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كل يوم سؤالين اختار اجابة MCQ في أمراض الدم

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • الاجابات الصحيحة ليوم الخميس

    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ashraf shaq مشاهدة المشاركة
    اسئلة يوم الخميس 27/8/2009 هما:

    59- Hematopoietic growth factors exert all of the following effects on hematopoietic cells EXCEPT:
    A- Promote cell survival
    B- Promote cell proliferation.
    C- Regulate differentiation processes.
    D- Promote cell death.
    E- Promote cell maturation

    60- You noted RBC rouleaux on the stained peripheral blood smear. How will this affect the CBC of the patient?
    A- This will not affect the CBC
    B- The WBC count will be falsely decreased.
    C- The RBC count will be falsely decreased.
    D- The platelet count will be falsely increased.
    E- The RBC count will be falsely increased

    مع اطيب التمنيات بافطار شهي
    59- D

    60- C

    مع اطيب الامنيات
    من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


    • الأسئلة الجديدة ليوم الجمعة 28/8/2009 :

      61- A patient was admitted into the hospital with a suspected anemia. A CBC was done and the following values were reported: RBC count 3.00 x 1012/L; Hb 9.5 g/dL; Hct. 28%. A retic count was also done, and found to be 11.5%. These findings indicate:
      A- The Epo is decreased
      B- The BM RBC production is decreased
      C- Polychromasia should be evident on the stained blood film
      D- The BM looks like to be aplastic
      E- None of the above

      62- The following is the bone marrow differential obtained in a patient with a recent diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia: Blasts 2%, promyelocytes 10%, myelocytes 40%, metamyelocytes 20%, bands 5%, segmented neutrophils 10%, basophils 3%, pronormoblasts 2%, basophilic normoblasts 3%, polychromatophilic normoblasts 3%, orthochromatophilic normoblasts 2%. What is the M:E ratio?
      A- 9:1
      B- 11:1
      C- 10:1
      D- 5:1
      E- 3:1
      مع اطيب الامنيات بصوم خفيف وافطار شهي وهيا يا شباب اللى الأمام......
      من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


      • 61====c
        ط.م محمد أبوغبشة


        • C


          • Because of high retic count that will indicate Polychromasia

            61- C

            62- ????


            • 61:C


              • الاجابات الصحيحة ليوم الجمعة

                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ashraf shaq مشاهدة المشاركة
                الأسئلة الجديدة ليوم الجمعة 28/8/2009 :

                61- A patient was admitted into the hospital with a suspected anemia. A CBC was done and the following values were reported: RBC count 3.00 x 1012/L; Hb 9.5 g/dL; Hct. 28%. A retic count was also done, and found to be 11.5%. These findings indicate:
                A- The Epo is decreased
                B- The BM RBC production is decreased
                C- Polychromasia should be evident on the stained blood film
                D- The BM looks like to be aplastic
                E- None of the above

                62- The following is the bone marrow differential obtained in a patient with a recent diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia: Blasts 2%, promyelocytes 10%, myelocytes 40%, metamyelocytes 20%, bands 5%, segmented neutrophils 10%, basophils 3%, pronormoblasts 2%, basophilic normoblasts 3%, polychromatophilic normoblasts 3%, orthochromatophilic normoblasts 2%. What is the M:E ratio?
                A- 9:1
                B- 11:1
                C- 10:1
                D- 5:1
                E- 3:1
                مع اطيب الامنيات بصوم خفيف وافطار شهي وهيا يا شباب اللى الأمام......
                الاجابات الصحيحة ليوم الجمعة هما:

                61- C

                62- A

                مع تمنياتي بالتوفيق للجميع،،،،،

                من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                • الاسئلة الجديدة ليوم السبت 29/8/2009 هما:

                  63- Which of the following tests is most likely to be abnormal in patients with an unstable hemoglobin
                  A- Hb electrophoresis
                  B- Solubility test
                  C- RBC indices
                  D- Heat instability test
                  E- Sodium metabisulfate test

                  64- The differentiation of HbE from HbC is best accomplished by which test
                  A- Solubility test
                  B- Hb electrophoresis on citrate agar at acidic pH
                  C- Heat instability test
                  D- Hb electrophoresis on cellulose acetate at alkaline pH
                  E- Sodium metabisulfate test

                  وبالتوفيق للجميع واتمنى مشاركة اوسع واكثر يلا يا شباب......
                  من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                  • 64===d
                    ط.م محمد أبوغبشة


                    • C
                      الرجاء من الدكتور الفاضل اعطائنا بعد التوضيح على الاجابات الصحيحة


                      • 63- D

                        64- D


                        • انا مع الاخوان في جواب السؤال 61 بس اتمنى من الدكتور اشرف يشرحلنا السؤال الاخير(62) على اي اساس نختار ratio


                          • المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة rooba مشاهدة المشاركة
                            انا مع الاخوان في جواب السؤال 61 بس اتمنى من الدكتور اشرف يشرحلنا السؤال الاخير(62) على اي اساس نختار ratio
                            The M:E ratio is calculated only from bone marrow differential. You count the percentage of WBCs both the immature and mature forms, in our question they were 90, then you will count the percentage of RBC immature cells, in our question it is 10, then the ratio will be 9:1, which is an increased ratio, because the normal M:E ration is 3-4:1.
                            من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                            • المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ashraf shaq مشاهدة المشاركة
                              الاسئلة الجديدة ليوم السبت 29/8/2009 هما:

                              63- Which of the following tests is most likely to be abnormal in patients with an unstable hemoglobin
                              A- Hb electrophoresis
                              B- Solubility test
                              C- RBC indices
                              D- Heat instability test
                              E- Sodium metabisulfate test

                              64- The differentiation of HbE from HbC is best accomplished by which test
                              A- Solubility test
                              B- Hb electrophoresis on citrate agar at acidic pH
                              C- Heat instability test
                              D- Hb electrophoresis on cellulose acetate at alkaline pH
                              E- Sodium metabisulfate test

                              وبالتوفيق للجميع واتمنى مشاركة اوسع واكثر يلا يا شباب......
                              اقول قولي هذا والله اعلم


                              • انا مع اخي هيماتولوجست ف الاجوبه

