bacilli :
          *yersiniapestis j
          3-Cyanosis occure in :
          *hemolytic patientjawab
          4- Favism disease cause by :
          ↓Vit B12
          ↓Folic acid j
          5-Cause reduce iron absorption :
          *high HCL in stomach j
          *iron decrease status
          *decrease B12
          6-All these diagnosis megaloblastoid except:
          *MCV high
          *blood film target j
          *neutrophil hypersegmented
          7-from these :
          A2 B0 Anti-b Anti-D Anti-a A1 Reagent
          -ve -ve -ve +ve2mix +ve2mix -ve Result

          *older human A+ve of neonant patient recept new blood of O-ve
          *older man 60 years have A1 Ag
          *A+ve with E.coli infection occur B-ve al jawab : A1 +ve j
          8- From these :
          Negative Positive
          +ve Oxidase
          +ve Citrase
          +ve Licithinase
          +ve Glucose
          +ve Maltose
          *colistridum j
          9-Bacteria nonglucose ferment :
          non above answer
          10-for HDN ABO:
          *patient IgG antibody from pregnant with neonant of A or B positive j.
          *it's sever than HDN Rh
          11-relapsing fever caused by :
          *borreliaspps j
          *bite of lice j
          12- Oxidase +ve in :
          Cholera j
          *salmonella typhi
          13 -for salmonella culture :
          *inculate blood on broth than maconcky
          *direct on maconcky from stool or urine
          *blood culture enough
          14 -in leukemia & lymphoma
          Negative with neutrophil &lymphocyte Control PAS
          Negative Patient
          Positive neutrophil&negative lymphocyte Control BBS
          Positive neutrophil Patient
          From table what your report ;
          *PAS reagent is expire
          * repeat result as BBS
          *repeat acquired from non all j
          * one another non
          15 - if patient have infection mononucleosis is +ve in florescence method what we do as report :
          *report as SLE j
          *do antibody profile
          *it's reduce as drug SLE
          16 -osmotic fragility +ve in :
          *microspherocytosis j
          *piruvate kinase disease
          17 -translation of m-RNA →C-DNA :
          j *RT- PCR
          18 -CD2 of T-cell binding to :
          * CD28 *CD40 *TcL-3 Ag CD58 j
          19 - T-cell expression :
          * MHC II * MHC I j *CD4 * CD41
          20 - Fat saturated and unsaturated of body fluid in permeability :
          * cholesterol more than chylomicron
          *phospholipid bind to glycolipid in high bond
          *glycolipid and cholesterol only j
          21-condition associated with amoebiasis is:
          *diarrhoea with mucoid status j
          22-ureaplasma ureticlum cause :
          * 90% of ulcer patient j
          23-Acute pancreatitis cause high level in :
          * lipase conc
          *Acid phosphatase
          24-cause serious atherosclerosis :
          *cholesterol * HDL * LDL j *VLDL
          25 -main element for glycogenisis& glycolysis :
          *G-6-P *Fructose -6 –P j *1-2-6-P * fructokinase
          26 -latency virus of these :
          *HSvirus j
          27 -small RNA virus :
          *picornavirus j
          28 - RPR test for syphilis reagin as :
          *VDRL j *ICE *TPHA
          29 -microorganism have indole +ve& ETIE and G-ve bacilli :
          *E.coli j
          30 -B-lactmase is resistance for :
          *pincillin G j
          31 -patient have truma and nodular discharge from right hand and doctor take sample and send to lab .the result is G-ve bacilli :
          *brucella * bordetellaj * ligonella * francisella
          32 -one of these is ketogenic :
          *cystinj *allanin * valin *glucamin
          33 -vaccine for measls :
          *DPT *MMT j * vaccine killer
          34 -antibody cause HDN :
          *anti-B –IgM *anti-D-IgGj * anti-A-igM
          35 -the film stain with wright stain and you should be followed with film by:
          *WBC count j * Plts count * retic count * PCV
          36 -microoganism cause diarhoeal disease :
          *ETEC j *EVEC *EPEC *EIEC
          37 -one from these is healthy human :
          *ascaris * E.hominisj * S.hematobium
          38 -cryopreciptate composed from all these except :
          *VIII *Fibronogenj * V *vWf


          • #6
            الى عاشق الحور هل هذه اسئلة الهيئة لأخصائي مختبرات طبية


            • #7
              اي نعم هاذي كلها أسئلة الهيئة لاخصائي مختبر و منها نماذج أسئلة جاتني شخصية بامتحان الهيئة و بالتوفيق ان شاء الله


              • #8
                الى عاشق الحور هل هذه الاسئلة جديدة ولاخصائي المختبر؟؟ لأنو عندي صار شي 2000 سؤال وفحصي في 22_3_2012 ولا يوجد اسئلة مشابهة لهذه الاسئلة


                • #9
                  هل قدمت برومتريك أم كتابي


                  • #10
                    طبعا انا اسف لك جزيل الشكر ولكن والله صرلي شهرين عم ادرس ولسا باقي شهر وجدا خايف


                    • #11
                      ياخوك اي نعم جديدة .. و انا شخصيا امتحنت ب 2011 و نجحت و لله الحمد و الشكر .
                      finallly used or leave it


                      • #12
                        امتحاني كان برومترك .. العفو حياك الله كلنا اخوة مو بيناتنا


                        • #13
                          انا انصح بنسخ الاسئلة الى ملف وورد " Microsoft word " حتى تكون أوضح و فالكم النجاح جميعا


                          • #14
                            الله يعطيك الف عافيه ... بالنسبة للاسئلة المحلولة متاكد من حلها


                            • #15
                              الله يوفقك ويخليك أنا باذن الله أخوك من سوريا وأتيت الى المملكة منذ شهرين وكما تعرف الأوضاع هناك صعبة جدا فعين على التلفاز لمتابعة أخبار الأهل وعين على الكتاب فالرجاء أذا موجودة عندك مع الحل فمنها لم أستطع حلها الرجاء ثم الرجاء أن تبعثها لي على الايميل dr.raghed_kuritibe@hotmail.com ولك جزيل الشكر والعافية

