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قضية الأسبوع رقم (2) و تحليل الــ CK (تم حلها)

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  • #16
    قضية الاسبوع 2

    شكرا شكراشكرا شكراشكرا شكراشكرا شكرا


    • #17
      بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

      أعزائي ..رواد مختبرات العرب ...ها نحن نلتقي مرة أخرى ..:sm199:.نطرح الأسئله بقالب جديد ...نبحث ...نتعلم ...نتنافس...نتحرى الاتقان...

      ها قد تم حل القضيه الثانية بحمدالله وفضله ....:sm188:

      فأشكر أختي الفاضلة الواقع والحياد :sm199:على هذه القضية التى استفدنا منها جميعها ...نشكر لها تميزها في طرح اي موضوع ..متمنين لها التوفيق والسداد...

      عن نفسي استفدت كثير من اسئله الحاله...وخاصة في حالات انخفاض انزيم ال CK واستخداماته كمؤشر لسرطان الدماغ...الله يفتحها عليكم جميعا..:sm189:.

      اشكر كل من شاركنا بآرائه ومعلوماته ...ما شاء الله معلوماتكم قوية وذاكرتكم حديد ...لكن كانت عندي أمنية...كنت أتمنى شخص يجيب على كل الاسئلة بشكل كامل وباللغه العربية...مع احترامي للغه الانجليزية التي تعلمنا بها هذا العلم لكن حنيني وتقديري للغه العربية مازال في القلب..:sm199:.

      نأتي للفائز في حل القضية الثانية ...:sm189:

      نبارك للأخت المتميزه بحلها..ومشاركاتها


      حيو معنا


      الاخت الفاضلة


      من أرض الكنانه




      مبروك ايمي ...


      ونتمنى لكي مزيد من المعرفة والعلم النافع

      ومبروك لكل من شارك معنا ..ونسأل الله ان تكون سلسلة القضايا كحلقات العلم ..يستغفر لطلبتها ...ويقال لهم قومو مغفور لكم ..

      سيتم وضع القضايا الآتيه بمشيئة الله من قبل مشرفة قسم الكيمياء الحيوية ..فمن كان لدية حالة أو قضية أو لغز يريد ان يشاركنا حلها ...فما عليه سوى التنسيق معي...


      بالمرفقات الأجابه النموذجية..
      الملفات المرفقة

      قال صلى الله عليه وسلم:
      (ثلاث كفارات وثلاث درجات وثلاث منجيات وثلاث مهلكات فأما الكفارات فإسباغ الوضوء في السبرات وانتظار الصلوات بعد الصلوات ونقل الأقدام إلى الجماعات وأما الدرجات فإطعام الطعام وإفشاء السلام والصلاة بالليل والناس نيام وأما المنجيات فالعدل في الغضب والرضا والقصد في الفقر والغنى وخشية الله في السر والعلانية وأما المهلكات فشح مطاع وهوى متبع وإعجاب المرء بنفسه)


      • #18
        الف مبرووووووووووووووووووووووووك
        - من جن بالحب فهو عاقل ومن جن بغيره فهو مجنون

        -إذا أحبك مليون فأنا معهم.. وإذا أحبك واحد فهو أنا ..وإذا لم يحبك أحد فاعلم أنني مت.:sm184:.


        • #19
          Why get tested?
          To determine if you have had a heart attack or if other muscles in your body have been damaged

          When to get tested?
          If you have signs and symptoms of a heart attack (e.g., chest pain); if you have muscle pain or muscular weakness

          Sample required?
          A blood sample drawn from a vein in the arm

          What is being tested?
          Creatine kinase is an enzyme found in the heart, brain, skeletal muscle, and other tissues. Enzymes are proteins that help cells to perform their normal functions. In muscle and heart cells, most of this energy is used when muscles contract.
          There are three different forms of CK in your body; they are referred to as isoenzymes:

          CK-MM (found in your skeletal muscles and heart),
          CK-MB (found mostly in your heart),
          CK-BB (found mostly in your brain).
          The small amount of CK that is normally in the blood comes mainly from your muscles. The CK in your brain almost never gets into the blood.

          How is the sample collected for testing?
          A blood sample is taken by needle from the arm.
          NOTE: If undergoing medical tests makes you or someone you care for anxious, embarrassed, or even difficult to manage, you might consider reading one or more of the following articles: Coping with Test Pain, Discomfort, and Anxiety, Tips on Blood Testing, Tips to Help Children through Their Medical Tests, and Tips to Help the Elderly through Their Medical Tests.

          Another article, Follow That Sample, provides a glimpse at the collection and processing of a blood sample and throat culture.
          How is it used?
          Blood levels of CK rise when muscle or heart cells are injured. Your doctor may test for CK if you have chest pain or other signs and symptoms of a heart attack. In the first 4 to 6 hours after a heart attack, the concentration of CK in blood begins to rise. It reaches its highest level in 18 to 24 hours and returns to normal within 2 to 3 days. The amount of CK in blood also rises when skeletal muscles are damaged.

