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كل ميكروب بيتكلم عن نفسه .... رائع جداً

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • #16

    Howdy, I'm P. aruginosa.
    I'm a gram negative bacteria.
    But I'm not an Enterobacteriaceae like my friends before me.
    You can call me a non-fermentative rod, meaning I don't ferment glucose.
    You can mostly find me in hospitals

    I can cause lots and lots of things in people!

    In people with urinary catheters, I can cause UTIs.
    In intravenous drug users and transplant patients, I can cause septicaemia.

    I'm Y. Pestis.
    I'm a Gram negative Enterobacteriaceae bacteria.
    I'm from the Yersiniae tribe.

    I am the cause of the Black death and the bubonic plague.
    I spread all through out Europe in the 14th century and devastated the population.
    Some people say I took out a third of Europe!!!

    I get spread by fleas that are carried on rats, there were lots of them.
    I'm still endemic in a lot of the world, especially in Africa.

    Hello, I'm B. anthracis.
    I'm a Gram Positive rod that can form a spore.
    I can live in the soil for years and still be dangerous.
    I cause anthrax.
    I kill cattle and horses and humans that touch the animals.

    I can act in three different ways.
    When I get through your skin I make a black scab and fever.
    When I'm inhaled I look like flu, but then I suddenly get you in 24 hours.
    I get into your gut in un*****d meat.

    If you don't take antibiotics, I'm almost always fatal.
    Because I kill quickly, I'm sometimes used by armies as a biological weapon

    Hello, I'm E. faecalis.
    I'm a Gram Positive coccus.
    I live in your intestines when you are healthy.

    But I can be bad when I get into other parts of your body.
    If your intestines are torn (like surgery or stabbing) I spill out and infect your abdomen.

    I can also cause UTIs if you have a catheter.
    I can infect leg ulcers, burns and blood.
    When I infect your heart valves I'm very hard to get

    Hello, my name is C. difficile.
    I'm an anaerobic, Gram Positive rod that can make spores.
    I live in your digestive tract.

    I cause pseudomembranous colitis.
    Sometimes if you take broad spectrum antibiotics (especially clindamycin and the cephalosporins) you kill off your friendly bacteria.
    That leaves lots of room for me.
    I make toxins that cause very bad inflammation.
    You get diarrhoea, abdominal pain and a fever.

    I covered myself in a white membrane like coating that can be seen on the inside of your intestines.

    My name is C. perfringens.
    I'm a Gram Positive rod and anaerobic.
    I live in soil and can make spores to survive to for a long time.

    I can cause myonecrosis, or "gas gene".
    I get into your muscles in wounds and make toxins.
    As I eat away at your muscles, I let off gases that build up between them.

    When I am "type A", I can cause food poisoning.
    I live in under*****d meat and make spores in your gut.
    I make an enterotoxin that gives you cramping and diarrhoea.

    My "type C" form causes "necrotising enteritis".
    You have to eat under*****d pork with me in it.
    You also have to eat alot of foods like sweet potatoes, which have a chemical called trypsin inhibitor in them.
    When they are together, I can make my β-toxin and eat away at your el


    • #17

      My name is C. diphtheriae.
      I'm a Gram Positive rod bacteria that can't form any spores.
      I have an irregular shape.
      I used to live in lots of places
      Now I mostly live where people don't have vaccines for me.

      I get into your throat and airway and make them swell up.
      The swelling forms a covering, so you can't breath.
      I give off toxins that hurt your heart and nerves.

      Why, hello hello.
      I'm known as L. monocytogenes.
      I'm a Gram Positive rod bacteria that can't form any spores.
      I live in many meats, vegetables and dairy products.
      My favourite foods are fancy soft cheeses, pate, coleslaw and sliced meats.

      I am especially dangerous for babies, the elderly and those without a good immune system.
      In these people I cause listeriosis, made up of bacteraemia and meningitis.
      In pregnant women I cause granulomatosis infantiseptica.
      The fetus becomes infected and sometimes dies.

      My name is L. acidophilus.
      I am a Gram Positive, rod shaped bacteria.
      I have a nice, regular shape, but I can't form spores.

      I'm never really dangerous.
      In fact, I'm usually very helpful.
      I can live in your mouth or your gut.
      I'm most important in a woman's vaginal area, because I make sure it is acidic enough to be healthy

      My name is B. cereus.
      I'm a Gram Positive rod and I can form spores if I want.

      I love rice!
      Rice is one of my favourite places to live, especially if it's been reheated over and over.
      You can get food poisoning from me that will give you diarrhoea and vomiting.
      I use a special toxin to make you sick.

      Hey, my name is K. rhinoscleromatis.
      I'm a Gram negative bacteria, family enterobacteriaceae.
      Like my cousin K. pneumoniae, I'm part of tribe 6, Klebsiellae.

      I usually cause chronic granulomatous infection in the mucous membranes of the upper airway.
      I cause Rhinoscleroma, a hardening of skin on the nose, mouth and pharynx.
      I'm much more rare than than my cousin

      Hi, my name is K. pneumoniae.
      I'm Gram negative, in the Enterobacteriaceae family.
      I'm part of the Klebsiellae tribe.

      I cause a lobar pneumonia in the community.
      Most of the time, you find me in people with alcoholism, diabetes or chronic obstructive airway disease.
      My pneumonia is necrotising (cell destroying) and is severe.
      If you have my pneumonia, your sputum will look like "currant jelly".


      • #18

        Hi, my name is S. enteritidis.
        I'm part of the enterobacteriaceae, from tribe 3, Salmonellae.
        I'm a Gram negative bacteria.

