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سرعة ترسب الدم -vittesse de sedimentation-

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  • سرعة ترسب الدم -vittesse de sedimentation-

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
    رمضان كريم وكل عام وانتم بخير
    هذه اول مشاركة لي اتمنى ان تنال اعجابكم وان تكون بداية موفقة لي لاقدم المزيد
    Vitesse de sédimentation :sm199:
    Principe du sang est place dans un long tube de verre graduée tenu en position verticale.
    Les érythrocytes tombent au fond du tube laissant surnager une couche de plasma la hauteur de cette couche de plasma, après 1heure et 2 heure d’attende, traduit la vitesse de sédimentation des hématies, forment augmentée lors d’inflammations.
    Matériel aiguille, seringue, tube EDTA, garrot, montre ou mieux, 2 minuteurs type «œufs a la coque » tube de westergreen : diamètre intérieure : 2,5mm graduations de 0 a 200mm ou de 1 a 20.
    Mode opératoire
    • pratiquer un prélèvement de sang veineux recueilli sur EDTA (moins cher que le citrate) bien agiter le tube.
    • Préparer une dilution en mélangeant 1ml du sang total a 0,5 ml de sérum physiologique bien agiter le tube.
    • Aspirer le sang dans le tube jusqu'à la graduation 0 grâce a la poire (ne jamais pipeter a la bouche) si vous avez un tube a bille, le sang reste en place, sinon il faut boucher le tube (petit bouchon, para film)
    • Fixer le tube au support en s’assurant qu’il est absolument vertical. Vérifier qu’il n’y ait pas de bulle d’air dans le tube. Régler les 2 minuteurs : l’un sur une heure l’autre sur deux heures.
    • Attendre de nouveau 1heure et noter la nouvelle valeur de la hauteur de la couche de plasma.
    • La mesure de la v.s devra commencer dans les2 heures qui suivent le prélèvement
    • Valeurs normales
     Homme : 1h : 3-5 mm.
    2h : 7-10mm.
     Femme : 1h : 4-7 mm.
    2h : 12-17mm.
    Tout augmentation de la vitesse de sédimentation traduit un état inflammatoire on infectieux.
    Il est a noter que la v.s peut rester élevée pendant 2a 4 semaines après l’épisode infectieux. Pour compléter les marqueurs de l’inflammatoire. On peut faire une estimation de la CRP qui renseignera mieux sur le caractère aigy de l’inflammation. On peut aussi réaliser un dosage de l’albunine, qui diminue pendant les phénomènes inflammatoires.
    Il est difficile de la numération des leucocytes et de la formule leucocytaire.

  • #2
    ماني فاهم هاللغه

    واعتقد انتي قصدك على ESR


    • #3
      اخي الكريم هذه اللغة الفرنسية


      • #4
        الله يعين أنجليزي ويخب علينا

        دع الرسلم لنا وتمتع بالمشاهدة..


        • #5
          نريد توضيح لختبار ESR


          • #6
            ESR(Erythrocyte sedimentation rate)How is it used?
            When is it ordered?
            What does the test result mean?
            Is there anything else I should know?

            How is it used?
            The ESR is an easy, inexpensive, nonspecific test that has been used for many years to help diagnose conditions associated with acute and chronic inflammation, including infections, cancers, and autoimmune diseases. ESR is said to be nonspecific because increases do not tell the doctor exactly where the inflammation is in your body or what is causing it, and also because it can be affected by other conditions besides inflammation. For this reason, ESR is typically used in conjunction with other tests.

            ESR is helpful in diagnosing two specific inflammatory diseases, temporal arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica. A high ESR is one of the main test results used to support the diagnosis. It is also used to monitor disease activity and response to therapy in both of these diseases.

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            When is it ordered?
            A physician usually orders an ESR test (along with others) to evaluate a patient who has symptoms that suggest polymyalgia rheumatica or temporal arteritis, such as headaches, neck or shoulder pain, pelvic pain, anemia, unexplained weight loss, and joint stiffness. There are many other conditions that can result in a temporary or sustained elevation in the ESR.

            Since ESR is a nonspecific marker of inflammation and is affected by other factors, the results must be used along with the doctor’s other clinical findings, the patient’s health history, and results from other appropriate laboratory tests. If the ESR and clinical findings match, the doctor may be able to confirm or rule out a suspected diagnosis. A single elevated ESR, without any symptoms of a specific disease, will usually not give the physician enough information to make a medical decision.

            Before doing an extensive workup looking for disease, a doctor may want to repeat the ESR test after a period of several weeks or months. If a doctor already knows the patient has a disease like temporal arteritis (where changes in the ESR mirror those in the disease process), she may order the ESR at regular intervals to assist in monitoring the course of the disease. In the case of Hodgkin’s disease, for example, a sustained elevation in ESR may be a predictor of an early relapse following chemotherapy.

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            What does the test result mean?
            NOTE: A standard reference range is not available for this test. Because reference values are dependent on many factors, including patient age, gender, sample population, and test method, numeric test results have different meanings in different labs. Your lab report should include the specific reference range for your test. Lab Tests Online strongly recommends that you discuss your test results with your doctor. For more information on reference ranges, please read Reference Ranges and What They Mean.

            Doctor’s do not base their decisions solely on ESR results. You can have a normal result and still have a problem.
            Moderately elevated ESR occurs with inflammation, but also with anemia, infection, pregnancy, and old age.

            A very high ESR usually has an obvious cause, such as a marked increase in globulins that can be due to a severe infection. The doctor will use other follow-up tests, such as cultures, depending on the patient’s symptoms. Persons with multiple myeloma or Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (tumors that make large amounts of immunoglobulins) typically have very high ESRs even if they don't have inflammation. As noted before, polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis may also have very high ESRs.

            A rising ESR can mean an increase in inflammation or a poor response to a therapy; a decreasing ESR can mean a good response.

            Although a low ESR is not usually important, it can be seen with polycythemia, with extreme leukocytosis, and with some protein abnormalities. Some changes in red cell shape (such as sickle cells in sickle cell anemia) also lower the ESR.


            • #7
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