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كل يوم سؤالين اختار اجابة MCQ في أمراض الدم

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • :sm205:
    67.. B
    68.. C
    1- B
    2- C
    3- ..
    4- D
    5- ..
    هاد الي طلع معي :sm170:


    • 67===b
      ط.م محمد أبوغبشة


      • الاجابات الصحيحة ليوم الاثنين

        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ashraf shaq مشاهدة المشاركة
        الاسئلة الجديدة ليوم الاثنين 31/8/2009 هم:

        67- If a WBC count is 5.3 x 109/L and the percentage of neutrophils in the differential is 65%, what is the absolute neutrophil count (x109/L)?
        a. 2.7
        b. 3.5
        c. 27.0
        d. 35.0

        68- Which of the following would be caused as a result of oxidative stress to the red cell?
        a. basophilic stippling
        b. Pappenheimer bodies
        c. Heinz bodies
        d. Howell-Jolly bodies

        69- A 30 year old pregnant female had a CBC done as part of her antenatal checkup. She was known to have Hemoglobin H disease.
        1. What would the expected RBC morphology on the Wright’s stained peripheral blood smear be?
        a. macrocytic, normochromic, Howell-Jolly bodies, ovalocytes
        b. microcytic, hypochromic, basophilic stippling, targets
        c. normocytic, normochromic, Heinz bodies, schistocytes
        d. dimorphic (normo/normo and hypo/micro), Pappenheimer bodies, tears

        2. Hemoglobin H disease is the result of what genetic defect?
        a. a deletion of all four alpha chain genes
        b. a mutation in both beta chain genes
        c. a deletion of three alpha chain genes
        d. a mutation in one beta chain gene

        3. Iron studies on this patient would most likely show what results?
        a. increased serum iron, increased serum ferritin
        b. normal serum iron, normal serum ferritin
        c. decreased serum iron, decreased serum ferritin
        d. increased serum iron, decreased serum ferritin

        4. Hemoglobin electrophoresis would show the presence of what hemoglobins?
        a. Hgb H, increased Hgb F, increased Hgb A2
        b. Hgb H, increased Hgb F, normal Hgb A2
        c. Hgb H, normal Hgb F, increased Hgb A2
        d. Hgb H, normal Hgb F, normal Hgb A2

        5. Which of the following laboratory tests would be abnormal with Hemoglobin H?
        a. sodium metabisulphite solubility test
        b. heat instability test for unstable hemoglobins
        c. Kleihauer-Betke stain
        d. LAP stain
        مع اطيب التمنيات،،،،،
        الاجابات الصحيحة باللون الأحمر........ والى الأمام
        من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


        • الأسئلة الجديدة لليوم الثلاثاء 1/9/2009 هم:

          70- A 52-year old male presented with neutrophilic leukocytosis. Chest x-ray suggested early pneumonia involving both lungs. Laboratory results were as follows:
          WBC count 45.4 x 109/L
          Hemoglobin 14 g/dL
          Hematocrit 42%
          MCV 88 fL
          Platelets 98 x 109/L
          LAP score 8
          M:E ratio 13:1

          1. Which of the patient's laboratory results are normal?
          a. M:E ratio
          b. LAP score
          c. Hemoglobin
          d. Platelet count
          e. WBC count

          2. Which of the following tests would aid in diagnosis of the patient's condition?
          a. Iron studies
          b. Chromosomal studies- A karytotype
          c. PAS stain
          d. Lymph node biopsy
          e. Blood culture

          3. The patient most likely has which disorder?
          a. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
          b. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
          c. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura (TTP)
          d. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
          e. Leukemoid reaction

          4. A condition that may give similar results to this disease is:
          a. Leukemoid reaction
          b. Aplastic anemia
          c. Multiple myeloma
          d. Infectious mononucleosis
          e. CML
          والى مشاركة اوسع ...................يلا يا جماعة
          من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


          • 70-

            1 - C

            2- B

            3- A

            4- A


            • السلام عليكم يا اهل المنتدى
              اسفه للانقطاع بس ما كان في كنكشن اليومين اللي فاتت شكله فاتتني اسئله مهمه
              بالنسبه لسؤال 70 مع انه ينقصنا نعرف الdifferential count وperipheral blood pictureان شاء الله الاجابات تكون:
              1- C
              2- B
              3- A
              4- A
              هذه الحاله محيره لانه حسب الsevere infectionنقول leukomoid reactionبس الLAP score ناقص
              انجدنا باجابه مفصله يا دوك
              التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة bhloool; الساعة 02-09-2009, 01:36 AM.