        When I have typhoidal strains people just call me S. typhi.
        My typhoidal strains cause typhoid fever.
        It's a serious systemic disease you get when I invade through your intestines to you blood.
        It can be fatal!

        I have thousands of non-typhoidal strains as well.
        It can infect you through food and water and cause self-limiting diarrhoea.

        My cousins S. paratyphi causes paratyphoid fever (but I just think he's copying me)

        One of my most famous carriers is Typhoid Mary.
        She was a cook and was quarantined until the day she died

        My name is S. dysenteriae.
        I'm a Gram negative bacteria in the Enterbacteriaceae family.
        I'm also part of tribe I, Ecsherichiae.
        My cousins S. flexneri, S. boydii, S. sonnei and I are all very close.
        We all cause bacterial dysentery, a diarrhoea with blood and pus.
        We can do this because we have Shiga toxin.
        We can be transmitted on clothes and furniture.

        I was all around in world war II and I killed King
        Henry V!

        Hey, my name is E. coli.
        I'm a Gram negative bacteria and I'm part of the enterbacteriaceae family.
        In my family I am part of tribe I, Escherichieae.
        My whole family is oxidase negative.
        I live in the els.

        My uropathic strains are the most common cause of urinary tract infection. For teh win!
        Some of my strains have virulence factors, so I can cause diarrhoea.
        The diarrhoea can watery or bloody, depending on which strain you have

        Hi there, I'm V. vulnificus.
        I'm a Gram negative, oxidase positive fermenter bacteria.
        I'm the most virulent of the non-cholera Vibrios.
        Like my cousins, I live in the ocean.
        I can get into you on contaminated seafood, where I cross from your gut to your blood stream.
        Then I can cause septicaemia and necrotic ulcers under the skin, with 50% mortality!
        Don't worry though, that's only if you are immunocompromised or have liver disease.

        Hey there!
        Call me V. parahaemolyticus, part of the Vibrio genus.
        I'm a Gram negative, oxidase positive fermenter bacteria.
        I live in salt water and you can get me by eating contaminated seafood.

        I cause gastroenteritis with watery diarrhoea, cramps and fever.
        Most of the time my infection is self-limiting.

        I even appear in a comic!!

        Hi, I'm V. cholerae.
        I'm a Gram negative, oxidase positive fermenter bacteria.
        Many of my strains cause cholera, a severe diarrhoeal illness.
        I can be epidemic or pandemic and I love the developing world.
        I have a high fatality in malnourished populations, where people get very dehydrated.

        To give you severe diarrhoea, my strains need to make the cholera toxin.
        I have lots of strains!
        Most of my strains that cause outbreaks are 'type-01' strains, but there are also 139 'non-type-01' strains.
        You can classify me into Inaba, Ogawa and Hikojima serotypes if you want. Or you could classify me into classical and El Tor biotypes (you don't see my El Tor much anymore though).

        I hope you pick me


        • #19
          شكراً للإضافة الجديدة


          • #20
            كمان في تكملة..... الكلستروديم برفرنجي ماسكه قاز....:sm186:

            ههههههههههه :sm174:والله روعه ...بتموت اشكالها ضحك...مشكوره دلوعه يعطيكي الف عافيه

            قال صلى الله عليه وسلم:
            (ثلاث كفارات وثلاث درجات وثلاث منجيات وثلاث مهلكات فأما الكفارات فإسباغ الوضوء في السبرات وانتظار الصلوات بعد الصلوات ونقل الأقدام إلى الجماعات وأما الدرجات فإطعام الطعام وإفشاء السلام والصلاة بالليل والناس نيام وأما المنجيات فالعدل في الغضب والرضا والقصد في الفقر والغنى وخشية الله في السر والعلانية وأما المهلكات فشح مطاع وهوى متبع وإعجاب المرء بنفسه)


            • #21
              الشكر موصول لكم لمروركم


              • #22
                مشكورة يا دلوعة المختبر صحيح دلعتي الميكروبات .........................
                الموضوع مره حلو وتستاهلي الشكر................................ز


                • #23
                  أريد أسال لو ماهي فيها كلافة عليكي يا الدلوعة هنا في الامارات ما في جامعة ممكن اكمل فيها البكالوريوس. أذا كنتي
                  تعريفين .أرجو ان تردي علي.


                  • #24
                    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة نهاد النهدي مشاهدة المشاركة
                    أريد أسال لو ماهي فيها كلافة عليكي يا الدلوعة هنا في الامارات ما في جامعة ممكن اكمل فيها البكالوريوس. أذا كنتي
                    تعريفين .أرجو ان تردي علي.

                    هلا والله بنت زايد

                    ما في كلافة ولا شيء أختي

                    بس إنتي ما وضحتي شو تبني بالضبط عسب أعرف

                    انت قلتي انج تبين تكملين البكالوريوس بس؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    • #25
                      جزاك الله خير


                      • #26
                        جزاااااااك الله خير دلوعة

                        كني طحت على كنز

                        سلمت يداك , وجعل ما نقلت في موازين حسناتك



                        • #27
                          الصراحه مبدعه تسلم يمينك:sm198:
                          اللهم اني اعوذ بك ان اُشرك بك شيئاً اعلمه

                          واستغفرك فيما لا اعلمه


                          • #28
                            موضوع خطيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييي ييييييييييييير جدا
                            شكرا على الجهود المبذزلة


                            • #29
                              واو ننتظر المزيد



                              • #30
                                تمت أضافة الموضوع ضمن المواضيع المميزة (موضوع مثبت مقفل)

                                دلوعة المختبر تستحق الشكر والثناء

