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  • الاجابات الصحيحة

    اجابات الأسئلة الجديدة ليوم السبت الموافق 26/9/2009 هم:

    126- Which PT reagent you will choose to work with
    A- A PT reagent with an ISI of 2.8
    B- A PT reagent with an ISI of 1.8
    C- A PT reagent with an ISI of 1.6
    D- A PT reagent with an ISI of 1.2
    E- A PT reagent with an ISI of 1.0

    127- Thromboxane A2 is
    A- Activator of platelet adhesion
    B- Activator of thrombin
    C- Antagonist to platelet
    D- Activator of Platelet aggregation
    E- Non of the above

    128- PT and APTT detect severe deficiencies of the following factors EXCEPT
    A- Factor XII
    B- Factor IX
    C- Factor X
    D- Factor V
    E- Factor XIII

    129- The difference between PT and APTT reagents is
    A- PT reagent contain tissue factor only
    B- APTT reagent contain Phospholipids with no tissue factor
    C- PT reagent contain phospholipids in addition to tissue factor
    D- No difference between the two reagents.
    E- Two of the above answers are correct

    B and C both are correct

    130- The largest blood cell seen in BM is:
    A- Myeloblast
    B- Megakaryocyte
    C- Promyelocyte
    D- Pronormoblast
    E- Monocyte

    وبالله التوفيق ..................... يلا يا شباب شاركو معنا...................
    من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


    • الأسئلة الجديدة لليوم هي :

      131- Protein C deactivates
      A- Factors VII and X
      B- Factors V and VIII
      C- Factors XII, XI, and II
      D- Factors X and II
      E- All factors except X and II

      132- Unfractionated heparin therapy can be monitored by
      A- PT test
      B- Clot solubility test
      C- TT
      D- Anti activated factor X- AntiXa assay
      E- aPTT

      وموفقين ان شاء الله
      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ashraf shaq; الساعة 29-09-2009, 11:03 PM.
      من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


      • 131- B

        132- E


        • 131- B
          132 - D


          • B


            • 131/B


              • :embarassed::embarassed::embarassed::embarassed::e mbarassed::embarassed::embarassed:


                • الاجابات الصحيحة

                  اجابات الأسئلة الجديدة لليوم هي :

                  131- Protein C deactivates
                  A- Factors VII and X
                  B- Factors V and VIII
                  C- Factors XII, XI, and II
                  D- Factors X and II
                  E- All factors except X and II

                  132- Unfractionated heparin therapy can be monitored by
                  A- PT test
                  B- Clot solubility test
                  C- TT
                  D- Anti activated factor X- AntiXa assay
                  E- aPTT

                  وموفقين ان شاء الله
                  من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                  • الأسئلة الجديدة لليوم هي:

                    133- ما الفرق بين PTT و APTT ?

                    134- هل اذا كان ال PT وال APTT طبيعيين نحط ببطنا بطيخة صيفي انو ما في مشكلة في عوامل التجلط؟

                    وموفقين ان شاء الله
                    من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                    • 133-

                      There is difference between PTT and APTT, APTT is always have shorter times, since it is the activated partial thromboplastin time,Activated means that we have added an activator to factor XII like kaolin, ellagic acid, celite or silica

                      NOTE : The PTT and APTT test for the same functions . APTT is a sensitive version of PTT that is used to monitor heparin therapy .


                      The PT and PTT is unaffected in the deficiencies of factors VIII and IX


                      • يلا وين الأعضاء جاوبوا دورو الاجابة هياااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا
                        من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                        • 133-I agree with brather haematologist
                          the APTT reagent is modified by the addition of contact activator such as kaolin, silica, celite, or ellagic acid and those accelerate the activation of factor XII into XIIa
                          134-i'm not sure about this
                          please doc we need more informations on this


                          • The prothrombin time (PT) measures the clotting time from the activation of factor VII, through the formation of fibrin clot
                            The activated partial thromboplastin time (PTT) measures the clotting time from the activation of factor XII, through the formation of fibrin clot
                            This measures the integrity of the intrinsic and common pathways of coagulation,
                            134- as above these tests can't be responsible for estimate all blood clotting factors


                            • الاجابات الصحيحة

                              اجابات الأسئلة الجديدة لليوم هي:

                              133- ما الفرق بين PTT و APTT ?

                              The difference is that APTT contains a contact activator kaolin, celite, silica or ellagic acid is true. Because of this activator the APTT time is shorter than PTT. This acticvator activates factor XII.
                              134- هل اذا كان ال PT وال APTT طبيعيين نحط ببطنا بطيخة صيفي انو ما في مشكلة في عوامل التجلط؟

                              No, when PT and APTT are both normal in their times this does not exclude that there is still a problem in clotting factors since these tests only detects clotting factor deficiency when they are less than 30 or 40% of their activity, this is why you have to read the reagent insert to see the sensitivity of these reagents
                              التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ashraf shaq; الساعة 02-10-2009, 06:45 PM.
                              من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                              • الأسئلة الجديدة لليوم هي:

                                135- What is difference between platelet adhesion and platelet aggregation?

                                136- What is the role of thromboxane A2

                                137- What does PFA-100 machine do

                                My best regards
                                من طلب العلا سهر الليالي

