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كل يوم سؤالين اختار اجابة MCQ في أمراض الدم

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • The correct answers

    The correct answers for Monday are:

    In Dimer test, the collection tube contains:
    A] Clot activator
    B] Antifibrinolytic agent and thrombin
    ]C]fibrinolytic agent and clot activator
    D] Sodium citrate
    E] Clot inhibitor and antifibrinolytic agent

    154- The coagulation factor with the least half life is
    A] FVIII
    B] FVII

    155- A more blood volume is collected to the coagulation collection tube, then the PT time is expected to be:
    A] Prolonged
    B] Shortened
    C] Not effect
    D] Unclotted
    E] Non of the above is the true answer

    Becuase there will be more calcium, the sodium citrate is designed to precipitate specific amount of calcium, here is more blood then more calcium, so some calcium here will not be precipitated and this will shortened both the PT and aPTT tests.
    Best Regards
    من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


    • الأسئلة الجديدة

      The new questions for Wed are:

      156- Warafrin anticoagulation is monitored by
      A- aPTT
      B- PT
      C- TT
      D- Bleeding Time
      E- FDP"s

      157- The plasma type used in PT test is
      A- PRP
      B- PPP
      C- Adsorbed plasma
      D- Aged plasma
      E- PRP with excess calcium

      158- One of the following factors has a special behavior in the LAB
      A- FVII
      B- FVIII
      C- FIX

      Best Regards
      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ashraf shaq; الساعة 15-10-2009, 03:29 PM.
      من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


      • كل الاجابات ِِِِِِِAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


        • 156- B

          157- C

          158- A


          • 156 >>> B


            • the answers are :
              156 - B
              157 - C
              158 - A



              • الاجابات الصحيحة

                اجابات الأسئلة الجديدة لليوم هي:

                156- Warafrin anticoagulation is monitored by
                A- aPTT
                B- PT
                C- TT
                D- Bleeding Time
                E- FDP"s

                157- The plasma type used in PT test is

                A- PRP
                B- PPP
                C- Adsorbed plasma
                D- Aged plasma
                E- PRP with excess calcium
                PRP: Platelet Rich Plasma, only used whenever we want to test the quality of platelets, and in PT and APTT we add (present in the reagent) a phospholipid as a substitute of platelets.
                PPP: Platelet Poor Plasma, this is the patient plasma type we use for the PT and APTT and TT tests.

                158- One of the following factors has a special behavior in the LAB
                A- FVII
                B- FVIII
                C- FIX

                FVII can be activated by cold, so if your samples are kept in a cup of ice this may cause activation of FVII, in a phenomena called cold activation of FVII.
                Best Regards[/LEFT]
                من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                • الاسئلة الجديدة لليوم الأحد هي:

                  159- FDP"s can interfere with
                  A- APTT
                  B- PT
                  C- TT
                  D- All of the above
                  E- Non of ther above

                  160- The best way of expressing PT results when Patient is under oral anticoagulation therapy is
                  A- PT activity
                  B- INR
                  C- PT ratio
                  D- PT time in seconds
                  E- PT time of patient over normal control PT time

                  Best Regards
                  من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                  • 159 - E
                    160- B


                    • D


                      • 159- E

                        160- B


                        • الاجابات الجديدة لليوم

                          الاجابات الجديدة للاسئلة الجديدة لليوم الأحد هي:

                          [LEFT]159- FDP"s can interfere with
                          A- APTT
                          B- PT
                          C- TT
                          D- All of the above
                          E- Non of ther above

                          160- The best way of expressing PT results when Patient is under oral anticoagulation therapy is
                          A- PT activity
                          B- INR
                          C- PT ratio
                          D- PT time in seconds
                          E- PT time of patient over normal control PT time

                          Best Regards for all of you
                          من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                          • الاسئلة الجديدة لليوم الاثنين هي:

                            161- Whn ingesting aspirin, the following tests are expected to prolong
                            A- APTT
                            B- PT
                            C- TT
                            D- Bleeding time
                            E- Non of the above

                            162- The coagulation factor with the least half life is
                            A- FVII
                            B- FVIII
                            C- FX
                            D- FXI
                            E- FXII

                            موفقين يا رب
                            من طلب العلا سهر الليالي


                            • D
                              العمل علآج عظيم لجميع الأمراض و المآسي التي تمر بالإنسان


                              • 1.D 2.E