          When is it ordered?
          CK is ordered in patients who may have had a heart attack. The test will usually be ordered when a patient arrives at the emergency room and again at intervals of 4-6 hours for a total of three tests. If you have muscle pain or weakness, your doctor may also order CK to see if other muscles have been damaged.

          What does the test result mean?
          NOTE: A standard reference range is not available for this test. Because reference values are dependent on many factors, including patient age, gender, sample population, and test method, numeric test results have different meanings in different labs. Your lab report should include the specific reference range for your test. Lab Tests Online strongly recommends that you discuss your test results with your doctor. For more information on reference ranges, please read Reference Ranges and What They Mean.

          A high CK, or one that goes up from the first to the second or later samples, generally indicates that there has been some damage to the heart or other muscles. It can also indicate that your muscles have experienced heavy use. If your doctor suspects a heart attack and your CK is high, she will usually order a more specific test (troponin or CK-MB) to see if your heart is damaged.

          Is there anything else I should know?
          People who have greater muscle mass have higher CK levels than those who don’t, and African-Americans may have higher CK levels than other ethnic groups. Very heavy exercise (such as in weight lifting, contact sports, or long exercise sessions) can also increase CK.

          Other forms of muscle damage, such as from a fall, a car accident, surgery, or a shot, can also increase CK. Several drugs can increase CK levels. Drinking too much alcohol slightly increases CK. Rarely, some drugs, particularly cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins), can damage muscle and increase CK. If you are taking one of these drugs, let your doctor know if you experience any muscle pain or weakness. Early pregnancy can decrease CK levels.

          1. What does heart attack mean?
          Heart attack means that some of the muscle in your heart has died. A medical term for this is myocardial infarction (MI). Most commonly, a heart attack starts with a kind of heavy pressure or pain in the chest, often extending into the neck or left arm. You may have trouble catching your breath, or you may feel weak and break into a cold sweat.

          A heart attack usually occurs because one of the blood vessels (called coronary arteries) that bring blood to your heart muscle is blocked. This usually happens when a blood clot forms in a blood vessel that is already partially blocked. The partial blockage, which happens gradually over many years, is usually caused by too much fat layered in the wall of the blood vessel (this is often called hardening of the arteries—the medical term for this is atherosclerosis).

          2. If I have chest pain, does that mean I am having a heart attack?
          Many other problems can cause chest pain, and it is not always possible to tell just from the type of chest pain whether or not you are having a heart attack. Many people have chest pain from straining the muscles in their chest, and chest pain can occur with some lung problems. Chest pain can be a warning sign of hardening of the arteries of the heart (coronary artery disease or CAD). Chest pain that occurs during exercise, hard work, or at times of stress, lasts for a few minutes and goes away with rest is called angina. If the pain lasts longer than just a few minutes, especially if it occurs when you are resting, seek immediate medical attention.

          3. What are the other heart attack tests?
          Doctors often use more than one test to determine if a person who has chest pain is having a heart attack. Troponin is generally considered the most accurate test, and CK-MB (the heart isoenzyme of CK) is also highly accurate in detecting damage to the heart, even when there is no other evidence of a heart attack. Myoglobin and creatine kinase almost always rise in patients with a heart attack, but they are less specific – other conditions can also produce an increase in these two tests.

          4. What if I’m not sure I’m having a heart attack?
          If you have prolonged chest pain, especially if it does not go away with rest— or if you have been told you have angina, and the drugs you were prescribed do not ease the pain—seek immediate medical attention. Many people who have had a heart attack die without ever having tried to call an ambulance or get to an emergency room.
          رسمت بطيبتك لوحة وكنت بروعتك فنان
          خذني ذوق إحساسك مثلك ما لقيت إنسان :sm188: :sm188: :sm188:


          • #20
            CK is present in high concentration in skeletal muscle cardiac muscle, thyroid, and prostate brain

            CK is present in small amount in liver kidney lung.

            CK is protein (polypeptide subunit) that consist of two subunits M,B
            CK1 CK-BB brain GIT, Genitourinary
            CK2 CK-MB cardiac muscle
            CK3 CK-MM skeletal muscle
            Increased CPK in:

            1) In damage to heart tissue, MI, coronary insufficiency
            2) Damage to skeletal muscle, muscle dystrophy, massage of chest during heart attack.
            3) In brain tissue damage (CK-BB) only if damage to blood brain barrier occurs.

            Tube used for CPK
            serum(plain) & heparinized plasma

            Hemolysis of blood lead to increased CPK becaused CPK present in RBC.
            Decreased of CK is not significant but may decrease in
            1) decreased muscle mass
            2) Sever liver disease
            *major Isoenzyem CK-MM

            Time frame must be considered when interpreting CK leve
            Yes can used CK as tumor marker

            Q eleven- What is the suspected diagnosis? And what is the other more specific test that confirms this diagnosis

            test that confirms this diagnosis: Triponine test


            • #21
              ايه ياعالم ردو علي معقول ماحدا قرا حالتي طيب ردوا على الاقل مجاملة