              • كل الاجابات E


                • الاجابات الصحيحة ليوم الثلاثاء 1/9/2009

                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ashraf shaq مشاهدة المشاركة
                  الأسئلة الجديدة لليوم الثلاثاء 1/9/2009 هم:

                  70- A 52-year old male presented with neutrophilic leukocytosis. Chest x-ray suggested early pneumonia involving both lungs. Laboratory results were as follows:
                  WBC count 45.4 x 109/L
                  Hemoglobin 14 g/dL
                  Hematocrit 42%
                  MCV 88 fL
                  Platelets 98 x 109/L
                  LAP score 8
                  M:E ratio 13:1

                  1. Which of the patient's laboratory results are normal?
                  a. M:E ratio
                  b. LAP score
                  c. Hemoglobin
                  d. Platelet count
                  e. WBC count

                  2. Which of the following tests would aid in diagnosis of the patient's condition?
                  a. Iron studies
                  b. Chromosomal studies- A karytotype
                  c. PAS stain
                  d. Lymph node biopsy
                  e. Blood culture

                  3. The patient most likely has which disorder?
                  a. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
                  b. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
                  c. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura (TTP)
                  d. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
                  e. Leukemoid reaction

                  4. A condition that may give similar results to this disease is:
                  a. Leukemoid reaction
                  b. Aplastic anemia
                  c. Multiple myeloma
                  d. Infectious mononucleosis
                  e. CML
                  والى مشاركة اوسع ...................يلا يا جماعة
                  والله الموفق
                  من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                  • بالنسبة للأنسة بهلول:

                    two diseases are similar in blood film picture: the chronic myelocytic leukemia and the neutrophilic leukemoid reaction, but they can be discriminated by the following:
                    1- LAP score in CML is reduced, while in leukemoid reaction is increased
                    2- Usually a karyotype shows the Ph (philadelphia chromosome) in CML
                    3- Doing FISH technique to detect the ABL/BCR fusion gene will be positive in 95% of the CML cases. or doing RT-PCR to detect the chimeric m-RNA.
                    4- in CML there is usually basophilia associated with the case as all other chronic myeloproliferative diseases, where as in leukemoid reaction there is no basophilia.
                    Also eosinophilia can be associated with CML.
                    5- the course of the diseaes in CML is more chronic and is persistent
                    6- massive splenomegaly is oftenly associated with CML

                    thank you for your attention
                    من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                    • المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ashraf shaq مشاهدة المشاركة
                      بالنسبة للأنسة بهلول:

                      two diseases are similar in blood film picture: the chronic myelocytic leukemia and the neutrophilic leukemoid reaction, but they can be discriminated by the following:
                      1- LAP score in CML is reduced, while in leukemoid reaction is increased
                      2- Usually a karyotype shows the Ph (philadelphia chromosome) in CML
                      3- Doing FISH technique to detect the ABL/BCR fusion gene will be positive in 95% of the CML cases. or doing RT-PCR to detect the chimeric m-RNA.
                      4- in CML there is usually basophilia associated with the case as all other chronic myeloproliferative diseases, where as in leukemoid reaction there is no basophilia.
                      Also eosinophilia can be associated with CML.
                      5- the course of the diseaes in CML is more chronic and is persistent
                      6- massive splenomegaly is oftenly associated with CML

                      thank you for your attention
                      وبعدين بتقولي ينقصنا الdiff count واحنا قلنا في اول الحالة: Neutrophilic leukocytosis
                      من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                      • الأسئلة الجديدة لليوم الأربعاء 2/9/2009 هي:

                        71- Hb = 69 g/L
                        RBC = 1.8 x 1012/L
                        HCT = 20%

                        1. The MCV is:
                        a. 38 fL
                        b. 111 pg
                        c. 111 fL
                        d. 101 fL

                        2. The MCH is:
                        a. 38 pg
                        b. 345 g/L
                        c. 28 pg
                        d. 38 fL

                        3. The MCHC is:
                        a. 289 g/L
                        b. 383 g/L
                        c. 345 g/dl
                        d. 345 g/L

                        4. Using the above indices, you would expect the erythrocytes when examined microscopically to be:
                        a. normocytic and normochromic
                        b. microcytic and normochromic
                        c. microcytic and hypochromic
                        d. macrocytic and normochromic

                        5. This anemia could be due to:
                        a. iron deficiency
                        b. thalassemia
                        c. hereditary spherocytosis
                        d. pernicious anemia

                        وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله والمشاركة مو عاجباني والله وهي اسئلة اليوم سهلة خالص خلينا نشوف؟؟؟
                        من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                        • شكرا دكتور اشرف ع المعلومات المفيدة سجلتها عشان لا انساها بس ف الcaseالpneumonia is a complication?وممكن تعطينيnormal range of NAP?
                          مشكوووووووور مجددا


                          • المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة bhloool مشاهدة المشاركة
                            شكرا دكتور اشرف ع المعلومات المفيدة سجلتها عشان لا انساها بس ف الcaseالpneumonia is a complication?وممكن تعطينيnormal range of NAP?
                            مشكوووووووور مجددا
                            يعطيك لأن معظم الخلايا
                            defected leukemic cells, and does not have NAP
                            من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                            • 71
                              1- C
                              2- a
                              3- d
                              4- d
                              5- d


                              • 1====c
                                ط.م محمد أبوغبشة

